Sentences with phrase «often were the parents»

«Often it's parents who want to help their children — this is an incredibly stressful time for some young people and it's really important they don't panic and call us as soon as they need to and we can work things out together.»
Often this is a parent but in adult families (more on that below) it may be an adult child / sibling who organizes the call for family counseling.
The best place to start is your own parents marriage, because most often it's our parents marriage we unconsciously desire to mirror — even though we are our own unique couple and our husbands are not our fathers.
It is so vitally important that this topic be addressed with children; but often it is the parents who have no idea how to address the, often, generational offence.

Not exact matches

When Musk was a child, he would often gaze into the distance while his parents were speaking to him, which led them to believe that he might be hard of hearing.
Palmer reached out to a wide range of pediatricians to find out how they feel about these parents, and he was surprised to encounter mostly sadness rather than anger on the part of these doctors, who often feel like they've let their patients down by not convincing them to vaccinate.
Studies also show that the emotional costs borne by children of color being raised by white parents - which often occurs with international adoptions - are less dire than critics believe.
Louwerse pointed out how parents work more, and children can often be found at a daycare center.
LinkedIn career expert Nicole Williams says entrepreneurs and individuals working in new fields such as social media or technology can especially benefit from inviting parents into their working lives, as their parents are most often confused about what their children working in these new fields do for a living.
One of the big «Justin - fications» for this proposal is that it'll help parents deal with expensive and hard - to - find childcare, which is often cheaper and easier to find for toddlers (partly because staff - to - child ratios are looser after 18 months, so daycares are less inclined to hire additional staff to accommodate more infants).
The final months of mat leave or pat leave are often spent in a frenzy trying to secure a daycare spot, and families are put in the difficult position of choosing any daycare that will take them — licensed or not — at a time that's already pretty emotional for some parents as they transition back to work.
They were often latchkey kids, with more than 50 percent having divorced parents, which led them to become very self - reliant.
Growing up on her dad's farm (her parents separated, and each ran one), her work ethic has often been described as meticulous.
DACA immigrants are people who were brought to the country by their parents when they were young children — often referred to as «Dreamers.»
While there are plenty of activities for families to enjoy together onboard, kid - exclusive spaces often have children not wanting to leave, and parents are likely to feel the same of their adult - only venues as well.
For example, if you sell children's toys, consider sharing follower and influencer posts and pins that are of value to parents of young children, like toymaker Melissa and Doug often does on its Facebook page.
If families can't afford to employ quality, full - time childcare, it is often the women who are forced to make sacrifices — and both work and parenting suffer.
It's something furniture companies have been warning parents of in recent years, often including wall anchors with some pieces.
When we fall for somebody, Strauss says, it's often because they embody the best and worst traits of our parents — so we're trying to get our unmet childhood needs met by this new person.
Yes, children with attentional issues can be obnoxious and difficult to parent, but they are often the ones later in life who are creative geniuses and innovative masterminds.
Millennials still report that they are as brand loyal as their parents, but their brand loyalty is often based on different criteria.
While most of us think about our time in 24 - hour blocks, Vanderkam thinks that «anything you do once a week happens often enough to be important to you, whether it's church, a strategic thinking session at work, your Sunday dinner with your parents, or your softball team practice.»
But the C. D. Howe report speculates that the rising number of sick days women are taking off — an average 2.9 more days a year than men — has less to do with illness than the fact that women are often saddled with taking care of both children and elderly parents.
This group of parents prioritize children over marriage and often are on single incomes.
While you'll be given the responsibility of looking after a child, often, babysitting gigs involve sitting around until the parents come home.
Fathers often tell him that their deep desire to be more hands - on as a parent is stymied by a fear of being stigmatized, or turned down.
Dig deeper, and you'll often find motives that are far messier — selfishness, revenge, fear of failure, a need to prove oneself to a seemingly unloving parent and many other things that most people would be reluctant to admit, if they were even aware of those motives in the first place.
High school students and parents who had just buried their friends and children asked agonizing questions to lawmakers, ones often repeated after mass tragedies: Why did this happen, and what can be done to prevent it?
Parent PLUS borrowers are often especially attractive candidates for refinancing, as well, as you probably have a stronger credit profile and income than new graduates.
I often reply that it is important that parents create an atmosphere where kids feel it is OK to say what is going on.
As NBC Nightly News report, parents with high - interest PLUS loans are often able to refinance them with private lenders at lower rates (see, «Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.&parents with high - interest PLUS loans are often able to refinance them with private lenders at lower rates (see, «Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.&Parents can refinance student loans they take out for their kids.»)
Sadly, you also often hear about suicides, and there are few parents I know who don't despair when they see the blue glow from the bedroom where their child should be asleep.
In lives that often combine multiple roles (parent, bread winner, care giver, volunteer, student) a customized job situation is a proven and efficient means to truly achieving the work / life balance.
Often this turns into a parent — particularly a mom — that P&G is trying to reach with their marketing.
Often a cosigner is a parent or other relative, and sometimes it is a spouse or good friend.
It is often assumed that new parents and entrepreneurs should just accept that they will be sleep - deprived.
Refinancing often makes sense for Parent PLUS loan borrowers, as there's already a lack of repayment options such as income - based repayment and forgiveness.
While a cosigner is often someone who has close ties to the borrower, such as a parent or spouse, lenders don't spell out what kind of relationships are permissible.
In addition, since your ability to obtain a private loan depends largely on a student's (and often their parents») creditworthiness, interest rates can vary quite a bit and can potentially be significantly higher than those available through one of the federal options we discussed earlier.
Plus, with parents often paying their rent, it's a good source of guaranteed income.
In addition, graduate degree holders and parents are often in a stronger financial position to refinance due to a stable income and established credit history.
Paul Critelli, one of the program's teachers, told me that many parents feel overwhelmed trying to get two or three kids ready for school each morning, and that their instinct is often to «sacrifice the anxious kid» in order to avoid morning hysterics and keep the family train running on time.
If a child is under 18, parents can open the prepaid card account themselves and get a secondary card — often with spending limits — for the child.
Millennial moms may think they're too young to buy life insurance, but financial advisors say new parents often need life insurance the most.
Parents split sometimes (actually, sometimes a sex change happens and couples still stay together), but it doesn't have to be (often is, I grant) as unpleasant as you describe.
We start out trusting our parents completely — even when they tell us seemingly confounding or ridiculous things — and overall that's good, because they're right way more often than not.
As Gertrude Himmelfarb has written, in place of the «confession (la Augustine) of one's own faults and sins, it is today «more often a «confession» of the faults and sins of others — of parents, lovers, friends, associates, or, if need be, of society at large.»
We often felt very isolated and alone in trying to parent him... most often within the church... as Christians «we should have been able to do better».
The experts have stated that social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents — concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people — are unfounded.
His father and I were often considered as not being «good parents».
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