Sentences with phrase «often than fathers»

Mothers, according to many authors, receive primary parenting responsibilities and physical custody of the children far more often than fathers.
In terms of age and gender, studies have shown that older parents are less likely to use corporal punishment; and mothers spank more often than fathers although this may be an effect of the greater amount of time that mothers spend with children (Straus and Donnelly, 1994; Socolar and Stein, 1995).
Mothers, according to many authors, receive primary parenting responsibilities and physical custody of the children far more often than fathers.

Not exact matches

More often than not it's because they were emotionally or physically abused when they were growing up, or their fathers were never there for them.
One often finds that the Fathers of the early years of the Church are more direct and better at this than modern writers.
1) The people, including Father Greeley, who incessantly lament the gap between teaching and the reception of teaching are typically the same people who have for years worked to undermine the credibility of the Church's teaching office; 2) Their measure of whether the Church is listening is whether teaching is brought into line with their preferences; 3) The curia in Rome coordinates and corrects as necessary, but the teachers of the Church are the bishops, priests and catechists who too often find it easier to blame Rome than to do their job; 4) Catholic Americans are about 6 percent of the universal Church, and Greeley's think - for - themselves educated Catholics who are unhappy with church teaching, usually on matters sexual, are a much smaller part of that 6 percent.
It is regrettable that sermons about Christ have too often reversed this procedure, as though Jesus had said, «He who has seen the Father has seen me» rather than, «He who has seen me has seen the Father
People too often talk about Jesus aside from his words, about his compassion towards all, while they fail to wrestle with some of his steepest moral teachings: «Whoever divorces his wife... and marries another, commits adultery; Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart; If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; I have come to bring not peace but the sword; Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me» (Mt 19:9, 5:28, 5:30, 10:14, 10:37).
Still, there is no way that, for this Jerusalemite and all other Israeli husbands and fathers» along with students at university who miss their exams, and beginners in new jobs or careers who are one way and another bound to be set back» the burden of yearly, as I like to think of it, «fulfillment» is not at the least a nuisance and more often than not downright onerous.
Too often, alas, this faith has been obscured if not denied by the introduction into our thought about God of notions that, as we have seen, are more appropriate to imperial Caesar or a despotic tyrant than to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What we often neglect to say: The adopted child needs a father and mother even more than other children.
When the church fathers considered friendship, they were often less concerned with its normal sense than with «relations among monks, priests, or other devotees who lived together in religious communities.»
I am (a) A victim of child molestation (b) A r.ape victim trying to recover (c) A mental patient with paranoid delusions (d) A Christian The only discipline known to often cause people to kill others they have never met and / or to commit suicide in its furtherance is: (a) Architecture; (b) Philosophy; (c) Archeology; or (d) Religion What is it that most differentiates science and all other intellectual disciplines from religion: (a) Religion tells people not only what they should believe, but what they are morally obliged to believe on pain of divine retribution, whereas science, economics, medicine etc. has no «sacred cows» in terms of doctrine and go where the evidence leads them; (b) Religion can make a statement, such as «there is a composite god comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence; (c) Science and the scientific method is universal and consistent all over the World whereas religion is regional and a person's religious conviction, no matter how deeply held, is clearly nothing more than an accident of birth; or (d) All of the above.
In such a world and encompassed by these attitudes Christian folk have found difficulty in reaching out to new enterprises, and often have been less than half hearted in supporting activities and organizations which their hopeful fathers brought into existence.
i am from india and i am of hindu religion i often think of sucide no am not going through any kind of depression its just that i am scared of leading the life that i am living currently my father died when i was just 7 years old more than 23 have passed i am feeling guilty as i am unable to do something for my family and even for myself this thing really scares me off
Not really, other than when I'm feeling super dry I end up a bit like the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and his obsession with putting Windex on everything, and go - «I should probably put some coconut oil on that...» Having said that, I do often burn myself on hobs and getting things out of the oven and I love the Pai Skincare Organic Rosehip Oil — I just soothes the burns and makes them heal really well.
And the food, more often than not, was either made by my father or by one of our favorite takeout spots on the Upper West Side.
But for too many of our children it's just not happening: one UK father in three reads to his young child no more often than once a month.
Giggle (1998) found some full - time working fathers who did not regard themselves as «home dads» taking the major responsibility for childcare because, for example, their working hours were more flexible than their partner's (they were often self - employed).
