Sentences with phrase «old coal and nuclear»

The fabulous David Roberts over at Vox reports that even utility CEOs are now predicting that it will be cheaper to build new wind and solar than to keep running the old coal and nuclear plants that have already been built.
Free markets would be preferred, but the US failed to create competitive power markets under deregulation because it awarded old coal and nuclear power plants all sorts of advantages including stranded cost subsidies, grandfather exemptions to environmental regs, preferential grid access, etc..
Old coal and nuclear plants are closing due to age and tightening air pollution rules.
Free enterprise was going to have to build some sort of power generation anyway, old coal and nuclear plants do wear out and require replacement.

Not exact matches

Ultimately, the replacement of old, highly polluting coal - fired power plants by nuclear reactors is essentially no different from deciding, after putting sentimental considerations aside, to replace your inexpensive and reliable — but obsolete — 1983 Olds Omega with a 2007 Toyota Camry or BMW 3 Series sedan.
Currently, nuclear and wind energy (as well as clean coal) are between 25 and 75 percent more expensive than old - fashioned coal at current prices (not including all the hidden health and environmental costs of coal), and so it will take a stiff charge on coal to induce rapid replacement of obsolete plants.
While the United States is shutting down old coal - fired power plants and not building new ones, Europe — also because of the commitment in Germany to get out of nuclear power — is moving back to coal.
That meant coal burned in newer supercritical plants, natural gas, nuclear, tire burning, and existing 50 - year - old hydroelectric plants all counted — and they already made up more than two - thirds of supply.
THE HEART OF THE STORY (AMERICA CAN BECOME ENERGY INDEPENDENT) Most of our coal and nuclear plants are old.
On the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that natural market factors will gradually result in a reduction of ever more expensive fossil fuel combustion as older coal - fired power plants are shut down and replaced by nuclear plants, as hybrid and electrical cars gradually replace gasoline and diesel driven ones, and as energy efficiency is improved and waste reduced.
The UK has lots of coal, gas and nuclear plants that are getting old.
Electricity's carbon risks could be managed by new nuclear plants and «clean coal,» sustaining and even bolstering many of the power sector's century - old institutions — traditional business models, vendors, and regulators, coal - mining, even railroads.
The Obama Administration has been pretty upfront about its support for an energy policy that promotes both clean energy technologies and renewed investment in old technologies such as nuclear, coal and offshore drilling.
This matters because the climate change debate has been hi - jacked, emissions made worse by the net effects of renewables for a fast lobbyist buck in fact, driven by ignorance and misleading attacks that lump clean low carbon gas with dirty high carbon coal, and old school anti-nuclear activists who oppose nuclear generation on factualy spurious grounds, while it is in physics and engineering fact by far the best solution on any measure, through promoting irrational fear unsupported in any area of the facts and proven physics they deceive the unknowing about with simply false or msleading «sience».
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