Sentences with phrase «old bogeyman»

But James gave Royce's idealism a pragmatic twist by pushing Royce to ask not what the source of thought is — the old bogeyman of epistemology — but what purpose thought serves.
In the Stoddard piece US climate skepticism is linked to some of the same old bogeymen: «the influence of U.S. talk radio» and the «oil lobby.»

Not exact matches

As they got older, the soft glow provided extra comfort and kept the Bogeyman at bay.
Captain Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) and his band of space cowboys (including Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Gina Torres and Adam Baldwin) while shielding a fugitive girl from the The Alliance (represented by Chiwetel Ejiofor's ruthless agent), uncover an ages - old conspiracy involving the deadliest bogeymen in the universe, the Reavers.
As for the «greying population» bogeyman, just imagine as the older generation start to pass on, younger generations will NATURALLY have more children to compensate and therefore get to have more sex and more happiness as opposed to being stressed out of their minds by sardine can living conditions mandated by rich people who live on multiple, vast, totally uncrowded estates!
The old Kyoto bogeymen, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, have left the building, and Democrats control the largest congressional majority that either party has seen in a generation.
According to Wikipedia, «Bogeyman is a common allusion to a mythical creature in many cultures used by adults or older children to frighten bad children into good behaviour.
Interestingly, The Bar Standards Board appears to have invented a good old fashioned bogeyman to head criticism off at the pass with this statement — taken from Neil Rose's report:
For the few holdouts who still had doubts, the old shopworn bogeyman was trotted out: «If we don't do it, then somebody else will do it for us.»
Ergo, the old boys club may not be a bogeyman.
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