Sentences with phrase «often taught in schools»

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People in this job category often supplement their incomes in other ways, such as teaching acting at private acting schools.
Old - school sales motivational speakers often teach that salespeople should find prospects who express interest in their product or service.
Right wing conservative types have a Jesus who is against gay marraige, is anti-abortion, thinks there should be prayer in school, and teaches the prosperity stuff and so on... Left wing liberal Christians quote the verses about giving up possessions, feeding and clothing the poor... inner city Christians often have a Jesus who is about social justice... we were made in His image?
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
Sex education is currently taught in Guatemala schools but campaigners say it is often incomplete or irrelevant, as less than half the girls in Guatemala attend secondary schools.
Although held in theory over a long period, the belief was accentuated during the latter part of the nineteenth century and since, and became finally a basic dogma underlying the Japanese Imperial thrust, which is often regarded as the beginning of World War II.9 The idea was taught in the schools, in the army, and resulted finally in a fanatical religious, as well as patriotic, devotion to the emperor, without which, it seems to the writer, it is impossible to explain the daring attack of the island empire of Japan upon the richest and most powerful nation in the world, the United States.
Von Balthasar often commented that be found more vitality and originality in the writings of literary figures like Georges Bernanos (author of Diary of a Country Priest) than in much of the neoscholastic theology he was taught at school.
A special assembly of bishops which met in Rome in November 1998 drew attention to the fact that «teachers in Catholic schools often have lives and ideas that are publicly in conflict with Church teaching» and they recognised this as a «countersign».
I often hear tales of clergy believing one thing, but preaching something entirely different because their congregation have very firmly held views on what they're willing to hear... and that's often what they were taught in Sunday school as children — they're 80 now.
Unfortunately, the teaching of the Faith in our schools often seems far from this ideal.
Schools belonging to conservative churches, on the other hand, are often very conscious of their Christian grounds, but they typically express this in terms of conservative mores, an emphasis on pious practices, and the teaching of Christian doctrine in the curriculum.
In the landmark Schempp - Murray decisions, it often has been overlooked that although the justices forbade worship in the schools, they encouraged «teaching about religion.&raquIn the landmark Schempp - Murray decisions, it often has been overlooked that although the justices forbade worship in the schools, they encouraged «teaching about religion.&raquin the schools, they encouraged «teaching about religion.»
Learning and teaching are activities that any good community requires, and while they often take place in schools and universities, they also occur in construction trades and farms.
Local food was featured daily on the school lunch menu, often including Romaine lettuce, spinach, collard greens, kale, scallions and radishes grown in their teaching gardens.
They often work with standardized materials designed to complement what is being taught in the public school classroom, many offer diagnostic testing to determine your student's needs and are able to develop a plan based on that information.
As I've said often, including in my very first post on this blog, what school cafeterias implicitly teach our children about food and food choices is as important as the food itself.
Families often sing a special Mother's Day anthem, «Himno a las Madres,» written in the»20s by the wife of a former president and taught in school.
And although the Character Counts program is taught in some schools, basic morality (NOT religion, but right / wrong) is often avoided, for the fear that toes may be stepped on.
The divide between subjects taught in the school classroom and university - level research is often exaggerated.
Similarly, many of the students whom I taught in deprived schools in Hull wanted to go to university, but when I encouraged them to do so, the response was often, «My dad says that we can't afford to go to university.»
It's a skill not often taught in grad school, but reviewing papers and grant proposals can provide a significant boost in one's early career.
Some state education departments maintain useful Web sites (again, see the Resources page), but the best information sources are local: Open teaching positions are often advertised only in local newspapers and — increasingly — on the Web sites of local school districts.
A new study in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching indicates that undergraduates who participate in mentored research not only graduate more often with science degrees, but also attend graduate school and pursue STEM careers at higher rates.
English - proficient foreign - national science trainees in their first 2 years of graduate school are likely to be offered a teaching assistantship instead of a research assistantship, because their lack of experience and training tends to limit their effectiveness in the research lab and because the amount of service required for a teaching assistantship (typically 20 hours / week or fewer... often much fewer) is less than for a research assistantship.
Science teachers in schools often have to teach material with which they are not familiar, because of a shortage of specialists in subjects like physics.
