Sentences with phrase «often leads women»

Such varieties most often lead women in error.
Early childhood trauma andor sexual abuse often lead women (and men) in adult life.

Not exact matches

«No matter what companies assume about women, you will often see women lead with courage in crisis,» says Kate Bensen, the president and CEO of the women leadership group The Chicago Network.
Managers, who are mostly male, also are in charge of deciding who gets promoted, leading to women being promoted less often than men, according to court documents.
Ashish Jha, the senior author of the JAMA Internal Medicine paper, points out in a blog post that there are reasons why women doctors might well deliver better care, citing research to suggest that they might adhere more closely to established clinical practice guidelines and that patients often report better personal experiences (something that ultimately might lead to better outcomes).
And the black women who do make it often end up in support positions rather than the operational roles that lead to CEO jobs.
And they often have fraught relationships with white women, who tend to take the lead on issues of women and diversity.
Kirstine Stewart was the first woman to hold the position of Executive Vice-President of CBC's English services — often called the most powerful job in Canadian broadcasting — and was the first Managing Director of Twitter Canada, leading Canadian operations as well as advertising business and partnerships.
Leading - edge boomer women name Oprah Winfrey more often than anyone else.
Another is that liberals and women may be more frequent targets of online trolls, leading them to block more often.
I've found as a Christian woman it is often better & safer to lead the conversation by talking about my dreams and hopes because having ambitions often assumes a secular worldview where promotions, opportunities, and recognition is about money, success, and ego.
Other human rights violations that affect everyone, like a lack of food and mobility through the social classes, also affect women and young girls more harshly, often leading them into prostitution just so they can afford basic necessities.
In short, prior to the 19th century women as well as men thought of themselves, and of each other, as passionate sexual beings, and often their passion led them to deviate from existing community norms.
The rhetoric attached to this verse often leads to the idea that women are inferior to men.
I am speaking generally, of course, but I think Christian women wrestle with these questions most of all, perhaps because in a religious culture that often puts forth narrow and contested definitions of womanhood, young women whose interests and personalities might lead them away from the list of acceptable rules and roles are subtly punished for not exhibiting a more «gentle and quiet spirit,» for not reigning in some of that ambition and drive.
Marriage brings with it its own temptations and trials, and sex within marriage often leads to pain (1/3 of women), frustration and other problems that married people don't often admit.
Often, churches take the important first step of leading Bible studies in prisons and homeless shelters, calling men and women to repentance.
Before marriage the women had been converted to Islam, and such a marriage often led to the adoption of Islam by members of the woman's family.
History tell us that, too often, the push to keep marriages together led many women to stay in abusive or otherwise unsatisfactory relationships.
Women who don't breastfeed are often dispatched on a lengthy guilt trip, although a more supportive approach might be more effective, says lead researcher Joy Parkinson, of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
These very factors often lead to biochemical pregnancy which doesn't allow the woman to bear in her uterus an embryo.
Vitrification leads to greater success Women who are interested in egg freezing often ask our Virginia fertility specialist if frozen eggs can be successfully fertilized when it is time to build a family.
I've read a few blogs, probably because various posters here led me to them, where women who were interested in homebirth changed their minds before the baby came because they got new information about safety (often specifically pertaining to their pregnancy, but still....).
The Labor Progress Handbook By Penny Simkin The focus of this book is to understand how laboring women, their partners, doulas and care providers can help avoid the cascade of intervention due to dystocia (difficult or abnormal labor) which often leads to a cesarean birth.
Women with PCOS often develop small, fluid - filled cysts on their ovaries (hence the name), which are not dangerous but lead to higher levels of male hormones in the body.
In two new studies published online this week in the Journal of Athletic Training, lead author Marc Norcross of Oregon State University documents how women who were asked to undergo a series of jumping exercises landed more often than men in a way associated with elevated risk of ACL injuries.
Women who feel more in control in the reading I have done relate it to things like ambulatory ability, acceptability of vocalising their pain, social control (i.e. who is present at the birth), environmental control and comfort — leading them to feel more mentally able to cope with labour and being more in control of themselves which is often highlighted as a definer of a good birth experience.
For older women and men, testosterone often plummets, also leading to barely any drive.
