Sentences with phrase «often learned on»

They are often learned on the job or through education and training.
Equipment operators often learn on the job or complete a formal training program, or a combination be certified, which involves some training and testing to ensure competence and safety.
Another thing the OpenAI folks point out is that these systems often learn on the games and levels on which they are evaluated.

Not exact matches

Experiment often, fail quickly, measure your learnings, validate your assumptions and build on what works.
In a talk last year at the London Business Forum the expert on learning and creativity argued that trying to be clever often makes us less creative.
Lin reflected on learning about the racist hate mail directed at her when she was chosen to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and said she's frustrated that she's still often described by her physical appearance in articles.
The dinners, Coburn says, «give our team access to people they otherwise wouldn't be able to talk to — and they often share the insights they've learned on Twitter.»
I also learned not to chase down every big fish or bid on every major project — because doing so often leads to regrets.
The game draws on academic publications about «social and emotional learning skills,» an often ignored sector of education.
Often that meant identifying potential allies among Iraqis, a mission which rested on learning more about the backgrounds of the people in the conflict's environment.
Previous deep learning approaches have focused on rectangular regions located around the center of the image, and often rely on expensive post-processing,» the NVIDIA researchers stated in their research paper.
For those who don't often discuss characterization and story world over dinner, Weinschenk's post kicks off with a great primer on storytelling theory, explaining the basics of Campbell's thinking (famously exemplified by the journey of Star Wars» Luke Skywalker), as well as the roughly bell - shaped story diagram every writer learns in her first class on structure.
She also notes that while psychology is often seen as a form of treatment, it can also be used to empower clients — for example, she concentrates primarily on sports psychology and in educational assessments to help kids with anxiety and learning disabilities.
I was often too tired to take on freelance projects, and the ones I did take were based on the potential pay — not because I was excited by the content or saw the potential to learn something new.
Students work on one competency at a time, often a smaller learning goal that feeds into the bigger scope of the subject.
The approach applies to both teaching and learning and is often more focused on learning concrete skills rather than solving abstract problems.
Another business celebrates learning at back - to - school time by taking its team on a 48 - hour study trip, often to international locations.
Read on to learn how you and your beloved can work together as a team to avoid the common mistakes that first - time home buyers often make and instead purchase your dream home.
Good employees come to an interview already possessing much of the skills they will require on the job, but the ability to learn quickly can often trump previous experience.
Learn more about how pharmaceutical companies price drugs, why prices are often very high and why it can be difficult to settle on a suitable price.
You can learn more about this here: Also keep in mind that depending on how your broker is compensated often times they will generate a commission each time they move you out of one thing and into another.
However, local banks, also known as community banks, often place an emphasis on learning the needs of their neighborhood.
Since the students in the Fort Worth, Texas, school are focused on digital - game creation, often they don't even realize they're learning computer coding, Thomas says.
And while the Berkshire annual meeting is popular because listening to Warren Buffett and Munger opine on investing, business, and life is a learning experience in itself, too often their success is viewed as something repeatable or worth realistically aspiring to.
Learn how to embrace the not - ideal times of writing, too — I have often snatched out thirty minutes here and there and maybe I only got a paragraph of words on the page but guess what?
The earliest fathers were often somewhat naive, somewhat childlike in some ways, but those qualities enabled them to hold on to the truth they had learned from the Apostles and apostolic men with a ferocity that I doubt would be much reflected in our day under similar persecutions.
He often relies on lesson he learned while working with the U.S. military: «Put yourself in the hurricane and be a part of it.
This summer, the New York Times concluded a lengthy series on the perceptions of race among Americans by saying: «The series has portrayed a stubbornly enduring racial divide, and the poll suggested that even as the rawest forms of bigotry have receded they have often been replaced by remoteness and distrust in places of work, learning and worship.»
Adequate support of student aid programs in seminaries would remove the exhausting pressure on many students to earn a living and support a family, often at considerable sacrifice of significant learning.
Please don't be watching peoples comments on this site so you can categorise and pigeon - hole us into your groups, that will lead to the cessation of free speech here — not all of us know everything, we are often learning by the process of conversation and don't have lots of black and white answers figured out.
Newcomers often commented on what they learned from the testimonies about our history and about where the church was headed.
It's not until we have a firm grasp on the true love of God and learn to remind ourselves often that God's love does not prevent us from suffering, that we can offer that hope to a hurting world in a way that also acknowledges that pain and suffering are real.
Learnings generated in the speech program did not often lead to theological reflections of any sort, on either the «perfection» of the preacher, his or her role in proclamation, or the meaning of communication.
A resurgent interest in teaching may have a beneficial effect on students, even though the relationship between teaching and learning is often ambiguous.
Our explanations of texts in Science and the Modern World were often dependent on what we had learned from Process and Reality.
In that vital, yet delicate, period of learning more about who they are as people the digital world can often pile on extra, unhelpful pressure.
And if you focused on learning about God, theology, or increasing in knowledge of scripture, you were frequently and often rebuked (knowledge puffs up, love edifies), and instead of «selfishly» learning theology, you should be out converting people (increasing numbers).
Reflecting, even briefly, on the state of affairs which might evoke this universal love in the human heart, a love so often vainly dreamed of, but which now leaves the fields of Utopia to reveal itself as both possible and necessary, we are brought to the following conclusion: that for men upon earth, all the earth, to learn to love one another, it is not enough that they should know themselves to be members of one and the same thing; in «planetizing» themselves they must acquire the consciousness, without losing themselves, of becoming one and the same person.
«In my research on Down syndrome, I learned that these special kids most often bring joy into their family's lives,» she wrote in that book, explaning her decision to pen a note in the voice of God.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
Every church engaged in the ministry of Jesus knows painfully well that there is another team on the field and it is often surprising and disappointing to learn who their members are.
Often, it falls back on the hearer to not allow themselves to be controlled or manipulated, at least to an extent where it is unhealthy for them... and each one of us has to discover where that line is for ourselves (I'm still learning to say «no, I can't do that» and I'm still learning to not put more money in the offering plate because the pastor told us he's preached 47 Sundays in a row without a vacation).
You will learn as time goes on, if someone DOES condemn you, that I, even though you and I often differ, will support your right to express your beliefs and not be condemned or otherwise abused.
YOU: You will learn as time goes on, if someone DOES condemn you, that I, even though you and I often differ, will support your right to express your beliefs and not be condemned or otherwise abused.
We often hear of interfaith events and organizations, but is it possible for three very different religions to hold on to their beliefs, maintaining their differences, and still learn about one another?
I always find it fascinating to learn more about the people who read this blog, and I love it when you interact with each other as you so often do in the comment sections on the forums.
In the beginning, the child, despite a desire to learn, will often feel that the lessons and musical exercises are a constraint imposed on the freedom and attractions of the moment.»
Not that I'm afraid I'll go to Hell, but I'm afraid what it would mean to learn that I should have been working harder to keep my family and friends out of Hell (which is the fear often put on people to go out and evangelize, even in embarrassing and disrespectful ways).
Centering on Jesus or on Christ often functions as a form of closure, as an insistence that nothing more needs to be learned.
In all these sources, as well as a sizable and growing group of religiously open scientists (including medical professionals and social scientists) who are often neither New Age / Eastern nor Christians, there is a particular, intense focus on learning about the nature of consciousness.
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