Sentences with phrase «often work long hours»

CEOs and Executives often work long hours, may travel a lot, and are highly dedicated to their careers.
Medical assistants generally have busy days and they do not have fixed working days and may often work long hours with very little rest.
Analysts often work long hours, particularly when working to tight deadlines, with around 25 percent working more than 40 hours a week.
During tax season, tax accountants often work long hours, taking their work home with them so they get all of their documents completed on time.
Outside of class, they often work long hours to help support their families, or they act as essential caregivers to younger siblings.
Farmers often work long hours in rural areas, which makes it hard to meet people, especially that special someone.
And unlike permanent employees, who often work long hours with no additional compensation, contractors get paid for overtime.
«Direct care workers perform demanding jobs and often work long hours providing care for individuals with developmental disabilities and those struggling with mental health or substance use disorders,» said Speaker Heastie.
As a single mother who often works long hours, I didn't have enough time to devote to my divorce and custody case.

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Small business success is often the result of a close - knit, dedicated team working long hours to achieve a shared goal.
Business owners often work long, tiring hours, whether they're running a one - man operation or they have a full staff.
It's a gruelling profession: most operators are on call 24 hours a day, and often work in isolated locations for long stretches.
Most operators are on call 24 hours a day, and often work in remote locations for long stretches of time.
High achievers are prone to working exceptionally long hours, managing heavy workloads under insane amounts of pressure, and operating on short (and often unrealistic) deadlines.
The reason their work hours can run so long through the week is that work can emerge late at night, and it often has a tight deadline.
That's 1 - 3 days working a few hours per day, or 1 - 3 weeks working just a few hours per week - stretching it over a longer period is often a better plan for additional objectivity and less burnout.
Japan's culture of long work hours is often cited as a culprit, though by some measures Japan is not exceptionally hard - working.
Commuting, especially in London, can be long and stressful, 9 - 5 shifts are not as common as they used to be, and the ability to work remotely often sees people working longer hours than ever before.
His reasons for forming Hinterland echoed the problems outlined in the Jacobin story — long hours and the temporary nature of the work, which often required relocation.
Telecommuters work the same and often longer hours when they work from home, Rogers wrote on LinkedIn, noting that «they also have higher engagement scores, lower absentee rates, lower turnover rates, and the same or higher annual performance ratings, when compared to our nontelecommuting population.»
We work long hours, often sacrificing family time and other obligations to do what we feel is in our blood.
Productivity is often a concern of employees and employers, with both typically thinking that working longer hours with fewer breaks will increase output.
In order to survive, managers often ask sacrifices of their team members, whether it's shouldering a larger proportion of health insurance costs, working longer hours, or forgoing raises.
Once puberty hit then girls were married off to become mothers often at ages that «conservative» Christians would condemn these days, and young men went off to long hours of work, thus keeping them out of trouble.
They care for eight hundred animals, working long hours in conditions often uncomfortable and unpleasant because they love this soil where their ancestors walked, they consider themselves stewards of God's creation, and they feel called to feed the hungry.
My work was born out of my love for people; it's one of the things I'm most proud of and it often doesn't feel like work, though there certainly are many long, intense hours.
My previous life as a financial analyst meant I was working long hours and was often too drained or
While often the black boys unload freight or work on the docks during the day, then spend long dreary hours in the gym at night, the white fighter is «romanced» — no job, no fights over his head, the best equipment, expensive sparring partners.
The parents also work long hours, and are often exhausted by the time they get home, so I often also help with bedtime.
OK, fine, but what if your job has a private space with a locking door that's not the bathroom where you can pump for as long as you need as often as you need so that you can use your industrial strength breast pump which by some miracle you can afford so you can now fill up bag after bag of fresh healthy milk every three hours at work for six months straight and your supportive husband can drive to work and pick it up for you so you don't even have to store it in the gross community refrigerator so as to avoid the all - too - inevitable jokes about whether you're going to «whip up a milkshake for everyone» or remarks such as, «Guess we'll be just fine when the coffee creamer runs out?»
My husband works long hours, so I am often alone with Cub for more than 12 hours a day.
In 2013, Courtney Brockmeyer, like many working moms, felt enslaved by the long, stressful hours that often come with working for a big company in a big city.
The hard work and long hours (often spent in waist - deep cold water) are paying off: The calf, named Tyonek (tye - OH - nehk) by ASLC staff, is passing critical milestones similar to those we mark to monitor the well - being of belugas born at Shedd
The report cites all the reasons you would expect for such a finding: a lack of full service, reasonably - priced supermarkets with seasonal fruits and vegetables, a predominance of restaurants serving greasy, fried food, and the fact that poor people often work multiple jobs and longer hours, so they're more likely to eat on the run and have less time to exercise.
Even in bustling urban centers, one is likely to find that office workers — who work long hours and often do not have the time or means to purchase a healthful meal — are eating junk food from vending machines.
Massey, while saying that he believes people are not focused on his voting record, offered only that he worked long hours for many years and therefor often was unable to get to the polls.
Becker, who is retiring at year's end, said legislators have «enormous responsibilities» and work long hours at the job, often taking calls from constituents at home at night and on weekends.
However, the average time to complete the thesis is longer than 3 years, often due to the fact that most Ph.D. candidates are employed in half - time positions that usually require them to work more than 20 hours a week without extra pay.
And let's face it: Unless your project involves dolphin - spotting in the Caribbean, after you strip away the status and glamour, science is basically an ill - paid job involving long hours, sporadic rewards, an uncertain future, and often tedious manual labor or computer work.
She's writing about «people who study people and the things they left behind» — archaeologists who endure stingy funding, ruthless competition, long hours and often intolerable working conditions, all in hopes of documenting a past long gone before developers or the passage of time destroy a site forever.
Because genes and the proteins they code for are often highly conserved across species, the researchers suspect their discoveries — boosted by preliminary studies in mice — could lead to new treatments for people whose insomnia or off - hours work schedules keep them awake long after their heads hit the pillow.
The truth is, these things often enable ever longer work hours.
Real wildlife work is difficult, with long, often boring, uncomfortable hours.
Why it helps: Whether you're working long hours in the hope of saving up for some days off or just stuck in the middle seat on the plane, the holidays can often mean you're spending a lot of time on your keister.
Research has shown that sustained work periods longer than 12 hours, often involving sleep loss and fatigue can reduce levels of substances called catecholamines (such as dopamine and norepinephrine), leading to stress, anxiety, mood deterioration, and decreased performance.
Oh, and even though most current «natural» bodybuilders no longer make such claims, what about the old - time guys who were often said to work out for three hours at a time?
Long hours, lots of unpaid extra work outside of billable hours, and a poor tax strategy, often not establishing pension plans and 401 (k) s.» — Dan Kalish, My Practice Plan Read More
When I first met Martha, financial worries constantly hounded her, looming layoffs meant she often worked 10 - hour (or longer) days, and a near - zero sex drive took its toll on her three - year relationship.
For someone who travels so frequently or sometimes lacks the sleep they need, I often find myself working against time and stuck in airplanes for long hours.
And the very real truth is that the majority of the garment workers around the world are not paid a fair wage, are working in unsafe or unsanitary conditions, and are often forced or coerced into working long and grueling hours.
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