Sentences with phrase «often have no control over it»

A name sticks with us from birth until death and although we often have no control over it, our names can define us.
Now as a mother to a newborn you won't often have control over when you will be able to catch forty winks, especially if you have more than one kiddie — but you need to be ruthless about grabbing any opportunity for a nap should it arrive.
You might not have a say in what the whole family is easting for holiday meals, but you do often have control over what you're eating during the rest of the day.
You don't often have control over all the smells you're exposed to in a day, but you can intentionally utilize scents to trigger very real emotional responses by trying aromatherapy, the use of naturally extracted aromatic essential plant oils to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health.
A name sticks with us from birth until death and although we often have no control over it, our names can define us.
Different ebook reading software might display things differently, and the people reading often have control over things like spacing, margins, font - size.

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Patients aren't true health care consumers because they typically can't shop by price and they often don't have control over the care they receive, Saini said.
They're more often than not seasoned drivers who have been around for a long time and they have control decisions over that car.
It often seems that entrepreneurs have little or no control over their borrowing relationships.
The latest behind - the - scenes maneuvering over control of the Redstone empire is striking, given that in recent years Shari had taken on a more prominent role at the companies, and often attended management meetings at the company's headquarters in New York.
Now it is becoming part of the industry it so often satirizes: According to a statement released Tuesday, broadcaster Univision has acquired control over the publication.
«He would bang his head with his hands, and often lose control over minor things, like loud sounds,» Gold recalled.
Builders say they make sure their contractors are legal to work, but they have less control over the subcontractors who often move from site to site.
But while online marketplaces will guarantee you a lot of visibility, there's a lot you have to give up in return: marketplaces often take a significant cut of your sales, you're not in control of the look and branding of the site and sometimes you don't even have control over the pricing of your products.
I can't tell you how often we encounter clients who've been essentially extorted by their web design firms over their domain names — sleazy firms will require a «transfer payment» to give over control of the domain, sometimes $ 500 or more.
When you invest in funds across industries, you often don't have much control over the specific companies.
I often wonder if there will ever be a time when the poison that was in my life at that time will ever work its way out of my mind so that I can «get over it» because I feel that until I'm «over it», «it» has control over me.
Clergy were hard - pressed to retain their control over the lay movement and often found themselves advancing doctrinal compromises with the more extreme demands of the laity or, in response to organizational pressures, advancing tentative solutions that turned out to have unintended consequences.
The question that Christians (or other religious people) should ask themselves here is philosophical rather than sociological: Granting (as I think we must) that modern science has given us new and often penetrating insights into reality and that modern technology has enormously increased our control over our lives, is it not possible that in the process some very precious things have been lost?
Whatever your attitude toward modern psychology or psychoanalysis, it has been proved beyond any doubt that many of our daily decisions are governed by motivations over which we have no control and of which we are often quite unaware.
You always have the choice to drink but alcoholism is the point when the the body starts reacting in ways that you do not have any control over, often even if you have topped drinking.
Over time, we have perpetuated a dangerous stigma against those with mental health issues that minimizes their challenges and ignores addressing the root of it which is often a chemical imbalance or natural disposition that is outside of their control.
(15) Clergy persons have often retained control over their people by fostering in them «Not - Okay Child» feelings of fear and guilt, which constrict their spiritual growth.
Like I mentioned before, it often feels like training takes over the lives of triathletes — so, even though I have less than a month to get into racing shape, I'm not going to let this sport control my life.
«He's probably not a «foul» rider by intent, but he rides so short that some of his horses go where they want to, and it often appears that Manuel has no control over them.
Just as my dad and his aquatic cronies «enjoyed getting better as time tries to pass them by,» I, too, was realizing that physical limitations often are a state of mind and that most of us have more control over our lives — and bodies — than we assume.
Augusta controls everything on the grounds, but the sky is harder and the winds this week have created flight patterns with pretty steady air traffic, often private, over that corner of the course.
It's not often in life you get to throw a party and have complete control over the music that gets... Read More
This loss of control over her own life is often the worst aspect for moms having a tough time.
It gives me the feeling that I have some control over the situation, which I think breastfeeding moms often lack, therefore making it more frustrating.
Parents who insist on having a high degree of control over their children often get them involved in many structured activities.
So often, most of the time, I felt completely out of control as though I had no say over my body or what happened to me.
Quite often, their refusal is less about not wanting to do something, but more about exercising control over a situation they haven't been able to in the past.
Children often do not have much control over the parenting plans and scheduling, so giving them control over the activities and traditions helps them look forward to the holidays rather than dread the changes.
Often those toys are manufactured overseas and the importers have no control over whether they use lead paint, put poisonous chemicals into the toys or put them together so they will stay together.
Baby does not have much control over the milk flow and will often overfeed.
Minor rebellion is also normal as teens often want to show their parents they can have control over their own lives.
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 still don't have complete control over their bladder and still are prone to having an accident, often because they get so caught up in whatever it is they are doing that they ignore the signals.
They have all of the control and the parent doesn't have any control over this issue,» says potty training expert, Carol Bovill, «Very often, it could be something going on in your lives.
Which is why there are so many crazy power struggles at this time, and they suddenly want to do everything themselves, and have full - on temper tantrums, etc. (Often it manifests particularly in refusing to eat certain foods or all foods, because sometimes the only control kids feel is over what they put in their mouths or what they swallow.)
Women want and need help after baby arrives, but often have a hard time handing over control to their male counterparts.
Lunch may be packed from home, but you have no control over what they actually eat or don't eat and teachers often throw - away the remainder.
As a parent, you don't often have a lot of control over what is served, or what your kids purchase.
Breastfed babies rely on their own hunger signals to determine how much to eat, while bottle - fed babies are often over-fed and have less control over how much they eat.
While I have not heard a story quite as traumatic as yours (not to say it has not happened, by any means), the stories I have heard have often distressed ms greatly for the lack of respect and control the women seem to have, both over their birthing and over their babies.
I saw the power of Living Purpose and Rooted Membership in the community forests of Mexico, where control over forests has often been granted to indigenous tribal peoples — like the Zapotec Indians of Ixtlan de Juarez in southern Mexico.
Often the editorial and web management decisions at many papers are very removed and indeed many editors have very little control over web layout.
Andrew, on the other hand, has often appeared callow and controlling: He drove a Jaguar with AMC ESQ plates; he ordered up 30,000 copies of a 150 - page brochure on his Housing and Urban Development (HUD) tenure; and after a disastrous 2002 run for governor, he went to work for a developer he had investigated at HUD, raking in $ 2.5 million over three years helping to build luxury marinas, of all things.
The hostilities between the mayor and the governor have only escalated in the last year over a variety of concerns, including mayoral control of New York City schools and proposed cuts in funding to the City University of New York, tumbling into public view with a rare intensity, even for two jobs that are often in conlfict.
But the two have squabbled often during the past year or more, over issues ranging from control over the city planning commission to the closing of the Ida Benderson Senior Center.
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