depression (Wilson & Durbin, 2010), leading others to speculate that this may often be often the case (Cummings et al, 2010), given that father - child interactions tend to be more negatively impacted than mother - child interaction by family stressors.
Dads walking into a state - funded children's centre are still, all too often, regarded with suspicion; if they're lucky there'll be a Saturday dads» club, rather than a service that mainstreams father - inclusive practice.
• Compensatory activities may be less available to them than to other fathers: for example, fathers of children with disabilities are often afraid to engage in roughhouse play (Gallagher & Bristol, 1989).
How fathers spend time with their young children is more important to the father - child relationship than how often they are with them.
Step fathers often become more involved in domestic life than biological fathers.
My daughter's father and I have disagreed on some of it, but overall he is a really good dad and often more patient than I am!
Centre manager Karen Keenan says assessments, including residential stays of an average of 12 weeks, make no assumptions about whether children are likely to be «better off» with mum, dad or both, but take a firm line that fathers are important: «We start from the point of view of the child, and over many years we've found that often it's the father, rather than the mother, who is the more competent or promising parent of the two.»
Fathers» new partners (more than mothers» new partners) tend to be less supportive of their mate's relationship with his biological children, being more often ambivalent or hostile (for review, see Hetherington & Henderson, 1997).
Maybe because boys are often named after their fathers more often than girls are named after their mothers?
There is an extremely broad range of emotions that fathers experience and often they are more bereaved than they let on.
During the past 50 years, I can't tell you how often a mother or father has come up to me at an LLL gathering and admitted that as a result of being in La Leche League, they were parenting their children so differently than they had originally expected to and so differently from the way they had been brought up.
Though the center is for all parents, it's more often mothers rather than fathers who come with their children.
My husband often recounts the distant, style attributed to Litvish coolness where a father takes leave of his son with no more than a handshake and disciplines with a slap.
Father and mother more often than not think that they're being inundated daily with advertising for baby products and each new one appear to offer whatever specified and specific.
This happens more often than men who are not fathers.
And «how modern families work» involves, increasingly — in Scotland, as in the rest of the UK — : employed mothers; fathers who want to be closer to their children than they feel their fathers were to them; and couples with expectations of equality, which are often rudely disrupted by the birth of their first child.
A father's bond with a child is also important at this age, but often happens according to a different timetable than a mother's.
Previous studies have reported that fathers often perceive that current information provided is not always appropriate to their needs (Barclay et al., 1996; Tohotoa et al., 2009), is maternally biased (Singh and Newburn, 2001; Tohotoa et al., 2009) and reinforces a feeling of being on the sideline rather than central to the pregnancy and birth experience (Moriaty, 2002).
Though statistics show that more black children are in single - parent homes than other groups, new research notes that their fathersoften young, low - income, unmarried African - American men — are more involved than one might conclude, despite comments from prominent black men such as Bill Cosby and Sen. Barack Obama.
The father and his new significant other may want to see the child more often than what the mother deems to be appropriate
A father's experience when bringing home a new baby is often completely different than a mother's experience.
New fathers today often have even less experience of babies and children than new mothers.
When it comes to the impact of a father's love versus that of a mother, results from more than 500 studies suggest that while children and adults often experience more or less the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, the influence of one parent's rejection — oftentimes the father's — can be much greater than the other's.
Fathers who are present at birth are, more often than mothers, captured by the baby immediately.
Mothers still do far more housework and childcare than fathers, even when both parents work — and dads» time with their kids is often in the company of their partner, making them the «helping» parent, or the «fun» parent.
Award - winning book, Parenting at Your Best comes from a completely different perspective than any parenting book ever written before; from that of a mother and father looking back over their lives as parents after losing their only child in an accident; sharing the things they believe they did correctly as parents, as well as the regrets that often sneak up on them.
New fathers often find themselves orbiting a different world than their friends who do not have children.
Often, divorced fathers spend more time with their children after the divorce than they ever did while the marriage was still intact.
But no more fathers» wars, not least since those sent to war tend to come from working - class backgrounds, where starting to have children often still happens earlier than has lately become the norm.
Female offspring, whose mothers had diabetes, were more often affected by MetS, higher glucose levels, and body fat content, rather than female offspring of fathers with diabetes, or no parent diseased at all.
We often say there is nothing worse for a birth than a tired or hungry father / birth partner.
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