Venneman and colleagues5 recently demonstrated that infants who are formula fed are twice as likely to die of SIDS than breastfed infants based on a case control study of 333 SIDS cases compared to 998 aged matched controls in Germany, from 1998 - 2001, consistent with previously published reports.35 While no studies show that co-sleeping in the form of bedsharing, specifically, is imperative for breastfeeding enhancement, many studies have shown that in order to get more sleep and to ease caring for their infants the decision to breastfeed often leads mothers to adopt routine bedsharing for at least part of the night36 - 40 even where they never intended to do so.41, 42 Indeed, nearly 50 % of breastfeeding mothers in the United States and Great Britain adopt bedsharing for some part of the night,38,43 - 45 and breastfeeding women are twice as likely to sleep with their babies in the first month relative to mothers electing to bottle - feed.39
[62] She further argued for measures to make it easier to negotiate settlements in equal pay cases, for improved access to justice by waiving tribunal fees for a limited period, and to close loopholes whereby outsourcing and insecure working conditions often lead to unequal pay for women.
WHEREAS, research shows that women are substantially less likely to self - select or be recruited for elective office, this gender gap in political ambition persists across generations and over time and that qualified female candidates who are equally or more qualified than men are often seen as less qualified or less viable than male candidates; and WHEREAS, research confirms that the presence of more women in a governing body leads to greater transparency and a focus on progressive policies such as closing the funding and achievement gaps in education, closing gaps or loopholes in contraception coverage and affordable health care, closing the wage gap, and removing obstacles that contribute to poverty of women & children; and
Melasma is most common among women, and often appears during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, leading many to refer to it as «the mask of pregnancy.»
As more women enter the field, blatant discrimination is less common, and harassment often takes the form of «microaggressions,» says biological anthropologist Kathryn Clancy of the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, lead author of the SAFE study.
Up to one - fifth of women of childbearing age experience depressive symptoms that often lead to mild to moderate depression, and prescriptions for antidepressants during pregnancy have increased in recent years.
The authors, led by Professor Marian Knight from the University of Oxford, also found that the onset of severe sepsis is often very rapid, and women who have recently had an infection, such as a urine, genital tract or respiratory infection, are at particularly high risk of developing severe maternal sepsis.
«This was alarming, since women with diabetes become pregnant as often as other women,» said lead author Sarah O'Brien, associate professor with Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Published in Nature Communications, the study shows that as egg cells mature in older women, paired copies of matching chromosomes often separate from each other at the wrong time, leading to early division of chromosomes and their incorrect segregation into mature egg cells.
«Men and women have very different cardiovascular risk and diabetes risk, and male mice are most often studied because their risk for developing these diseases is higher,» says lead author Kanakadurga Singer, M.D., assistant professor in pediatrics at U-M's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.
For women, caring for children and families throughout their life often leads to lower pensions, high levels of poverty and lack of health resources in later life.
Speaking up is not easy, she said, but she often receives thanks from other women on the committees afterward — something she finds heartening and hopes will lead to more people of all backgrounds speaking up for equality in the future.
We may not talk about it, but the struggle is real: Anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of women suffer through heavy menstrual bleeding, a.k.a. menorrhagia — a condition that's often accompanied by painful cramps and, if left untreated, can lead to anemia.
On top of that, the fertility treatments that many older women use to get pregnant lead to more twins, triplets, etc. — and multiples often demand a surgical delivery.
During perimenopause, a woman's hormone levels change and fluctuate considerably, often leading to changes in the pattern of menstrual periods.
Women often become infertile due to endometriosis, because inflammation association with endometriosis may lead to scarring of fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Hot flashes and night sweats often keep menopausal women up all night, leading many to seek relief with hormone replacement therapy.
Feeling deprived often leads to weight gain in the long run and affects your ability to self regulate your intake.Many women with PCOS struggle with binge eating because of food restriction caused by dieting.
These disruptions in hormone balance can cause a women to feel HORRIBLE and can often lead to long - term health concerns.
Hot flashes and night sweats often keep menopausal women up all night, leading many to seek relief with hormone replacement therapy in Rochester Hills.
Topics include food sensitivities, which often lead to chronic conditions such as migraines, IBS, arthritis, etc., and weight management, concentrating on family, women, and childhood nutrition, in an effort to create overall optimal health.
Men are often concerned about the connection between low testosterone and baldness, but low testosterone can also lead to hair loss in women.
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