Sentences with phrase «often substantial expense»

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Granted, not everyone can afford this type of help, but for those looking to build a substantial internet presence, the expense is often well worth it.
«There is no doubt these are real costs — often more substantial than the expense ratios that are more easy to discover — but fund companies certainly don't make it easy to discover, and one really has to subscribe to third party research to find these costs.»
For example, Medicaid currently presents substantial financial disincentives to providing the sort of end - of - life care that the series praises, and even private insurance often will not cover home - care expenses, hospice programs, and the like.
Since housing is generally about 25 to 30 % of an individual's living expenses, this often is a substantial perk since most schools provide housing for free.
Even when a fund manages to beat the market in a given year, expenses often eat up a substantial portion of its returns, leaving little net profit for shareholders.
Personally, I believe that borrowing money so you can borrow more money is a really stupid idea and I certainly wouldn't consider doing it unless I had a substantial emergency fund built up to cover the myriad expenses that often come up when dealing with commercial real estate properties.
These new expenses and restrictions could have a substantial negative impact on fosters and rescue groups whose volunteers often care for multiple dogs while trying to place them in forever homes.
We often advance the costs of the case for discovery, expert fees and other expenses, as these can be substantial and we understand that our clients may not be able to afford them.
Victims of negligent drivers often deal with severe and disabling injuries, substantial medical expenses, and other challenging demands.
Often, since the physical injuries are so severe, these damages can be substantial and may include past and future medical expenses, lost wages, decrease in earning capacity, and other expenses related to being an accident victim.
Accidents often lead to substantial medical bills, making it difficult for the injured accident victim to pay for normal living expenses, especially if the injury rendered him or her unable to work.
Substantial personal and business assets are often involved with extensive categories of expenses that may include luxury primary residence, second and third homes, businesses with their own assets, investment portfolios, pension plans, private schools, nannies and an affluent lifestyle that must be properly addressed.
Have A Financial Backup Plan — Many senior homeowners with a substantial amount of equity often fail to consider the equity in their home as a source of money for unexpected expenses, like home repairs, or medical bills.
Many senior homeowners with a substantial amount of equity often fail to consider the equity in their home as a source of money for unexpected expenses, like home repairs.
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