Sentences with phrase «oh my god»

«If they get a response from Gary, even if it's a smiley face, they're like, «Oh my God, Gary tweeted back at me!»»
«Oh my God, this can't be — I've got to play a tournament,» she recalled thinking.
You either say, «Oh my God, I can't believe it is only Wednesday,» or you say, «Oh my God, I can't believe it is already Wednesday!»
And that sounds really weird to people but if you think about it, a really happy 80 - year - old couple that's been together for 60 years, the reason that they've been together for 60 years, it isn't because they took all these private jets and they had these crazy vacations and «Oh my God, look at their pictures.»
We don't hear from our 70,000 Facebook fans like, «Oh my God, why are you doing this?
«You've eliminated the feeling of, «Oh my God, I got the biggest one there is,» says Lombardi.
Any time someone comes up to me in a random situation and says, «Oh my God, you're Justin's guitar player,» my immediate reaction is, «Wow, you are a really big Justin Bieber fan if you know who I am.»
Well the picture was made under the title of Magnifico Straniero, so when it was Fistful of Dollars I didn't think anything of it, and then about the fourth or fifth time that they mentioned this film they said Fistful of Dollars with Clint Eastwood, little tiny letters down there and I said - I said oh god, that's it, huh?
«Oh my God, a trans woman in New York, I got ta take a pee,» Jenner said in a video she posted on her Facebook.
She says she blurted out «Oh my God, I loved you in that Soft & Dri commercial,» to which Bleeth answered, «Okay, thank you!»
So waiting for the ingredients to arrive is always like, «Oh my God, come on, let's just get it done!»
How many times have you seen a product or service and thought, «Oh my God, why didn't I think of that?»
A lot of people get offended by that, like «Oh my God!
I think that's the difference between an «Oh my God» product video and a good one.»
And I'm like, «Oh God, there's no time.»
«When people have our cookies, we don't want them obsessed with, «Oh my God, this cookie is better for the world»,» Tetrick says.
Oh my God,» the California congresswoman said jokingly Thursday.
I was like, «Oh my God, that's crazy.»»
I was thinking this the other day, when a lot of the Facebook executives get on Twitter and feel victim - y, they're doing their victim - y dance right now a lot of the time, and at one point, Boz, Bosworth, when he said, «Maybe people will die,» that memo, and instead of being like, «Oh god, we really have to be more mature about this,» their thing was, «We can't talk now.»
«Oh God no,» she answers immediately.
Oh God that was funny!
Smite me, oh god of punctuation.
It's always very funny to see the religious zealots scream about what they «know» their god wants, but when it's an uncomfortable contradiction then «oh god can't be understood» or «who are you to question god» (might makes right?).
Oh my God, the South is AWFUL!
Tell me oh god truthhurts what would you change in creation if the plan is to redeem lost souls?
And on the ocassions when things progressed past just making out, there was not a better place to be when the shrieks of «Oh God
All of a sudden she was yelling, «Oh god, I'm coming».
To have been so lost that you felt abducted, to feeling found, returned, and set back onto your feet: Oh my God, thankyouthankyouthankyou.
Then, when I turned 18 and went to college, all the women I met at bars were screaming, «Oh My God!
Or «Oh my God, thankyouthankyouthankyou» that it was all a dream, my child didn't drown, I didn't pick up a drink or appear on Oprah in underpants with my dreadlocks dropping off my head.
Oh that god, he is such a ham... oh wait sorry god... (hellfire begins).
After a few drinks, they would retire to the bedroom, where, over the course of the evening, my mother would repeatedly yell «Oh God, oh God, oh God yes!!!! So, naturally, I put 2 +2 together and told everyone I was «God's» son.
Oh God of the widow and orphan, the poor and distressed, bring forth your justice, for only you can perfectly judge, recompense and reunite this riven family of humanity.
Son god Jesus last words are «Oh God OH God why have you foresaken me» a blasphemy if you relate to Prophet Job (in bible) and how he suffered quitely.
Hosanna means «Save us, Oh God
«Oh God if you give me this then I'll do this for you or I «ll be extra good.»
What if oh god I am wrong?
Oh my God can power a car so you have no need for earth based fuel.
Oh my God... I have tears too.
Or I should say OTG, Oh Their God.
Oh God, is the Catholic Church gonna have to admit that the world is round again?
There is only One God The Almighty the creator of the universe.God Allah Yahweh Gott Dieu Deus Dios all are the same it depends on our maternal language.As a muslim I do nt mind about that as there is only One God.As I speak arabic english and french I sometimes say Ya Allah... OMG... Oh God... Ah Mon Dieu... Oh Dieu... I am familiar to that as I am confident God is listening to me!!!
and like the Pharisee who thanked God for not being like that «looser guy» praying beside him in the temple we ignore the fact that their but for God's grace we would all be that «looser guy» Personally I remain that looser, «Have mercy on me oh God a poor sinner»
When people experience hardships they easily fall back on belief in the supernatural to get them out of it «Please God» «Dear God» «Oh God, I know you won't let me be tested beyond what I can bear» which distracts them from the hardship.
The real issue here is the fact that when speaking about Jeremy Lin or Tim Tebow, you will always hear people say «Oh God is doing divine work in him!
or «Oh my God
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