Sentences with phrase «oil dependence by»

His has been the most influential and persistent journalistic voice for breaking U.S. oil dependence by taxing gasoline and for addressing climate change with a carbon tax.
Several Democratic senators have urged their colleagues to steer away from any carbon - pricing mechanism and focus on a narrower — but still weighty — bill that reduces foreign oil dependence by developing cleaner energy sources and increasing efficiency standards.
We can cut our oil dependence — we can cut our oil dependence by a third.
And cutting our oil dependence by a third is part of that plan.

Not exact matches

The National Transformation Plan is an attempt by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to reduce the kingdom's dependence on oil.
The commercial case for the Keystone XL project, which would allow Gulf Coast refiners to access oil from lower - priced, landlocked markets such as Alberta, therefore, would potentially allow the U.S. to reduce their dependence on foreign oil — albeit by a small amount.
To reduce dependence on oil imports and curtail pollution, the Chinese government is promoting what it considers a strategic industry by subsidizing both companies and consumers.
On this question, the authors also agree In sub-Saharan Africa (except in oil - producing countries like Nigeria), political independence has been accompanied by a steady rise in dependence on aid.
India should replace its dependence on Iranian oil through cooperation with America in nuclear - power production and cease its dependency on Russian airframe technology by buying advanced American military aircraft.
However, Ghana is a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), which requires countries with a heavy dependence on oil, gas, and mining industries to accurately report taxes, royalties, and fees paid by extractive companies.
Donald Trump pledged to make the United States fully energy independent as president by reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil and rolling back environmental regulations restricting oil and natural gas exploration.
He supports legislation to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by creating alternative energy jobs.
Thanks to policies like those contained in the 2007 law, dependence on foreign oil has dropped by 25 percent since President Obama entered office.
In early 2007 he co-sponsored the Coal - to - Liquid Fuel Promotion Act of 2007 as a measure to lessen dependence on foreign oil by turning coal into automobile fuel.
By charging cars and trucks with electricity at night, American drivers could reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil while potentially cutting power prices as well.
«We can break our dependence on oil... and become the first country to have one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015,» President Obama said in his January 2011 State of the Union address.
Fossil fuels have been a great gift — but as the greenhouse gases produced by burning them accumulate in the atmosphere, our continued dependence on coal, oil, and natural gas poses a grave threat to the climate on which all life depends.
Argonne is poised to help our nation build an economy fueled by safe, clean, renewable energy and free from dependence on foreign oil.
It may be driven by manufacturers looking to profit, or some countries» economic dependence on coconut oil, he said.
Following the direction set by President Obama on May 21, 2010, NHTSA and EPA have issued joint Final Rules for Corporate Average Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas emissions regulations for model years 2017 and beyond, that will help address our country's dependence on imported oil, save consumers money at the pump, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.
The museums, UAE officials say, are part of a concerted strategy to lessen the emirates» dependence on oil revenue by creating a new income stream in the form of cultural tourism.
And if we pass a bill in the Senate, reconcile it with the House, that says we are going to invest in wind energy and solar energy and we're going to be the guys who are producing wind turbines, and we're going to be the folks who are producing solar panels on rooftops, and we're going to be the country that is retrofitting all its homes and businesses so that we are 30 percent more energy - efficient than we are right now, that produces jobs that can't be exported; it reduces our dependence on foreign oil; it is good economics; it will increase our exports — oh, and by the way, it also solves the climate problem.
No, in the US, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil is cited by many as being the major reason for increasing biofuel production.
The increments offered by ANWR and offshore are useful but aren't going to do much to bring down the price of oil or lessen our dependence on the Saudis and Russians — certainly not now, and probably not much in the future, when those increments come online and do little more, probably, than offset declines in older American fields.
Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee should be holding a hearing on advancing America's, and the world's, energy future by initiating a sustained quest to break the economic shackles imposed by enduring dependence on oil (that doesn't involve using 40 percent of our corn crop to produce ethanol in a world facing food price spikes).
«Our concept enhances U.S. energy and material security by reducing dependence on imported oil.
