Sentences with phrase «often than children»

What becomes clear from the Penn study is that young black children are placed on the school - to - prison pipeline more - often than children from any other socioeconomic background.
Children whose mothers have taken anti-epilepsy medicine during pregnancy, do not visit the doctor more often than children who have not been exposed to this medicine in utero.
«Anti-epilepsy medicine taken by pregnant women does not harm the child's overall health: Children whose mothers have taken anti-epilepsy medicine during pregnancy, do not visit the doctor more often than children who have not been exposed to this medicine in utero.»

Not exact matches

Studies also show that the emotional costs borne by children of color being raised by white parents - which often occurs with international adoptions - are less dire than critics believe.
However, it's often the case that the mistakes we make as children have fewer long - range effects than things we screw up we get older.
First, he reacted to population changes, then he shifted his product category from furniture to toys, because families with more than one child often used the same crib and high chair, but they kept buying new toys for new kids.
Focusing on other successes reminds not just employers and colleagues but women themselves that children and career success go together — more often than we sometimes realize.
But the C. D. Howe report speculates that the rising number of sick days women are taking off — an average 2.9 more days a year than men — has less to do with illness than the fact that women are often saddled with taking care of both children and elderly parents.
Consequently, middle children often seem better able to cope with change and pressure than are their older siblings.
Before anyone starts trolling me: I am wealthier / more privileged than most; aristocratic background; LOVE children but have none of my own; can easily afford First Class, but just as often choose to sit in PREMIUM ECONOMY (and a screaming infant is just as annoying in the back of the plane as it is up front!)
It's even worse for Aboriginal children, who are forced to navigate fragmented services which often have higher waitlists than the services targeted towards other children,» said New Democrat leader John Horgan.
The cardinal accepted that abusing priests were routinely moved from parish to parish rather than being defrocked, and the word of clergy was often taken as more trustworthy than children claiming they were abused.
It often seems as the «share» the details of this relationship that Jesus is more like a child's imaginary friend who is always on their side when any conflict occurs with others rather than the Jesus who loved people enough to tell them, without accusing or withdrawing affection, the hard truths they needed to know to encourge them to make more meaningful choices.
Speaking on the issue, thee Bishop of Birmingham, Rt Revd David Urquhart, told the House of Lords: «More than half of children aged 10 to 17 are seeing payday loan advertisements «often» or «all the time».
Liturgy has often become shallow, mawkish and glib so that it appears more like a children's party than an attempt to worship God with real sincerity and depth.
Of course children can also be much more pragmatic than adults often assume.
A mother shouldn't have favorites, but I have often observed that she inclines more to the child who is sick or more vulnerable than the rest.
Though self - giving does sometimes mean denying my own wants (most of the time, when my children are sick), it often means living like a hedonist, drinking deep of what others offer me rather than refusing out of fear (because I don't want to feel controlled) or pride (because I always want to be the one who gives).
It was common practice in the Mormon communities that practiced polygamy to force 12 and 13 year old girls into polygamous marriages to men who were often older than the children's grandfathers.
Even when talking about what our children might face, the response more often than not will be, «Well, that» r be their problem, they can deal with it.»
This authority structure is typically described as a series of «coverings» or «protections» but unfortunately, the effect is often the opposite, as abused women and children find they have no recourse or power, as every decision in their lives must be made by a series of men, many of whom are more invested in protecting the reputation of the ministry than the people in it.
Children often turn out to resemble their grandmothers and grandfathers rather than their parents.
«They often are more adaptable about the religious nurture of children than their more religiously conservative spouses.»
They help us to know that we are often closer to God in our doubts than in our certainties, that it is all right to be like the small child who constantly asks, «Why?
Their well - intended programs to alleviate juvenile delinquency or ease the burdens of the aged overlook basic truisms: that the human impulse is to achieve; that children, like septuagenarians, respond to need more quickly than to praise; and that do - gooders all too often are egotists seeking applause rather than results.
Too often churches and church organizations overlook basic truisms: that the human impulse is to achieve; that children, like septuagenarians, respond to need more quickly than to praise; and that do - gooders all too often are egotists seeking applause rather than results.
