Sentences with phrase «often times the images»

HDR can certainly help out, but often times the images it create really aren't that much more appealing.

Not exact matches

And they often spend time protecting their position, status, image or reputation.
Often, one of the biggest culprits behind slow site load times are images.
When business owners or marketers begin to use social media as a part of their marketing strategy, they often focus on getting the right profile image, when the best time of day is to post or what scheduling tool is best.
Surely, however, the basic affirmation of Christian theism, founded (once we have got behind the images in which often it was phrased) on the biblical witness to the faithfulness and consistency of God and to his unfailing maintenance of the creation in being, is that all things at all times and in all places are present to God, that he is always at work in them, that he constantly energizes through them, that he never ceases to move in the creation towards the accomplishment of his holy will and the revelation of his holy purpose.
The one that grabbed me was «The Hair Styles of Mieczyslaw Rakowski,» by Leopold Tyrmand, about the way this communist official's personal appearance changed from era to era, often quite subtly, the better to fit the most - winning image for a party official at the particular time.
I think that's part of the reason why I write so often about body image — half the time, I'm preaching to myself.
At that time favoring the latter, Engelsman wrote that «the Holy Spirit is the least sexually defined member of the Trinity and... it is often symbolized by feminine images — by fire and the dove.»
Just as personality tests offer us an unrealistic image of ourselves as a single whole, overlooking the fact that we are not only many different things in many different situations but also changing over time, so Western theology has all too often reduced the beautifully varied and complex descriptions of God found in the Bible to a singular reading that does violence to its vibrant nature.»
«When cosmologists try to measure time delays, the problem they often encounter is that individual stars in the lensing galaxy can distort the light curves of the different images of the event, making it harder to match them up,» says Goldstein.
With time, the mental images become more detailed, and they often become buttressed by a distorted sense of what is just or moral, such as the need to avenge a perceived offense or the belief in a divine right to decide the fate of others.
By implementing either superresolution structured illumination or by dithering the lattice to create a uniform light sheet, we imaged cells and small embryos in three dimensions, often at subsecond intervals, for hundreds to thousands of time points at the diffraction limit and beyond.
Reconstructing a connectome is a time - consuming process, often requiring laborious manual tracing (proofreading) on massive image volumes.
I use these images as cues for my students all the time — they often have no clue how their own body works under the skin, and presenting a posture this way gives them an opportunity to start to connect the wonder of their mind with the possibility of their body.
At times Rio Lobo calls to mind King Lear in its rage and desperation, yet more often it's a cranky, mean - spirited mess; El Dorado sometimes increases the relaxation of Rio Bravo to the point of lethargy, yet its bittersweet final image of John Wayne and Robert Mitchum hobbling down the street — adapted with somewhat different connotations at the end of Twilight — touches on realities and emotional shadings that Rio Bravo couldn't accommodate.
His images are both beautiful and repugnant, often at the same time, showing a side of 18th Century Paris few wish to venture through, while also capturing the beauty that is Grasse and the lush scenery of the rolling hills and mountains of France (sumptuously filmed by longtime Tykwer collaborator, Frank Griebe).
Like The Savage Eye, Chain uses documentary images to create a powerful sense of time - capsule reality that's often ethnographic and apocalyptic in its implications.
This technology often has refresh rate issues which result in sometimes a bit longer load times or ghosting of images / text on a screen.
The reading experience definitely suffered the moment it was time to flip the page; the Vox's notorious loading pinwheel, which appears more often when the Vox has to load an image, proved especially distracting when we were engrossed in a story.
From trying to get the cover dimensions right, to endlessly scanning the many image sites in search of a suitable photo, designing a book cover can often be a hellish chore, and can have you tearing your hair out at times!
According to Wikipedia, «A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often...
According to Wikipedia, «A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.»
We know a picture is worth 1,000 words which is why finding the right image to represent your blog post or marketing effort is often so time consuming.
Often times, that image or vision that they have is a non-standard trim size because they think that makes their book unique in the world and on a bookshelf.
HMS: Something that occurred to me is that scholars often do annotated versions of major works, and include visual media, but here that could be much more multi-media using a toolkit like this one, incorporating images, ephemera from the time period, music, and all of these things.
