Sentences with phrase «often heard it»

Sam is aware of the criticisms that have come his way; indeed, while attending various pigeon conventions he has often heard them voiced by fliers who wouldn't know him by sight if they tripped over him either.
«Many options are foreseeable, including that he stays at Barcelona of course,» Balague continued, «but he has often heard Sergio Aguero and Cesc Fabregas say that the Premier League is great, for many reasons.
The title is a banner and motto that is often heard at the Emirates and the surroundings of all things Arsenal, however how true is that statement in reality?
I often heard Wenger saying «getting the balance right» referring to the offensive and defensive parts of the game but where is the balance then?
Arsenal fans have often heard, and are pig sick of hearing if you are anything like me, the comments from Arsene Wenger about the lack of top quality players out there and the fact that the ones that are there happen to be just too hard to get hold of.
Football managers and players are often heard to say that they are not really interested in any personal accolades, as long as the team is doing well, and it is no different at Arsenal.
As this magazine's television and radio writer during much of the 1980s, I often heard announcers mention Husing's name with the kind of reverence accorded Edward R. Murrow in news - broadcasting circles.
Also never mind the red, you often heard about us sitting on huge resources to make the books look good.
It is so often heard that meal prep is the key to quick and healthy meals at home.
As mentioned in the last post, I've often heard that the reason big roasters do not purchase more sustainable coffee is because there isn't enough available.
I often heard staff reiterate: We give you what you need, but not necessarily what you want, it doesn't just apply to concierge, it also means eating in season if need be.
I've often heard that nothing gives away your age more than your hands.
Bagby, an associate professor at the University of Kentucky and one of the mosque's rotating imans, speaks with a call - and - response cadence often heard in Southern Baptist churches.
For example, when I lived in Dallas, there were several famous churches in town, and though I often heard people speak about the church, I can not remember anyone ever referring to the church by its name.
I have often heard it preached that the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, was proof of his total obedience to God.
We've often heard it said, «I'm not interested in your beliefs; I only want to know whether you can deliver the goods.»
At political debates in the New York City area I have often heard angry voices mock pro-life activists with the question, «But who is going to support all those welfare babies?»
I have often heard from dog people that purebreads are the dumbest dogs.
Doubtless the widow's desperate cry was often heard in the land: «The creditor is come to take unto him my two children to be bondmen.»
@Sandy, I notice you had nothing to say when I explained that my uncles often heard God's voice telling them to do bad things when they were in the midst of a paranoid schizophrenic episode.
The advice «Follow the Golden Rule» is a neat package often heard.
Often heard they yet need refreshing for us today.
The fact that inflated membership rolls are being trimmed of inactive members has been another inadequate explanation for decline, as is the often heard stipulation that absence of theological conservatism and neglect of the Bible may be the reason.
A private of the Irish Guards wrote in 1915 that his chaplain was «our mascot, our lucky star» and noted how other soldiers were often heard to remark, «that Irish chaplain does stick to his lot, doesn't he?»
Running throughout all these variants is the question of whether Christ's followers as the servants of God have a responsibility for bringing it to pass — «building the kingdom» is the phrase formerly often heard — or whether God in his wisdom and power will usher in the kingdom in his own good time.
«In the general confession we talk about being miserable offenders - this is a criticism I've often heard,» he said.
I had often heard «God's ways are not like ours» to describe the problem of eternal torture for temporal sins, but I didn't understand how hell was indicative of a higher way when it was something that struck me as abhorrent.
The one I often heard was: women are too emotional to speak in church.
«Carter is better than Ford,» he is often heard to say.
In an unfallen world it would always have been welcomed with joy, but the reality of sin means that it is most often heard either with a sadness borne of honesty that leads to repentance and peace, or else by a shrug of dismissive indifference and then by bitter and angry rejection — well, the Lord spoke frankly about the lethal danger that lay down that road!
, those who had a Ph.D. in New Testament Greek look down upon those who just have plain Ph.D's in Bible Exposition or Old Testament, etc. (I can't tell you how often I heard my DTS profs make such comments about colleagues in other departments.)
A relationship of love is established rather than a relationship of rejection or condemnation (in spite of what we have so often heard!)
Rabbis often heard legal disputes, and the brother bringing the case to Jesus expected a favorable decision.
This fuimus [we have been] which is so often heard from old people is fully as great an illusion as the futuristic illusion of the youth.
And Peter he not only had often heard, but had even helped with his Greek; for Marcus knew a little Aramaic, and Peter spoke considerable Greek, but not always in good form and sometimes without finding the right word for what he wanted to say.
Also, conser's BOGUS defense that taxing the wealthy eliminates job is a joke BUT often heard.
One of the world's greatest pieces, in my estimation, not often heard.
An argument often heard is that when denominations grow large, they can not help people feel that they are significant in their religious life.
I have often heard it taught that one reason we need «larger» churches is so that every gift can be present and active.
Sadly some are forever lost and while the one who are afraid of who they are, their feelings, their struggles, who often heard of how much God hates them rendered themselves hated and rejected and gave up hope believing God made them that way.
(I have often heard it said that it's easier for people to give money to a project than time, but I have never seen the resulting flood of funds that this would lead one to expect.)
I knew that the church history I often heard from evangelical pulpits was really a sanitized hagiography designed to comfort the brethren.
One concern often heard is that if the name «Saint Gilbert» had appeared on his books, Chesterton never would have attracted as many readers — or as many converts — as he has: It is precisely his approachability as an ordinary person, they say, which has won so many people over to his side; making a him a saint could risk that.
The axiom was summarized by a phrase often heard in AA — «Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic!»
(I've often heard authors claim that God is their agent.
I've often heard of how a Jew will kill for a palm frond.
The leaders of the Mormon Church / «Cult» are not paid is often heard from the Mormon peons which somehow makes these leaders good men.
That is a buzz word that I've often heard talked about, but rarely have seen it truly accepted.
Decent guy often heard but seldom listened too.
I should say I've known Podesta for many years and often heard him speak with affection for the church.
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