I think that students often take their cues from the adults in leadership, so by pointing back to the student rather than the unbelieving parent, it can help keep the discussion from turning into one about something that may be confusing and upsetting for the child, but is instead an encouragement to them.
The parting with my wife and my poor children hath often been to me as the pulling of my flesh from my bones, especially my poor blind child who lay nearer my heart than all I had besides.
This deficiency is strikingly apparent in the Supreme Court's church - state jurisprudence (where the landmark cases more often than not involve the family, children, and schools).
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
When parents seek to follow Jesus by being the church in their communities (rather than by simply attending church), one of the questions that often comes up is «What about our children?
A larger percentage of such births are to children in disadvantaged / poor / broken households, who then often get poorer and less adequate educations than the general population does.
Often, money is a factor as well, so that rather than teaching to grow spiritual children into adults, they only teach to grow their own wallet and bank account.
What we often neglect to say: The adopted child needs a father and mother even more than other children.
If the church had more often offered a fellowship that was «healthy and pleasant and warm» to children, youth, parents, and families, it might have done much more than it has toward preventing emotional ills, and it would have been unnecessary for persons to find their fellowship in taverns.
Rather they have been happy to suggest, - more often by subtle implication and spin than with straightforward candour - that (i) the priesthood is fairly riddled with abusers, (ii) there is an international culture of cover - up in the Church which (iii) goes right to the top of the Church, and (iv) that Catholic institutions such as celibacy and hierarchy are to blame — even that Catholic teaching of children about its sexual morality is a form of intellectual abuse of large numbers of children.
Jesus observes that the children of this world often understand the significance of wealth better than those in the religious community do.
I am (a) A victim of child molestation (b) A r.ape victim trying to recover (c) A mental patient with paranoid delusions (d) A Christian The only discipline known to often cause people to kill others they have never met and / or to commit suicide in its furtherance is: (a) Architecture; (b) Philosophy; (c) Archeology; or (d) Religion What is it that most differentiates science and all other intellectual disciplines from religion: (a) Religion tells people not only what they should believe, but what they are morally obliged to believe on pain of divine retribution, whereas science, economics, medicine etc. has no «sacred cows» in terms of doctrine and go where the evidence leads them; (b) Religion can make a statement, such as «there is a composite god comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence; (c) Science and the scientific method is universal and consistent all over the World whereas religion is regional and a person's religious conviction, no matter how deeply held, is clearly nothing more than an accident of birth; or (d) All of the above.
In this the children of light may profit by the wisdom of the children of this world, who, as Jesus said, are often wiser in their generation than the children of light are.
Or, more often, onto the child's shirt, which is better than into the child's eyeball.
«The most vulnerable children and women in hard - to - reach areas are often missed by existing interventions that can improve vitamin A status, including vitamin A supplementation, food fortification, dietary diversification, and promotion of optimal breast - feeding,» said Ms. Nancy Haselow, HKI vice president and regional director for Asia - Pacific, who has been designing, implementing, and testing vitamin A delivery programs for more than 20 years.
It tastes good, often comes in convenient and child - friendly packaging, and seems much healthier than soft drinks.
But as research indicates, childfree couples divorce more often than couples who have at least one child, despite numerous studies that indicate marital happiness plummets in the first year or two after the birth of a child and sometimes never quite recoups.
But for too many of our children it's just not happening: one UK father in three reads to his young child no more often than once a month.
There are more than a few upsides to a polygamous arrangement that women enter into freely and willingly because it suits their needs (versus what we usually read and hear about the traditionally male - driven practice, which is often about secrecy and child brides forced to marry against their will and sexual abuse and other scandals).
Less than a drop (a finger swipe over the bottle) is often sufficient for children.
But that might have been the problem; childfree couples divorce more often than couples who have at least one child, according to researchers, -LSB-...]
Formula takes longer to digest and thus those children sleep for longer stretches than breastfed babies and often sleep deeper — causing an increase in SIDS deaths as well.
But that might have been the problem; childfree couples divorce more often than couples who have at least one child, according to researchers, despite numerous studies that indicate marital happiness plummets in the first year or two after the birth of a child and sometimes never quite recoups.
These are more expensive than seats, but they're often much easier for children to use, and much less scary.
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