This should be a big red flag, as often times these companies will photoshop images of larger puppies to make them appear as though they're itty bitty micro teacup puppies or «Korean teacup puppies» with large round eyes, smushed faces, and tiny little button noses that aren't real.
Often times we've found that breed - specific laws have been rooted not in the behavior of the dogs — but in the image many have of the type of people who own them.
Image courtesy: Sean MacEntee If you've spent some time browsing PointsAway, you've likely noticed that the most powerful way to obtain the points needed to make your travel dreams a reality is often through credit card sign - up bonuses.
Often times it is in the post processing that I get the image looking right whether I am using it for making prints or online for my web site.
Önürmen's recent works often reference the pixelated images we see on our computers and cell phones; only this time the images have been meticulously constructed and reference not one but a multitude of subjects and events.
The images largely differ from the hip and glossy fashion - related work he often realized for publications such as Vogue and the New York Times.
She layers hundreds of found images using Photoshop, often spending up to 12 hours in front of the screen at a time.
He will pay particular attention to how this process played into the creation of his most recent project, A Trilogy of Burials, a series of abstract paintings, photographs, and multimedia images that are intended as a meditation on how different cultures have addressed mortality, a subject we often have a hard time discussing in Western society.
During this time, however, and in the years immediately following, he made a large number of collages and three - dimensional assemblages, compiling everyday objects and found images from (often pornographic) magazines.
At a time when we are immersed in a cacophony of media images and sounds, and live in a climate of anxiety often provoked by invisible and abstract adversaries, the four fundamental expressive art forms — painting, sculpture, installation and performance — are amalgamated over the course of the exhibition, with contributions from Philippe Parreno, Adel Abdessemed, Roni Horn, David Hammons, Mark Grotjahn, Marlene Dumas and many more.
On the contrary, images used in Cai's work often came from a time before Cai was born, a nostalgically tumultuous time in China.
The prints are from the series A New American Photography, into which Rickard undoubtedly put an enormous amount of time researching the most devastated regions of the United States and then scouring the Google Street View database to extract images, often featuring figures.
Her constructed bodies often incorporate images that mark war and injury, but the collaged elements in The Evolution of Mud Mama from Beginning to Start depict the natural world, alluding to the Garden of Eden or a mythical, primordial time.
In his work, material and image swap places, crossing and recrossing the border between depiction and abstraction, often several times in a single canvas.
The self - portraits are also based on photographic images that have been screenprinted onto canvas; in both groups of paintings, the varying tones of black, gray, and brown enamel are often overprinted several times, simultaneously accentuating and obliterating the contours of the source imagery.
Whether documenting political movements, queer subcultures, or urban transformation, Opie's images of contemporary life comprise a portrait of our time in America, which she often considers in relation to a discourse of opposition.
In today's hyper - visual world the concept of image fatigue is familiar and often debated, and it's something that Foam, whose mission statement is «All about photography», challenges with the variety of its programmes, exhibitions, publications and events: «We present diverse forms of photography and we usually have four exhibitions at a time in our museum.»
Influenced by her background in moving image, she loves to manipulate her ability to bring time to a standstill in her photographs, often echoing movement and a 3 - dimensional look in her work.
Their work similarly brims with gesture, image, and incident, yet was often overlooked by critics in their time.
The minimalist, formal beauty of Shirreff's works belies deeper questions about the often paradoxical relationship between time and space and the image, and the impact of perception on the location of meaning.
As Smith finds himself often sitting in front of his computer looking, watching, listening — and posting images of his own work along with the work of other artists he admires — he finds that in short bits of time he can view art from all over the globe.
No longer referring to their initial states and scenarios, these images often times reminisce details of collectively familiar images we encounter on daily basis or recall film stills that capture a bizarre moment.
The exhibit pairs 54 photographic images (often taken at different times), in 27 pairs that embody the titular theme.
At the same time, the Israeli - Palestinian conflict is impossible to ignore and leaves its mark on many of the images, often in ways that are not immediately apparent.
The image is updated each year, and each year, depending on the weather and the water level, the work looks a little different — a nice metaphor for the way contemporary art shifts even as it endures, often seeming a little different every time you catch up with it.
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