Sentences with phrase «often pirated books»

Not exact matches

Book pirates often straight up copy and paste the ebook and then re-title it and submit it on Amazon.
Often book pirates, according to one source, will copy and paste the book into «auto spinners» which will remove and insert words.
Academic and text books tend to be illegally copied more than fiction due to their high prices and the fact that students often only need them for a term prompting student pirating networks, she added.
However, failing to offer a legitimate digital version of a book plays into the hands of pirates, who often simply distribute a scanned version of the book on the Internet, said the Ohio - based operations manager.
one more edit: Marvel closed the hole we found, though I don't think it'll lessen how often or easily Marvel's books can be pirated, except in a few very specific instances.
«I don't often look for pirated copies of my books, as I find it too dispiriting, but I do batch - send links to my publisher now and again in the hope that they can remove some of them.»
«Authors who ask you not to pirate are not attacking people who are too poor to afford books, or people who genuinely can't access libraries,» wrote Shannon — but Lotinga at the Publishers Association said that those people were not often the perpetrators.
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