Sentences with phrase «often than in humans»

That's five times more often than in humans.

Not exact matches

That soldiers of all the armies kept fighting in the horrible trenches, often with a vigor that post-moderns find incomprehensible and more than a little distressing, says something about the human animal that needs discussion.
The company has moved from research on rats to the cusp of human trials in less than five years at a cost of less than $ 5 million, a process that can often take twice that long and cost many times more.
Using the phrase «Learn More» within a CTA is often more effective than just submit, because «Learn More» indicates that their participation will offer something in return and humans will naturally want to see what that is.
They are often faster, smaller and more affordable than humans — meaning they will have a tremendous impact on the way companies do business in the future.
The offense against religion is that it promotes a God that has poorly designed humans to have too small a birth canal, too large a cranium (pushing wisdom teeth into often painful positions), and since roughly 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, is responsible for more abortions than anyone.
I wouldn't call Spenser a greater poet, but he saw the human condition and our often - anguished journey toward God in a richer, more humane way than Milton did, who at the end of the day was more interested in ideas than people.
While Christian feminists willingly admit that women and men have often been differently socialized, and that there may even be some differences in human capabilities between the sexes, that is no more fundamentally constitutive of humanity than place of birth or color of skin.
Complaints about the cultural «imposition» of ideas about universal human rights are, more often than not, in the service of nationalism, racism, ideology, or power politics - or all of these in combination.
When we ignore it, trying to be more angel than human, what is repressed often returns in distorted and harmful forms.
Christians often argue that, as in human life the most adequate form of communication is by personal meeting rather than the written word, so God's fullest revelation also needed to be a human life.
Rather than ground their discussion in biblical reflection and careful observation of play itself, Christians have most often been content to allow Western culture to shape their understanding of the human at play.
More often than not, when Christianity is discussed either in a fictional setting or in relation to real events, it is in the context of an issue related to human sexuality.
You so - called «believers» are weak minded fools who more often than not use your gods to explain what you can not otherwise grasp or to justify your actions even when they fly in the face of human decency.
He holds simultaneously that existing democratic ideas, traditions, and institutions were often championed in actual history by those who were non-Christians or even anti-Christian; and yet that, in building better than they knew, such persons were often generating in human temporal life constructs whose foundations were not only consistent with Jewish and Christian convictions about the realities of ethical and political life, but in a sense dependent on them.
Here, the idea is not that the person in authority knows better than other people, but that certain kinds of human activity require the coordinated action of many human beings, and the easiest way (often the only practical way) to get such coordination is to set up one person to give directions to others.
They are just often addressing more than the human experience and condition, but have to do so in human terms due to the limitations of human logic and language.
I suggested that the very excess of external compression to which we are subjected by the relative contraction of our planet may one day cause us to breach that mysterious wall of growing repulsion which, more often than not, sets the human molecules in opposition to one another, and enter the powerful, still unknown field of our basic affinities.
Buchler often uses language to evoke a rich texture of meanings, rather than to offer a single precise definition for any concept or idea.16 (This style is more prevalent in the works on human process than in MNC.)
In their quest for righteousness, they often become self righteous, using their belief system as a weapon, to bash over the heads of others, rather than as a tool to improve their own lives and to become a living example of what true christians should be like or what truly compassionate humans should be like, it's very sad, that so many christians don't have a clue how to act like decent people, and that they are hypocrites and full of hate.
Even when God is denied, the practice of meditation is often commended; Comte, who had no other deity than le grand Etre (which was the human race in its best representatives), still thought that contemplation and aspiration directed towards this «being» (if that word is not absurdly inappropriate) was necessary to a good life.
Christians often say that human beings are disposed to configure appetite in a God - directed way, but we are, in fact, no more disposed to configure our desires that way than any other.
Man's total dependence on and submission to an authoritarian God is also in tension with human responsibility and maturity; supernaturalism has too often resulted in the repression rather than the fulfillment of man's natural vitalities.
A great many different motives may lead to an action of this kind; indeed in cases where it is an act of despair, performed in circumstances of extreme human or economic destitution and misery, the guilt may often lie rather with the community than with the individual.
While the issue of consciousness is of great philosophical interest, the high humanism at stake in such discussions is often more of a problem for theology than the denial that consciousness is necessary to sustain human uniqueness.
