Sentences with phrase «old certainties»

But the hallmark of science is that new information challenges old certainties and doctors must change their -LSB-...]
In this peculiarly British system, moving towards coalition, still yearning for old certainties, the smaller parties are going to sink or swim by who they'll get into bed with.
It gets under our skin, hits us at a level deeper than our thoughts or even our passions, troubles oldest certainties till all questions are reopened, and in general shocks us more fully awake than we are for most of our lives?
Fronting the theological «right,» I'm convinced that any attempts to reconstruct old certainties, as if «the heretical imperative» could be ignored, are futile.
But the MPs» expenses scandal has overturned old certainties and made change possible.
That finding neatly encapsulates one of the most wondrous aspects of science: Even as it destroys old certainties, it opens our eyes to amazing new possibilities awaiting in the world all around us.
Which, let's face it, no one can be sure about before new results disprove old certainties.
As old certainties disappear and new ones are not available, the most powerful question any strategy process can ask is: «What if...?»
Three quotes from a BBC Channel 4 News story on the British data firm Cambridge Analytica (CA) have left old certainties shaken and stirred.
But the hallmark of science is that new information challenges old certainties and doctors must change their thinking and practice in response.
Some old certainties have been made untenable, and a confusing and exciting richness of life has been exposed.
An attempt to return to older certainties will not do.
The age of the Victorians saw the old certainties of religion crumble, to be replaced by ideology and dark magic.
We live in an age of Post — truth politics in which all the old certainties have been overturned.
This is the Game of Thrones approach to fisheries policy, a return to old certainties and Driscoll's pointy red lines.
The old certainties about the manifsto and mandate go out of the window.
South Africans still show the psychological scars of the old order; problems faced by young blacks traumatised by a violent childhood, and whites for whom the old certainties have vanished
The unsure modern world of migrant workers and upstart businessmen seems to be turning on the old certainties of the land.
But imperial Russia is doomed and with it all the old certainties.
All of the old certainties get questioned, even if they survive.
We're in a dead spot, a lost decade; old certainties are being tested, and many clever investors (alas for Bill Miller) are being weighed in the scales and found wanting.
Old certainties have fallen away.
Sure, we like our old certainties (Mom's cooking, a favorite pair of old jeans, small - town folksy ways, old school good manners, Ronald Reagan, old Jimmy Stewart movies at Christmas time etc), we are genetically programmed to seek out not only the new, but the NEW CERTAINTIES.
Old certainties are gone.
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