Sentences with phrase «often kept as a pet»

When two common North American species — the Eastern red - spotted newt, a showy animal often kept as a pet, and the rough - skinned newt, which ranges from British Columbia to the Mexican border — were exposed to the fungus in laboratory tests, 100 % of the animals died.
guinea pig A rodent (Cavia porcellus) often kept as pets or used in research.
I guess the animals that evolved from dinos (birds, reptiles) are often kept as pets... yes.

Not exact matches

Clean, clean, clean: Dusting as often as possible will keep pet at bay.
In addition, homeowners associations and companies that provide renters insurance often implement similar breed - specific restrictions that prohibit people from having or keeping American Pit Bull Terriers as pets.
Be sure to offer new or different toys often to keep the interest of the bird owners, as well as their pet.
Elaine said the tough economic climate appeared to be exacerbating the problem of unwanted animals as the centre is often asked to take in cats by owners who have lost their jobs, can't afford to keep their pet or moved into rented accommodation where they are not allowed to keep cats.
«The tough economic climate appears to be exacerbating the problem as the Centre is often asked to take in cats by owners who have lost their jobs, can't afford to keep their pet or moved into rented accommodation where they are not allowed to keep pets
They often do best as pets when kept by themselves, as they are prone to becoming aggressive toward other birds.
Unlike other terrier types, they often get along well with cats and other dogs, but his vermin - hunting instinct will kick in if you keep rodents or rabbits as pets.
Pets often can undergo ultrasound examination awake or with minimal sedation as compared to CT and MRI that require anesthesia to keep the pets perfectly still for those studies.
You can also keep up with the news on TV and online, as large recalls of pet food are often reported.
If you do need to put them in a carrier its best to keep this out of sight in another room and then carrying them over to it as like most pet's rabbits often know what the noise, smell or sight of a carrier is and know what's coming next.
Vaccinations should be generally given to dogs annually but pets that are at a higher risk, such as show animals or dogs that are often kept in kennels or shelters, should be given the vaccinations biannually or as recommended by the vet.
It is, however, also possible that dogs kept as pets are conditioned over their individual lifetimes to respond positively to DDS as this type of speech is often paired with positive events (e.g. food treat, toy, walk or affection).
And even if turns out that it does not, keep in mind the words of William Shakespeare, as I've often quoted to «Dracula», my friend's pet Cockatoo: «A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.»
Known pejoratively as «backyard breeders,» casual breeders breed litters so children or other family members can witness a birth; because they believe that a female dog needs a litter to be «fulfilled,» because they hope to earn a little extra money and haven't yet learned that litters often cost more than they bring in; and because they did not neuter their pets or keep them properly confined.
Use daily for dogs that like to play outside, or as often as needed to keep your pet fresh.
It's our responsibility to keep our Petfinder Listings up to date and active, and use these links to promote our pets and our shelter as often as possible.
Because older pets often have different nutritional requirements, these special foods can help keep your pet's weight under control and reduce consumption of nutrients that are risk factors for the development of diseases, as well as organ - or age - related changes.
But, as we continue to work closely with communities and to study the reasons why people relinquish their pets, we've learned that too often pet owners who have strong emotional bonds with their pets would choose to keep their pet, if only provided the short term help needed to make it possible.
Dogs are carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae that are often bred and kept as house pets.
The difference between us and our pets is that our pets can't outright tell us that they're in pain - often, the exact opposite is true - they hide all signs of pain as a survival mechanism they developed over thousands of years of evolution to keep weakness hidden from predators and other members of their own colonies, Your pet may tell you in different ways when they are uncomfortable, such as by whining or whimpering, staying too still and showing little interest in what's going on around them, sleeping more than usual, becoming aggressive or intolerant of petting or exercise or even by becoming more active - pacing, circling, wandering - as the pain is too much for them to sit still and rest.
She knows that often the most exciting cases for an ER doctor are some of the most stressful for the pet's owner, and she prioritizes keeping families informed and prepared to meet the challenges as their pet receives care.
That is why our society can generally find it acceptable to eat some animals and keep others as pets, why rats are often viewed as diseased pests while squirrels are seen as beautiful woodland creatures, or why wearing fur has become taboo but most people don't think twice about leather and I believe why cats are viewed and treated as more disposable than dogs.
Abyssinian cats are regal animals, often kept as pampered pets.
As a member of the Animal Care Partners of Sacramento, the SPCA helps sponsor the Sacramento Pet Food Bank, helping struggling families keep their pets by providing cat and dog food as often as once a montAs a member of the Animal Care Partners of Sacramento, the SPCA helps sponsor the Sacramento Pet Food Bank, helping struggling families keep their pets by providing cat and dog food as often as once a montas often as once a montas once a month.
Common in most U.S. gardens, these are often beautifully marked ground dwellers that your customers might be inclined to catch and keep as a pet.
Store personnel need to make it clear to bird owners that keeping their birds» cages clean and changing the litter or paper in the tray as often as needed is imperative if they want to keep their pets safe and healthy.
As beautiful as they often are, it still takes a certain level of dedication to keep such a visually unrewarding peAs beautiful as they often are, it still takes a certain level of dedication to keep such a visually unrewarding peas they often are, it still takes a certain level of dedication to keep such a visually unrewarding pet.
«Efforts to address animal homelessness often focus on helping animals in shelters, but this research and our own community - focused programs show we need to focus just as much on keeping pets from entering shelters in the first place, specifically by helping owners access critical resources,» said Matt Bershadker, president and CEO of the ASPCA.
Often, rescue dogs are wonderful pets caught in a bad situation at home such as a job transfer to a location where the pet can not be kept or a divorce where neither person can keep the dog.
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