Often when families move to Finland from other countries and put their children in day care, they worry that the schools are not teaching them enough.
She reviewed all the philosophical possibilities — including utilitarianism, which promotes the «greatest good for the greatest number,» principlism, and virtue theory, which are often taught in medical schools.
It says bright graduates are turning away from careers in science because researchers in academia are paid too little; science teaching in schools is often poor; and good research which takes time to show its worth is being nipped in the bud by short - term pressures.
«But their teaching practice is not benefiting from the kind of support often provided in school - based mentoring programs.»
Look into certified teaching schools, such as YogaWorks, with multiple locations, or Integral, which often train and retain their own teachers in a certain style, giving you consistency.
A course that fills an urgent need in the health care field because literally no Medical School teaches anything more than a lesson or two on this polarizing and diverse subject often leaving Licensed MD and NDs alike at a severe disadvantage when it comes to being able to interpret Vaccine Ingredients, How to Identify Vaccine Injuries, and How to Report Them as well per the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System established by the 1986 National Vaccine Law.
Yet, schools often fail to develop clear policies on addressing dating violence and there is a great deal of variability in how schools teach students Fully anonymous dating service for males, females and couples.
Many Russian women can speak and understand English, it is often the second language taught at school in Russia.
What originally surprised me was how much the school's and the students» opinions were in agreement - often they had both identified the same candidate to employ - which I think suggests that students often deserve more credit about teaching and learning than they are given.
In a resent focus group at BESA, secondary leaders told us that they were having to reconsider what was being taught and how they could manage these core subjects — often without key staff or time or space in schooIn a resent focus group at BESA, secondary leaders told us that they were having to reconsider what was being taught and how they could manage these core subjects — often without key staff or time or space in schooin school.
Yet, in their research on schools serving predominantly minority and poor students in Texas, Linda McNeil of Rice University and Angela Valenzuela of the University of Texas at Austin find that score - raising tactics often replace sound teaching.
The esteemed academic, currently serving as president of Morgan State University in Baltimore, is flooded with memories of hot summer days walking the long miles between the school and his home (often barefoot to save his shoes), of early classroom lessons taught by a strict but caring teacher, of his beloved family members who reside here in great number.
My experience teaching on the Tohono O'odham Native American Reservation, in low - income high schools and in a juvenile detention center often pulled me to areas of most need.
«Reassessing the Achievement Gap: Fully Measuring What Students Should Be Taught in School» argues that NAEP results offer a «distorted» picture of student achievement because of their exclusive focus on academic skills and take attention away from nontested areas that often fall under the purview of schools.
More often, if support is provided within state schools, it may well be from a teaching assistant (supporting in the classroom and / or delivering a recommended written language programme, such as in a small group).
Independent schools often have excellent facilities, such as labs, computers, sports fields, and theaters that public schools lack due to underinvestment, and strong faculty interested in teaching a more diverse group of students.
We specialists (or «specials» teachers) teach every child in the school, often for five or six years.
«In elementary school we often find that the teachers aren't teaching math,» says Hill.
«In reality, though, the system often seemed to set schools up to take the low road of improving test scores, not to encourage them to look deeply at the learning and teaching happening in classrooms.&raquIn reality, though, the system often seemed to set schools up to take the low road of improving test scores, not to encourage them to look deeply at the learning and teaching happening in classrooms.&raquin classrooms.»
Though often mistaken as one man's prescription for what should be taught in school, Cultural Literacy was a pioneering study of the history of education theory as applied in our schools — and it came to the rather damning conclusion that those schools had wrongly forsaken the importance of transmitting knowledge in the classroom; the academic failures were not the result of moral or character imperfections but of knowledge deficits.
«Schools could play a leading role in growing students» talents and developing capabilities that are important for lifelong success, but this is often overlooked in favour of teaching content for high ATARs.»
Entering this line of questioning for students can create an opening to teach about a number of black women who have contributed greatly to society and who often go unmentioned in our schools.
When computers were first put in schools, the school library was often the first place they would go, and the librarian would help teach students and teachers how to actually use them.
Mentoring, a growing practice in the nation's schools, offsets first - year teaching challenges that often result in new instructors» early departure from the profession.
Since bilingual teachers were in short supply, schools often hired aides to teach in Spanish or imported teachers from Spanish - speaking countries who spoke little English.
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