NSTA has distributed a video produced by API called «You Can't Be Cool Without Fuel,» a shameless pitch for oil dependence.
We'll reduce our dependence on oil by 1.8 billion barrels and cut nearly a billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
So as we replace oil with fuels like natural gas and biofuels, we can also reduce our dependence by making cars and trucks that use less oil in the first place.
The oil shocks of the 1970s were followed by low prices, and away went almost all the research and efficiency initiatives that might have reduced American dependence on imported oil (and CO2 emissions).
So the only way for America's energy supply to be truly secure is by permanently reducing our dependence on oil.
Most notably might be the acceptance of EPA ratings of vehicles by MPGE according to a formula that is an insult to science, and essentially sets the electric vehicle up as a solution to foreign oil dependence, but ignores the ultimate impact of electric vehicles that is to draw from coal fired electric generation.
The situation is then confused by the seeming complementary benefit of reducing dependence on foreign oil.
But it is unlikely we will do significantly more to slash oil demand if we deepen our dependence on tar sands by building the Keystone XL pipeline.
It seems to me, that countries are setting GHG - reduction goals, but achieving them is a by - product of economic growth in say «alternative - energy» markets, or reducing their dependence on oil.
Consequently, our military is forced to operate in hostile territory, and our troops are attacked by terrorists funded by U. S. oil dollars, while rogue regimes profit off of our dependence.
In particular, I reference and link to an awesome Scientific American article on solar energy «A Solar Grand Plan: By 2050 solar power could end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions.»
He said, «Our dangerous dependence on foreign oil has been thirty years in the making, and was caused by the failure of politicians in Washington to think long - term about the future of the country.»
Publicly, most automakers are ducking the issue and emphasizing potential pitfalls of building hybrid cars with plugs, but pressure is mounting behind the scenes to give the idea some life... «Such development should have the highest research and development priority because it promises to revolutionize transportation economics and to have a dramatic effect on the problems caused by oil dependence,» write George Shultz, former U.S. secretary of state, and James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, in a June position paper on oil and U.S. national security... They argue that battery development for plug - in hybrids «should for the time being replace the current research and development emphasis on automotive hydrogen fuel cells.»
It reduces our dependence on volatile prices, set by whatever the most recent unrest in the Middle East is; for example, over the last month, we have seen a 10 % oil price spike on news of a restart of Egypt's unrest — and they're not even a major oil producer!
The Obama standards were also expected to save families more than $ 1.7 trillion in fuel costs, and to reduce America's dependence on oil by more than 2 million barrels per day in 2025.
With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015, Obama said on Tuesday.
Deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is aiming to reduce the country's dependence on oil and «create a more diverse and sustainable economy», financed in part by a $ 2 trillion sovereign fund.
Such development should have the highest research and development priority because it promises to revolutionize transportation economics and to have a dramatic effect on the problems caused by oil dependence.
Because gasoline prices are largely determined by the cost of crude oil, which is set on the world market, experts say that the way to reduce our vulnerability to gas price spikes is to decrease our dependence on oil, regardless of where the oil comes from:
On this page... Coal gasification Coal liquefaction Coal - seam gas Factors in oil supply Links Oil reserve estimates by the USA Oil shale Peak oil Reduce your dependence on oil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel souroil supply Links Oil reserve estimates by the USA Oil shale Peak oil Reduce your dependence on oil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel sourOil reserve estimates by the USA Oil shale Peak oil Reduce your dependence on oil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel sourOil shale Peak oil Reduce your dependence on oil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel souroil Reduce your dependence on oil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel souroil Related pages Self - sufficiency Tar sands Top Unconventional liquid fuel sources
Can we reduce our dependence on foreign oil and by how much in the first term, in four years?
We worked with retired military generals who made the case that the pipeline would actually decrease our energy security by prolonging our dependence on oil, exacerbating the security risks in climate destabilization and putting our troops at risk.
Ken Zweibel, James Mason, and Vasilis Fthenakis, «A Solar Grand Plan: By 2050 Solar Power Could End U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil and Slash Greenhouse Gas Emissions,» Scientific American, vol.
Beset by rising gas prices and Middle Eastern turmoil, Mr. Obama, like other presidents, decried the nation's dependence on foreign oil.
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