(The doctrine of the sin of the human race has often been misused because it has not been noticed that sin, common though it is to all, does not gather men together in a common concept, into a society or a partnership («any more than out in the churchyard the multitude of the dead constitute a society»), but it splits men into individuals and holds every individual fast as a sinner — a splitting which in another sense is both in correspondence with and teleologically in the direction of the perfection of existence.
Some of the lowest quality grain goes into animal feed - you don't want to buy grain to make your daily bread at a feed store, from accounts it is prone to be less clean than grain intended for human consumption and often has small stones in it which can damage many mills.
Horsemen and racing fans often equate a filly with a woman and a colt with a man; it's a given that human males are physically stronger than females, but the discrepancy isn't nearly as great in the equine world.
Snaith the sailor, like Snaith in tota, is man unconfined, usually human and still unsterilized — a painter often in need of a canvas larger than he can stretch on a frame.
Today's parents are disconnected from their babies enough as it is, seeming often to treat them more as luggage than as humans constantly in the process of self - building from the inside out... why would we want to further encourage this sort of thing?
In addition to the sheer weight of naming another human being, you (most often) have to do it with someone else's opinion — sometimes, even more than a single someone.
10 There is no animal model of SIDS and it has never been observed to occur naturally in any species other than humans.2 While the standardization of a SIDS diagnosis has been and continues to be elusive and / or inconsistent, it is most often applied to situations in which an otherwise healthy infant between the ages of 8 - 16 weeks, especially, but up to 12 months, dies suddenly and unexpectedly presumably during its sleep and upon postmortem examination no apparent internal causal factor (s) explaining the death can be identified.11, 12
Often portrayed as dominating the sex industry, the scale of the victims of human trafficking represents a minority of sex workers in the UK: less than 10 % of female sex workers (2600 out of 30000) working indoors have been trafficked according to the Association of Chief Police Officers» 2010 report.
In fairness to Thomas, he makes the following disclaimer explaining how human contact should take precedence over following papers: «The recall of those well - placed sources was often more revealing than reading stacks of documents, sometimes marked with SECRET or TOP SECRET.»
«The effort to move human rights forward is never easy and often it takes longer than those of who are engaged in the battle would like it to take,» said Quinn.
The team found that the microbes lurking on the forearm, palm, index finger, back of the knee and sole of the foot were often more diverse than those in the gut, «traditionally considered to be very diverse», says David Relman, who researches human microbial ecology at Stanford University in California but was not involved in the research.
Researchers who conduct animal studies often don't use simple safeguards against biases that have become standard in human clinical trials — or at least they don't report doing so in their scientific papers, making it impossible for readers to ascertain the quality of the work, an analysis of more than 2500 journal articles shows.
And the predictions were often based on signs so subtle — getting a B - rather than a B + in a particular course — that a human might never have noticed.
Mitochondria carry only a few genes, but they are so plentiful that it's often easier to find their DNA than the single full human genome in a cell's nucleus.
«Larger - bodied species often need larger territories and are fewer in number than smaller - bodied species,» he explained, so they would have been more susceptible to extinction as hunting, logging, farming and other human activities took their toll.
Economically effective management, access to high - value markets and having other income opportunities often play a larger role in human outcomes than stock health, especially in communities where fishing is a large share of the economy.»
«El Nino directly affects the climate of more than half the planet, often exacting a heavy toll in human life and economic wellbeing,» says Cane.
Co-author Professor Daniel Mills of the School of Life Sciences at the University of Lincoln, said: «Humans are known to be very visual in both intra and inter-specific interactions, and because the vision of dogs is much poorer than humans, we often tend to think of them using their other senses to make sense of the Humans are known to be very visual in both intra and inter-specific interactions, and because the vision of dogs is much poorer than humans, we often tend to think of them using their other senses to make sense of the humans, we often tend to think of them using their other senses to make sense of the world.
But spinner dolphins are exposed to human activity more often than any other cetacean in the world, the researchers say, and the humanmade noise probably isn't helping.
Other antibiotics are more often used in humans than in animals.
According to a widely - held view, fewer than one in three embryos make it to term, but a new study from a researcher at the University of Cambridge suggests that human embryos are not as susceptible to dying in the first weeks after fertilisation as often claimed.
With the honeyguides» help, the Hadza found hives about 58 % of the time, more than twice as often as when foraging alone, researchers report in a paper in press at Evolution and Human Behavior.
Instead, they learn on their own, often from large training data sets, until they can see patterns and spot anomalies in data sets that are far larger and messier than human beings can cope with.
Humans are generally highly cooperative and often impressively altruistic, quicker than any other animal species to help out strangers in need.
The small, stumpy Y chromosome — possessed by male mammals but not females, and often shrugged off as doing little more than determining the sex of a developing fetus — may impact human biology in a big way.
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