Sentences with phrase «old apple of his eye»

Not exact matches

Ironically enough, it serves as a reminder to stay on top of consumption, even if I one day have larger closets; to appreciate all that I've been blessed with, both in work and in real life; and to remember how far I've come from that wide - eyed 21 - year - old who arrived in the Big Apple with a whole lot of dreams and not very much else.
I am happy with this palette.Colors are very intense and lasting forever.I always avoided to buy Maybelline eyeshadow, cause didn't trust it's quality and didn't like package.I used Chanel, Artdeco but ended throwing them as I couldn't finish them in 2 years, and I got very sensitive eyes using old expensive eyeshadows.I bought this palette in good price, I use trusted base and have big experience in appling eyeshadow the best way.I don't want to think any more about expensive make up for eyes which I can't throw after years of using and full of bacteria since it's older then 18m - 2 years.I get same beautiful look in very affordable price and will change in 2y without crying for money in sake of my health.Thank you.
I wouldn't be so quick to say which one is better because I owned a Prime and sold it due to it being inconsistant most of the time with the browser crashes wifi lack of app optimizations and gps issues when on the other hand the iPad 2 keep in mind a whole year older just simply works in every aspect and no I'm no APPLE FAN BOY but ppl spend hundreds of dollars on these devices and they don't work consistantly and my eyes that doesn't put you ahead of the game yea Android has wonderful ideas that blow you away and then it seems Apple just doesn't utilize enuff innovation sumtimes its jus crazy I could go all day... In my eyes Android still has some work to do!!!
Bess a 12 - month old German Shepherd was the apple of her owner's eyes, whom we will refer to as John and Shirley.
Apple recently admitted that the company is, in fact, slowing down older phones — though, with good reason — confirming years of conspiracy theories and rumours in the eyes of many.
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