Sentences with phrase «oil gusher on»

Much of President Obama's first White House news conference in 10 months was, not surprisingly, dominated by statements assuring Americans that the administration was on the case from the first hours after the eruption of an oil gusher on the Gulf of Mexico seabed.
Obama administration officials faced growing challenges over the unabated oil gusher on the Gulf of Mexico seabed on Tuesday as analysis of ocean currents appeared to raise the odds that Florida reefs and beaches could be tainted before the month is out.

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First of all, when folded away into the trunk there is very little storage space left, and what there is can be explored only with the type of robotic equipment being used on BP's Gulf oil gusher.
3:00 p.m. Updated The Times Green blog has a piece on efforts to track the condition of a deepwater coral reef threatened by the underwater oil gusher in the Gulf.
Every time BP delays releasing information on its oil gusher and slick, the company's credibility sinks a bit lower.
But Obama faces a reality that many of these groups seem slow to recognize: While the 20th - century toolkit preferred by traditional environmentalists — litigation, regulation and legislation — remains vital to limiting domestic pollution risks such as the oil gusher, it is a bad fit for addressing the building human influence on the climate system, which is driven now mainly by a surge in emissions mostly outside United States borders in countries aiming to propel their climb out of poverty on the same fossil fuels that generated much of our affluence.
Managing risk on an increasingly crowded and human - exploited planet will surely be a prime theme, with the avoidable Gulf of Mexico oil gusher being a prime example.
My Dot Earth post on «Complexity and its Discontents» following the Gulf oil gusher explores these issues, as well.
11:50 p.m. Updated Representative Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts has convinced BP to start streaming live video from the seabed oil gusher, he announced on his House Web site tonight.
Would things have been different on energy policy, I mused, if the spike in oil and gasoline prices had not come in 2008, but instead coincided with the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher?
David Brancaccio, a longtime correspondent for public radio and television, has written a fascinating post on his new Economy 4.0 blog for the Marketplace radio show analyzing the economic impacts of the gulf oil spill six months after explosions killed 11 workers and unleashed the gusher in the seabed.
President Obama, who visited a solar - cell manufacturer in California today in one of his frequent trips focused on clean energy, is scheduled to return to the Gulf Coast on Friday to weigh the damage from dirty energy — in this case, the seabed gusher — and, hopefully, press the case for a new American relationship to oil, and energy more generally.
2:30 p.m. Updated President Obama delivered a statement on BP and the seabed oil gusher today, decrying the «ridiculous spectacle» of the three main companies involved in the mess pointing fingers at each other in congressional hearings.
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