Sentences with phrase «often hold the data»

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When people make an online payment, they enter card details and most often online retailers hold onto the data.
In this morning's hearing with the House Energy and Commerce Committee, New Mexico Representative Ben Lujan cornered Mark Zuckerberg with a question about so - called «shadow profiles» — the term often used to refer to the data that Facebook collects on non-users and other hidden data that Facebook holds but does not offer openly on the site for users to see.
Richard is undoubtedly the pre-eminent authority of Dow Theory, which is often disparaged, but actually holds up nicely in historical data if you make Rhea and Hamilton's writings operational.
The second approach to comparative religion at Chicago was advocated by George Burman Foster (d. 1918), who accepted a widely held three - layered scheme: (1) a narrow history of religions — conceived to be the simple historical study of «raw» religious data, often colored by an evolutionary ideology — toward (2) «comparative religion,» which aims to classify religious data and culminates in (3) a philosophy of religion (or a theology) that provides a meaning for the comparative religion enterprise as a whole.
Positional plagiocephaly, or plagiocephaly without synostosis (PWS), can be associated with supine sleeping position (OR: 2.5).113 It is most likely to result if the infant's head position is not varied when placed for sleep, if the infant spends little or no time in awake, supervised tummy time, and if the infant is not held in the upright position when not sleeping.113, — , 115 Children with developmental delay and / or neurologic injury have increased rates of PWS, although a causal relationship has not been demonstrated.113, 116, — , 119 In healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basis.
SRAM, often used for cache memory in microprocessors, can rapidly read and write data without sucking up a lot of power, but it can not hold as much data as DRAM.
Using data from surveys of representative samples of families that included information on whether children had or had not participated in Head Start, Currie found that white children who attended Head Start centers were less often held back in school than siblings who did not participate in Head Start.
That more than 80 percent of those closures are for reasons other than academic performance raises concerns — among charter advocates and opponents alike — that authorizers are not holding poorly performing charters accountable for student learning; however, Consoletti argues that financial and operational problems often appear before academic data can be gathered.
Data is often a closely held secret, and one might need dual degrees in statistics and computer science to dig out meaningful information from a district website or state education database.
The table below contains snapshots of the top twelve holdings of the S&P 500 over the last several decades (note — data from Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund - VFINX, often used as a proxy for S&P 500).
But many funds report their holdings more frequently than that, often giving their details — with active investment themes redacted — to data firms like Morningstar and Lipper on a monthly basis.
Traders often make mistakes like believing they need to analyze increasing amounts of market data, or look at numerous time frames and a plethora of currency pairs, I am going to dispel these commonly held beliefs as well as a few others.
It has been his long held belief that far too often an investor becomes concerned with the valuation of a company based on quantitative data rather than looking at a valuation based on its qualitative fundamentals.
Organizations holding personal information often aggregate or anonymize that data in order to gain valuable information on various trends.
Data encryption has become an increasingly important practice, especially for attorneys who often hold an abundance of valuable information.
Contracts and documents created by Contract Express often require the inclusion of data held on other SharePoint sites or external applications.
Data is held possessively; its holders tend to be traditionalist, late adopters when it comes to technology; and the form of the data is often arcData is held possessively; its holders tend to be traditionalist, late adopters when it comes to technology; and the form of the data is often arcdata is often arcane.
And the ability to obtain the return of the ransomed data, for amounts that are often much less than the losses that would otherwise be suffered by holding out, is almost always the best business decision.
In the era of Big Data, the cyber security interests of the individual are dependent upon the protection of personal information often held by third parties such as corporations, governments and institutions.
When people make an online payment, they enter card details and most often online retailers hold onto the data.
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