Sentences with phrase «often yearned»

The minds of men so often yearn for might and power, and their thoughts are constantly being drawn to such things, as if by their attainment all mysteries would be resolved.
Often we yearn for acceleration.
Preschool and School age children who are expected to protect the family often yearn for a new father to take over the protective duties.
The victims often yearn for acceptance from the very people who are bullying them.
The desire to lose weight is so often a yearning for something much deeper than shedding pounds.
I often yearn for the «old» ways.

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The problem is, despite the fact that we yearn for others to try fitting into our shoes, we're often not ready to do the same for them.
It is often said that those who are concerned about the social and personal effects of divorce are nostalgic for the 1950s, yearning for a mythical time when....
Often we find ourselves yearning for the good old days when the good old days are really a myth.
Contemporary erotic etiquette, even among the young, has so drained physical love of its enticingly forbidden and urgent quality, and so dispelled its atmosphere of rapturous risk, moral uncertainty, tantalizing mystery, and irresistible yearning, that the actual quantum of pleasure in the transaction is often, one imagines, diminished to a very transitory set of neural agitations.
In the challenge and sometimes great suffering of this awakening process, there is often a great yearning for «harmony,» often construed as the natural order of life from which we have strayed.
That we yearn to and think about it quite often (and you know that we all do, even if you're too prude to admit it).
Then again he often turned his mind and the hearts of his listeners to the yearning phrase of Jesus looking across at Jerusalem on the hill, and saying, «Oh, how I have longed to gather thee, as a hen gathers the chicks under its wings.»
At some point virtually everyone involved in the enterprise feels the pinch of a misfit between yearnings and expectations that are important (and vulnerable) parts of one's personal identity, on one side, and on the other a set of unexpected, often unintelligible, frequently frustrating «givens» that appear to be important (and invulnerable?)
It involves a lot of cooking and often making warm weather favorites that help quell our summer yearning.
The no. 1 adorner is at the core of any strong footballing side, with a number of teams often spending years yearning for the perfect fit.
It often seems it is the parent chasing the dream for the child, when the child just yearns to be a child.
I always had a yearning for «something else» but I had no idea what that «something else» was, and I was often intensely frustrated — to the point of having major melt - downs — because life just wasn't what I wanted... but I didn't know what I wanted.
And that yearning usually doesn't just happen once; it often...
A funny thing about many teenagers is that they yearn so deeply to be in charge, yet they often rebel against the responsibilities they do have.
Often we confuse our body's signals of thirst for hunger, or a false yearning for something sweet.
Or it's the quality that you yearn to find in the other, and then often been disappointed or heartbroken when they have been unable to fulfill your needs.
It can also be disproportionate and often involves yearning for something (or someone) excessively - having an urge to control the situation is often prevalent, too.
Curiously, its main shortcoming parallels the human flaw that is its main theme: our yearning to leave often loses out to our inability to let go.
I often found myself wanting to feel what the Whitman brothers were feeling, yearning to sympathize with them and to feel an emotional catharsis to compare with theirs.
Efron does some heavy - duty pining here, of a kind not seen since the era of silent movies, emoting in closeup, often wet - eyed with yearning.
Moreover, the unkempt Phoenix often shrouds himself in hooded jumpers, baseball caps and towels, communicating the idea of a man yearning to disappear.
They often resemble a dysfunctional family, composed of three unlovable types: 1) aspiring politicians for whom this is a rung on the ladder to higher office; 2) former employees of the school system with a score to settle; and 3) single - minded advocates of one dubious cause or another who yearn to use the public schools to impose their particular hang - up on all the kids in town.
However, often these leaders were balancing large coaching caseloads of teachers across the building, and I always yearned for a more consistent source from which I could receive feedback that would help me to hone my craft.
That said, the fact is, the birth of a child often brings out an as - yet - unrecognized yearning in parents for a house with a white picket fence and a yard with a swing set.
Although Harry does not yearn for city comforts like Lonesome, he is often baffled by Chris's incomprehensible doings and illogical priorities.
I don't often miss the control scheme for a video game but whenever I clocked off of A Hat in Time I found myself yearning for the same level of design in other titles.
Samuel Brace on Metal Gear Solid V and story vs gameplay... It's been seven long years since Metal Gear Solid 4, five since Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker — a game while magnificent, that is often forgotten about for its lack of a number — causing fans of the franchise to yearn for the next -LSB-...]
After all, there are few areas that are really «denied» to men, if the level of operations demanded be transcendent, responsible or rewarding enough: men who have a need for «feminine» involvement with babies or children gain status as pediatricians or child psychologists, with a nurse (female) to do the more routine work; those who feel the urge for kitchen creativity may gain fame as master chefs; and, of course, men who yearn to fulfill themselves through what are often termed «feminine» artistic interests can find themselves as painters or sculptors, rather than as volunteer museum aides or part time ceramists, as their female counterparts so often end up doing; as far as scholarship is concerned, how many men would be willing to change their jobs as teachers and researchers for those of unpaid, part - time research assistants and typists as well as full - time nannies and domestic workers?
While blurring the traditional distinction between fiction and reality — and revealing the experience of fiction to be as palpable as anything in daily life — Huyghe's playful work often addresses complex social topics, such as the yearning for utopia, the lure of spectacle in mass media, and the impact of Modernism on contemporary values and belief systems.
Isaac Julien's Long Road to Mazatlán (1999), a video collaboration with the choreographer Javier de Frutos, is a stunning visualization of the yearning of two cowboys «dancing» around their mutual attraction and the stigma that often comes along with it.
Longing is «a high grade of an intense and often painful yearning for something, especially if there is no hope to get any satisfation of the desired or, if the satisfaction of the wish is uncertain or far away» (Grimm's dictionary, 1854).
From the popular rock star and superman to the more unexpected dog lover and Pan, these various secret identities (off - line avatars as they might be described) offer an intimate, sometimes humorous, and often profound new look at the residents of Northampton and the inner yearnings and fantasies that we all share.
Longing is «a high grade of an intense and often painful yearning for something, especially if there is no hope to get any satisfation of the desired...
When a trauma occurs early in a child's life, fear often wins over yearning.
Filial therapy is often a welcomed gift for parents who yearn to be involved in their children's therapy and healing.
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