Sentences with phrase «old my rule of»

The old rules of valuation no longer apply.»
An old rule of thumb was to think about replacing two - thirds to three - fourths of your previous income in retirement.
The old rule of never discussing sex or politics is good in theory, but when the political climate gets heated it can be difficult to leave issues at the door
But within this healthcare biodome, the old rules of insurance, copays, appointment - making, and office visits are changing quickly, as customers now routinely consult with their physicians through email exchanges and video chats.
And the bottom line — an old rule of design — complexity is the enemy.
But big data itself is prone to systematic distortions, misplaced trust, and the oldest rule of coding: garbage in, garbage out.
My poor dad, my biological father, struggled financially his entire life playing by the old rules of money.
The old rule of basing stock asset allocation on a formula of «100 minus your age» — leading to, say, a 40/60 stocks / bonds split if you retire at 60 — is outdated.
Then, the old rule of thumb is: I find a place for everything & everything will be in its place.
In addition, under the old rules of private placements (Rule 506 (b) of Regulation D), companies were prohibited from advertising their raise, requiring that they rely on their existing networks and warm introductions, further containing investment opportunities within the existing startup community.
A: The question is how much weight you put on the old rule of thumb that two quarters back - to - back of contraction is a recession.
A call for the old rules of courtship will evoke snickers, and statements about the vulnerability of nineteen - year - old girls will draw frowns.
why is that christians will always tell you that you don't need to follow the old rules of the old testament i.e. stoning disobedient children, brides who aren't virgins etc yet CONSISTENTLY cite levitacus to justify their opinion that killing gays is wrong — could someone explain this please.
The old rules of wine no longer apply as experimentation becomes the new norm and a little ignorance is forgiven.
Jan 04,2016...Mis - Manners Old rules of baseball etiquette are taking a bashing fromtoday's young players The topic...
The old rule of 20 yard line was better for kicks downed in end zone.
There is a strong shift away from the old rule of «never talk to strangers» to «never go anywhere with anyone without asking permission first».
So, the old rule of thumb for recruiting via social networks still applies: move those people onto your email list as fast as you can get them to sign a petition.
Despite our skills, experience, testing and fundraising, Dems were beaten because we ignored one of the oldest rules of politics: messages matter.
Reynolds didn't bother to note the he's trailing in his own reelection bid by thirteen points, a contradiction that suggests either (a) the old rule of incumbency is changing or (b) Tom Reynolds is just that transcendently loathsome.
That being the case, I followed one of the oldest rules of journalism: When in doubt, leave it out.
Suddenly the old rules of genetics are looking out of date.
The boring, old rules of healthy eating are landing on the scrap heap as new research uncovers the intricate ways nutrients work within our bodies.
And we're all way over the old rule of «no white after Labor Day» right?
I love wearing white in the summer months and although I may not wear this dress to a wedding — unless the dress code doesn't abide by the old rule of «never wear white to a wedding» — it is still perfect for a garden party, the polo or even the Wimbledon finals.
We all know the old rule of thumb, right?
Who cares if just three are allowed by very old rules of elegance!!
It's 2017, and we're no longer stuck following old rules of dating rules.
Toss out the old rules of waiting a few days.
The old rules of relationships no longer apply.
Sure - skin is great, but the old rule of thumb «If you got it, flaunt it», doesn't necessarily work to your advantage for either extreme.
Is it appropriate for a 16 year old to date a 14 Is it appropriate for a 24 year old My rule of thumb growing up was No more than 2 years.
Free Sign Up The old rules of relationships no longer apply.
To see the regular The old rules of relationships no longer apply.
Ornately and unusually shaped, they often fit together in strikingly counter-intuitive ways — the old rules of starting with the sky, or assembling the border from the straight edges, don't apply.
It imparts a winning excitement precisely because it covers a rousing advent, one that is «rewriting centuries - old rules of learning, motivation, and success.»
Repeat Exposure — There's an old rule of thumb in the marketing world: a consumer must be exposed to a product six to eight times before making a decision to buy.
It's an experience which does not even need to adhere to the old rules of «books» in which certain conventions of grammar and spelling were expected to be followed.
These illustrations may strike many investors as equity heavy; the equity allocations are certainly above those you'd get by following the old rule of subtracting your age from 100.
Ever heard the old rule of thumb, you should only refinance if your new interest rate is at least two points lower?
«As an advisor, you just can't assume anything — you've got to throw out any old rules of thumb when initially reviewing a client's portfolio and do a deeper dive,» Bray says.
The old rule of Walter Bagehot was for the central bank to unlimitedly lend against secure assets at a penalty rate in a crisis.
The old rule of thumb that you'll only need to generate 80 % or so of your pre-retirement income to cover your expenses in retirement may be okay for estimating how much you need to save each year during your career to build an adequate nest egg.
The old rule of thumb used to be that you shouldn't refinance unless the new interest rate is at least two percentage points lower.
There's an old rule of thumb that you should have the same percentage of bonds as your current age.
Although I don't slavishly adhere to that rule...» «My personal, non-retirement accounts are about 80 percent bonds and 20 percent stocks, reflecting my old rule of thumb that your bond allocation should roughly equal your age.
There is even an old rule of thumb that says approximately 80 % of an MLP's distributions tend to be tax - deferred.
To make your assets last throughout your lifetime, the old rule of thumb was that you could afford to spend 4 % of your portfolio annually in retir.
I don't think that the old rules of thumb stands any more.
Rent affordability also suffered in white communities over the same time, but to a much smaller degree: Renters in these areas have typically spent somewhere between 27.9 and 30.7 percent of their income, within the old rule of thumb that says rent should not exceed 30 percent of income.
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