Sentences with phrase «old class of»

I'll always be here for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts but they're the old class of the MCU.
Amphibians are the oldest class of existing four - legged vertebrates, having been around for 300 million years.
Since 2015 there have been a few pharmaceutical companies working on a new cholesterol - lowering drug type as a replacement for the older class of statin drugs, such as Lipitor.

Not exact matches

«Trousers are for older boys and men, whereas shorts on younger boys are one of the silent class markers that we have in England.
Stiglitz told us that this decades - old debate about how to balance the creation of short - term and long - term value is recently gaining new life in the US because of the venomous class class tensions and ugly politics arising out of income inequality, and because people in positions of power are looking at the big picture and realizing that something has to change.
They've begun shipping a new generation of more powerful dual - core processors, forcing bone - deep price cuts on «old» dual - cores and Pentium - class chips.
«We build world - class tech that puts people back in control of their finances, we speak to our customers like humans and we're never afraid to challenge old thinking in order to innovate.»
Old school tales of trudging five miles through the snow to get to class may give way to accounts of glitchy laptops and faulty interactive whiteboards.
So I graduated from Harvard, class of» 97, and the internet was just a couple years old then and, of my graduating class of about 1,600, probably fewer than 10 people moved out West to work in tech.
If you're a typical middle - class Canadian couple, a retirement nest egg of between $ 250,000 and $ 750,000 should be enough, at least after you add in the government help you get from the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security.
Older daughter Cho Hyun - ah was notorious for the «nut rage» incident in which she got angry when a first - class flight attendant served her nuts in a bag instead of on a dish.
But when we make these investments, it can be easy to overlook the power of building intimacy with your customers by delivering world - class customer service like they used to in the old days.
The most effective use of reverse psychology for parents hoping to push older kids towards wise choices isn't to actively manipulate them towards your desired aim — i.e. by fake nonchalantly asking if perhaps your child would like to give up a sport or AP class - but rather to hand control back to a kid who feels like they're already being pushed toward a particular future.
We didn't actually lift a lot of weights in SEAL training, because there were so many of us in a SEAL team or in a SEAL training class, you just couldn't set up a circuit — but the calisthenics and really today you see the fitness world going from, «Well, you need to do heavy weights or you need to do kettlebells, or you need to... «Well, I think what you find is calisthenics, the old push - ups, sit - ups, 8 - count bodybuilders, chase the rabbit, these were exercises that I still do today, and they serve me pretty well.
Born in 1995, the oldest members of Gen Z are turning 21 this year, which means that some already graduated in the Class of 2016.
And a Jan. 28 filing from Red Bull gets downright anatomical in its opposition to the Old Ox name: «An «ox» and a «bull» both fall within the same class of «bovine» animals and are virtually indistinguishable to most consumers,» the filing reads.
Twenty - nine - year - old Kayla Barron, for instance, was a member of the first class of women the Navy commissioned into the submarine community and served as a submarine warfare officer.
Sgt. 1st Class Jon Benedict embraces his daughters after landing in Fargo, N.D., Aug. 17, 2012, at the old terminal of Hector International Airport.
Years ago, as a new classroom volunteer, I watched in awe as my child's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Endicott, kept a class of 26 5 - year - olds in order.
Comparison is between the average Prospectus Net Expense Ratio for the iShares ETFs (0.35 %) and the oldest share class of active open - end mutual funds (1.14 %) with 10 - year track records that were available in the U.S. between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2017.
Post-tax comparison between the 3, 5 and 10 year returns at NAV of the iShares Core ETFs and the oldest share class of active open - end mutual funds within the same Morningstar categories as the iShares Core ETFs.
At 31 years old, I'm 3 classes away from my undergraduate, have run and lost a State Senate race, can debate Hayek and Keynes with economics Professors, debate Nietzsche and Schopenhauer with philosophy professors, and talk occupy politics with working class youth, unemployed workers and homeless bums on the streets of Atlanta.
As millions of people were unwrapping their fancy new iPhone Xes on Christmas morning, thousands of users with older phones were signing on to class action lawsuits following reports that the company was purposefully slowing down older handsets to save battery life.
Not only are age - based options professionally assembled using a mix of asset classes, but your money in them is automatically moved from one investment to another to match your needs as your child gets older.
Exceptions: Templeton Global Balanced Fund Classes A and C use the inception date of the old Class A and C shares, renamed Class A1 and Class C1.
Instead, it belongs to an eager representative of China's exploding upper class, a 31 - year old bank manager in Shanghai who is watching proudly as Bob McDonald, the CEO of Procter & Gamble (pg), inspects the contents of her bathroom cabinet.
Capping guarantees at the old rate of $ 420,000, or even lower, would limit the subsidy to middle - class borrowers.
By: Simone Liedtke 3rd May 2018 The Legal Resources Centre (LRC), Abrahams Kiewitz and Richard Spoor Attorneys, on behalf of thousands of mineworkers, on Thursday reached a class action settlement with the Occupational Lung Disease (OLD) Working Group, which represents various South African gold mining companies.
By focusing on the oldest share classes and screening out sector funds and volatility / beta - themed funds, we find the S&P 500 outperformed 68 % of the 321 active large core funds with a YTD return of 14.32 % through 9/30/2017 (Figure 1).
