Sentences with phrase «often say to»

I often say to my husband, «If people only knew...».
Home Buying: What do I do First One of the first things that first - time home buyers often say to me is «I've been thinking about buying a home for a while but I didn't know where to start.»
I try to take the stress on for you and let you just enjoy the process... I often say to my clients, who sometimes are exhausted looking at houses to fidnd the right «home», buying a home is finding the right partner... sometimes you have to kiss a lot frogs before you meet your prince.
Lawyers for the mothers would often say to the judge, «Your Honor, why don't we really listen to what these children are saying.
I often say to couples,... Read More
In my couples therapy practice, I often say to couples that we are all in and of a culture.
We often say to couples that it is sort of like going to the gym to see a trainer for the first time after years of living like a couch potato.
When I meet clients for the first time, they often say to me «you seem too nice to be an attorney.»
I often say to parents that there are better and worse ways of splitting up — my job is to help them find...
«Often you say to yourself, «If only I could...» It's like being on a desert island while looking at the tropical island with beautiful flowers and lush vegetation which is very close, but you don't have a boat to get there.
So often we say to ourselves mentally, «Oh, this position fits me perfectly!»
Interviewers often say this to be polite, but it's not an invitation to bombard them with nonessential questions after you go home.
Just think about how often you say to yourself, «Oh, I need to get paper towels» or «I got ta remember to buy a new fan for the bedroom» or whatever.
Many who have adopted the narrative style in their writing — Garner being the notable exception — often say to younger lawyers or law students to «tell the client's story,» or «let the facts show why your client should prevail.»
She would often say to me,» Why won't you get with the program?
People often say to me that they don't vaccinate their dogs; before adding... «just the puppy shots».
Clients often say to me «well of course they're going to want to do surgery, that's all a surgeon wants to do!»
I often say to my clients that if they could tell me what the future holds, I could run their financial numbers with a lot more accuracy!
When someone complains to me about the price of a mortgage bond, after analysis, I often say to find an entity that is willing to hold the bond to maturity, or slightly less, and they can garner full value.
Now, fellow Christians often ask me what I think of Dave Ramsey, and I often say to them that his emphasis on paying down and avoid debt is a good one, but that he doesn't have much to say beyond that.
I often say to people that this modern era of self publishing is like stumbling across a field where you know gold is to be found.
People often say to me «how do you manage to do so much?»
But I often say this to some of my colleagues, «It's just a book.
I often say to parents, if we can put a man on the moon, we can put a man or woman on Mars and that person is now a second - grader.
As I often say to students, politics is the way we decide things.
Family: «Kids will often say to me, I'm fine, but can you talk to my parents?
I often say to my students, «If a test is the first time you're made to think about or with the class material, we've both probably failed.»
People often say to us, «you say how easy it's to get learning to make a difference for the business... but show us an example».
I often say to teachers I support that they have slow down in order to go quickly.
(«People often say to you... that this could be a religious film without the religion.
People often say to be something they are not.
I love the slogan as it is one I often say to myself when those last few reps start to burn, but I found them to be an odd fit.
They would often say to me, «Doctor.
People will often say to us, you're successful because YOU WERE LUCKY... I wouldn't call having your house broken into and being diagnosed with cancer, twice, lucky...
ne of the things I often say to women is, «Train for menopause like you're training for a marathon because you're in it for the long haul,» she added.
«One of the things I often say to women is, «Train for menopause like you're training for a marathon because you're in it for the long haul,» she added.
Something I often say to my training clients is that we as adults don't play enough.
«I often say to Conservatives, stop complaining about the things we haven't done, look at the things we have done and are doing.
Poor Denis Skinner, who revels in his Beast of Bolsover title, was victim of a Jurassic - era themed put down by David Cameron, when the prime minister told the Commons: «I often say to my children «No need to go to the Natural History Museum to see a dinosaur, come to the House of Commons at about half past twelve».»
When the going gets rough with our current 1yo, I often say to my husband, pointing to our 3.5 yo — just think, many kids her age are STILL in diapers.
People often say to me «What if something goes wrong?»
Parents often say to me, «My child acts like he doesn't care.
After having our sixth baby, Papa and I would often say to each other, «What do people do all day who have only five children?»
And I often say to mothers: «Let's see if we can swing it right round and get some good stuff and start really praising our child.»
People very often say to me, «I don't know how you do it with so many kids at home.»
But I never realized how often I say it to myself.
No matter how often you say to yourself — «I will not go out on Black Friday, I will not go out on Black Friday» you know there is a good chance that you will in fact shop on Black Friday.
This study, however, fits with two things I often say to parents in my practice:
What I often say to parents is, «Don't focus so much on taking care of your child's garden that you forget to tend to your own.»
When I go back down into the dressing room 15 minutes before the game I often say to Dennis, «I feel he's got it tonight; I feel he's got it tonight.»
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