Sentences with phrase «often tilted their heads»

They will often tilt their head to one side in order to try and hear it.

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Members accidentally exude honest confusion (often in a head tilt and furrowed brow) when someone tells us that they skip or regularly forget about breakfast.
These are the very same muscles that are most often tight in cases of Torticollis, resulting in a head tilt and turn to one side.
Tilt the head back and the cat will often drop its lower jaw open.
Often, the sign of an underlying ear problem can be extremely subtle, such as a very slight tilt of the head, or one ear being held at a slightly different angle than the other.
Middle ear infections need prompt medical treatment to prevent permanent nerve damage and often the associated head tilt will disappear with time.
More often than not, a veterinarian will be able to find no reason for an animal (most commonly dogs, but cats can suffer with this condition as well) to all of a sudden be staggering around, walking crooked, turning in circles, and often displaying a head tilt.
Head - tilt or Vestibular Disease Head - tilt (Vestibular Disease) is most often caused by an infection of the inner ear.
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