Sentences with phrase «often incomplete»

The methodological limits of the studies included the lack of suitable control groups (nonrandom allocation or nonequivalent group design), lack of pretest information, poor reporting and handling of dropouts in the analyses, and more generally an often incomplete presentation of results (eg, not reporting standard deviations, not reporting effect sizes).
Lower cost screening processes such as relying only on a database are often incomplete, and while a quality background screening can cost more, it pales in comparison to the risk of doing it wrong.
Furthermore, according to the regulator, information about cryptocurrencies is «often incomplete, difficult to understand or does not reflect the risks of cryptocurrencies».
Big franchises such as Saints Row, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil are present and accounted for, but the series are often incomplete and don't always contain the best entries.
The researchers found that the first part of the explanation was often incomplete: where the advertiser specified two attributes for the user they wanted to target (these could be anything from «new parent» to a fan of «high - value goods»), the explanation would show only one.
The advent of electronic medical records (EMRs, also known as EHRs for Electronic Health Records) was touted as the answer to many litigators complaints: Handwritten records were often incomplete, confusing and illegible.
On such projects, one can expect the documentation to be often incomplete, misleading and frequently out of date.
Data are often incomplete in spatial and temporal domains and regional analyses are variable and sometimes contradictory; however, the weight of evidence indicates an ongoing intensification of the water cycle.
His multi-media work engages with language on both a literal and formal level and through the use of [often incomplete] texts, as well as images and considered juxtapositions, eliciting new and sometimes radical meanings from historical interpretation and narrative.
Unfortunately, such lists can be hard to follow; they're often incomplete and soon abandoned.
Twitter hashtags and messages typed in shorthand due to the 140 character limit looks very odd, often incomplete on Facebook which can alienate your Facebook fans who don't use Twitter and see the automated post as impersonal.
Avoiding tourist clichés, Coman shows that both political and personal reconciliation are difficult and often incomplete.
Other literary agent lists and directories are often incomplete, outdated, and filled with mistakes.
In other words, the data that you'll find on a free book agents list is often incomplete and / or unreliable.
Other book agent lists and directories are often incomplete, outdated, and filled with mistakes.
Consumers should continue to ask for the research evidence, as such research is often incomplete or not done when tools are needed ASAP.
The tables these researchers use to rate the biotin content of foods are often incomplete, so this type of analysis can systematically under estimate our daily intake.
«Plant sources of protein are a little trickier because of the amino acids they contain, which are often incomplete pieces of the puzzle necessary to synthesize muscle.
The problem with these tests, when run alone, is that they're often an incomplete view of underlying problems.
Data from other published outbreaks was often incomplete or involved small sample sizes.
Fifth is the issue of fragmented and uncoordinated health information systems — health metrics data in India are gathered by multiple agencies and surveillance systems but are often incomplete and inadequate; for example, private sector data are rarely captured.
The records of where and how they were situated are often incomplete, so we can not know whether the figures were peculiar to burial sites, shrines or houses.
For the other 30 - 40 %, that relief is often incomplete, and they must take the drugs for a long period before feeling any effects.
However, accurate diagnosis is complicated by a number of factors: other autoinflammatory diseases show similar symptoms, the clinical picture is often incomplete in young children, atypical signs may occur, and a suggestive family history is sometimes lacking.
However, many of these records end in 1974 and are often incomplete.
Plus, traditional family court decisions rely on infrequent contact with a family and often incomplete information aided by lawyers who may withhold or manipulate information to protect their clients.
Tackle and solve challenging start - up problems that require resourcefulness, creative thinking, collaboration, and often incomplete information.
The IBFAN report mentions that the information provided on infant nutrition in the media is often incomplete or distorted, being regularly provided by the manufacturer.
Sex education is currently taught in Guatemala schools but campaigners say it is often incomplete or irrelevant, as less than half the girls in Guatemala attend secondary schools.
While developers are required to file loan modifications with the clerk's office, those files are often incomplete.
«You would be surprised how often incomplete or inaccurate addresses are provided and contact information for the receiver and the sender,» Fox says.

Not exact matches

Meaning, bad results are often the result of incomplete or unclear instructions.
This results in reactive, hasty decisions, often based on incomplete information.
«Such releases of incomplete information often lead to speculation and incorrect assumptions about the probable cause of a crash, which does a disservice to the investigative process and the traveling public.»
Uber fell afoul of incomplete reporting to the CPUC in a breakdown of ride statistics for numbers of rides requested and accepted by zip code; the origin and destination zip codes for each trip and the amount paid or donated; the number and percentage of customers who requested accessible vehicles, and how often Uber could meet the request; and submitting a report on issues with drivers and causes of incidents, and the amount of insurance paid by any party other than Uber for each incident.
Often we are faced with disparate information, incomplete data, only parts of the puzzle rather than the whole, or hints and innuendo rather than verifiable fact, and then are required to make important investment decisions where the downside if we get it wrong can be quite painful.
«Investing invariable requires making judgements with incomplete or often inaccurate data» Michael Steinhardt
«By comparison, studies show that men are often more comfortable with ambiguity, and willing to take action with incomplete information, sometimes to a fault.
Far from being a subservient afterthought, the woman is the often - neglected half of the male's incomplete image of God.
Without a living experience of God, then the pagan claims seem convincing on their own, especially those incomplete (often misquoted) stories on the web about who and what were those ancient pagan frauds (horus, mithra et al).
In response, Spotify released a statement defending streaming music without artists» permission, claiming, «the data necessary to confirm the appropriate rights holders is often missing, wrong or incomplete
Application of that theory is difficult, often painful, and always incomplete.
Unfortunately, buddhism is often mistaken as being an incomplete system.
Often, what we see is incomplete therefore our conclusions change as light is shed on the subject.
Often what happens with men and women is that they feel incomplete when they lack a partner of the opposite sex, so that they continually look for fulfillment in another.
By focusing on the survivors» often mistaken or incomplete understanding of the deceased, Greene shows our inability to understand life or death.
Too often I see people just assuming that the available information is too incomplete / inaccurate to facilitate higher level decision making but seldom do they bother to check.
However, though I agree with many Babywise principles, I think that their breastfeeding advice is incomplete and often just wrong.
These misunderstandings, perhaps the result of incomplete or absent education about normal infant behavior or lack of availability of local breastfeeding support, often cause a mother to perceive a breastfeeding or lactation problem that may not actually be present.
They highlight that in the hospital the situation is fraught with anxiety, emotion, time pressures and competing priorities, and decisions are often based on unclear or incomplete information.
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