A school district in Virginia is being warned by a team of lawyers that the presentation of explicit sex videos to classes of 14 - year - old girls likely were felony violations of state and federal laws.
Depending on just how deep you want to delve into link analysis, there are tools that will tell you everything from which site's links are oldest, or no - followed, or the ratio of deep links to homepage links, or C Class, or the cache date, or the different inbound links across the engines.
Upon this slender economic base, Vladimir Putin's Russia is posing as a world - class superpower, the new master of the Middle East, insisting on its «droit de regard» over the old Tsarist realms as if by natural right.
With the cancellation of the health care levy (which it should be pointed out was graduated and not a flat amount like the old premium), and the NDP tax increases kicking in at 130K and not 100K like the Prentice budget, the NDP has made sure the upper middle class (and some of the upper class) are paying less taxes than under Prentice's budget.
Performance quotations for this class reflect the following methods of calculation: a) For periods prior to the fund's Advisor Class inception date, a restated figure is used based on the fund's oldest share class, Class A performance, excluding the effect of Class A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cclass reflect the following methods of calculation: a) For periods prior to the fund's Advisor Class inception date, a restated figure is used based on the fund's oldest share class, Class A performance, excluding the effect of Class A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass inception date, a restated figure is used based on the fund's oldest share class, Class A performance, excluding the effect of Class A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cclass, Class A performance, excluding the effect of Class A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass A performance, excluding the effect of Class A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass A's maximum initial sales charge but reflecting the effect of the Class A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass A Rule 12b - 1 fees; and b) for periods after the fund's Advisor Class inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass inception date, actual Advisor Class performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that cClass performance is used, reflecting all charges and fees applicable to that classclass.
«In 2003 (when Mike was just 25 years old) I was serving as the Chair of the Business Division and I invited Mike to teach a class.
We build world class tech that puts people back in control of their finances, we speak to our customers like humans and we're never afraid to challenge old thinking in order to innovate.»
This brings to mind the old division in British working - class culture in which there were two models of sharing breadwinner male income.
but not taught as fact and right after science class where they learn Darwin's theory of evolution, watch videos on the big bang theory, have a field trip where they meet up with an archeologist to uncover one of our ancestors remains that weren't as evolved, learn how old the earth truely is etc.....
In five «Dirty Harry» films, he chased, beat and shot up seemingly dozens if not hundreds of the worst criminal perps in San Francisco, but in Gran Torino, Eastwood is a 78 - year - old Korean War vet named Walt who has watched his working - class Detroit neighborhood change to the point where he's virtually a lone Caucasian surrounded by Asians.
One of my students, Dash Delehee Dondokov from Mongolia, told the class a story about when he was 12 years old.
The old alliance between sensible LIBERTARIANISM and SOCIAL CONSERVATISM can't hold in the face of the vanishing middle class, the birth dearth combined with increasing longevity, the depoliticizing challenges of the 21st competitive marketplace, the irresponsibility of our techno - meritocracy, our inability to keep Locke in the Locke box on issues having to do with families and our erotic lives, and the connection between increasing individualism and growing dependency on the state summed up in the phrase «single mom.»
How many people do you know who can name all eight teams of the old PONY League (PONY being the acronymical title of the postwar Class D baseball league consisting of teams from Pennsylvania, Ontario, and New York)?
The questions might be easier to answer had not Amis also framed the book as a kind of challenge to his old friend Christopher Hitchens, whom he sees as exemplary of a class of intellectuals who forever pointed us to the horrors of the Nazis while demurely turning aside from the still greater horrors of Stalinism.
Today's raw recruits to the knowledge class seldom have a solid base of old world, old WASP, or any other culture to fall back on — and no coherent professional culture to embrace.
I was slightly older than him but we shared several classes and worked together on a number of school activities.
What is FAR, FAR more remarkable (and perplexing) is that the world population is 20 % Muslim... and yet with 18,453 people killed by ISLAMIC Terror merely since 9/11, virtually the whole Islamic world goes nuts over a political cartoon by an older Danish cartoonist (Westergaard), or a novel by a World Class MUSLIM AUTHOR (Salman Rushdie), and that years and years later, this so - called «religion» incites the murder of these people.
In this sense the electronic media are entirely different from the older media like the book or the easel - painting, the exclusive class character of which is obvious.
One mom, in tears, told us her 14 year - old daughter had been asked by several guys in her class for naked pictures of herself (which then get traded between boys during recess).
When I first heard the «binders full of women» quote it didn't feel out of place with the «cattle class» treatment from HR, just more of the «same old, same old» really.
In fact, when King was in college, just 19 years old, he wrote a paper for an Old Testament class on Jeremiah titled, «The Significant Contributions of Jeremiah to Religious Thought.&raqold, he wrote a paper for an Old Testament class on Jeremiah titled, «The Significant Contributions of Jeremiah to Religious Thought.&raqOld Testament class on Jeremiah titled, «The Significant Contributions of Jeremiah to Religious Thought.»
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