Sentences with phrase «old coal gas»

«Old wells are your most likely leakage path,» Sherrick says, and there is one old coal gas well that pierces the earth to 1,200 meters below the surface, which AEP will monitor closely.

Not exact matches

Installing enough batteries to make most electrical grids fully reliant on wind power or even to take older natural - gas or coal plants off - line isn't cost effective yet in many regions.
The reasons are familiar by now: cheap natural gas, cheap renewables, stagnant electricity demand, and old coal plants getting outcompeted on the market.
The shortfall may grow critical as electricity producers close down old oil and coal plants in favor of cleaner natural gas.
Shutting down old coal plants is good for greenhouse gas and other pollution, but may prove difficult for local economies
Until other energy sources supplant coal, oil and natural gas, the technological challenge is clear: extract maximum energy from the old standbys while minimizing harm to the environment
Salem was an ideal test case: an old, dirty plant in a region already shifting from coal and oil to natural gas.
Does it makes sense to replace old coal - fired power plants with new natural gas power plants today, as a bridge to a longer - term transition toward near zero - emission energy generation technologies such as solar, wind, or nuclear power?
Replacing old coal - fired power plants with new natural gas plants could cause climate damage to increase over the next decades, unless their methane leakage rates are very low and the new power plants are very efficient.
«If there is substantial natural gas leakage, then building new natural gas plants would lead to more near term climate damage than using the old dirty coal plants,» explained Caldeira.
In September 2005, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations organization that includes scientists from nearly every country in the world, released a report estimating that 2 trillion tons of carbon dioxide could be stored in old coal mines, abandoned oil and gas fields, and in various other geologic formations around the world.
Natural gas might still have an advantage over coal when burned to create electricity, because gas - fired power plants tend to be newer and far more efficient than older facilities that provide the bulk of the country's coal - fired generation.
The UK has switched off many of its older coal plants, and government policy means it is now cheaper to burn gas than coal.
However, because gas, coal and oil are millions of years old, their carbon has a key difference compared to the carbon cycling through plants.
And, new power plants with the various anti-pollution technologies (and / or, in many cases using natural gas instead of coal) are much cleaner than the older plants.
... In the U.S. electricity supply sector, the cost benchmark for reducing carbon dioxide emissions lies with substitution of natural gas for coal, especially older, less efficient units.
An important question that political and climate analysts will be examining is how much bite is in the regulations — meaning how much they would curb emissions beyond what's already happening to cut power plant carbon dioxide thanks to the natural gas boom, the shutdown of old coal - burning plants because of impending mercury - cutting rules (read the valuable Union of Concerned Scientists «Ripe for Retirement» report for more on this), improved energy efficiency and state mandates developing renewable electricity supplies.
The old energy economy, fueled by oil, coal, and natural gas, is being replaced with an economy powered by wind, solar, and geothermal energy.
And as the English have done and as the Chinese and the Indians and etc will still do, they will use coal, lots of coal plus gas and oil for power generation until some capitalist somewhere with a very good idea on how to reduce costs and still make a fortune comes along and devises / discovers or restructures an old technology or a new power generation technology that is more efficient, lower cost, more profitable, just as reliable as fossil fueled, those coal, oil and gas generators
Radioisotopes for carbon changes inform that the carbon comes from old sequestered carbon, like oil, gas and coal deposits.
However, the majority of coal - fired power stations in operation is relatively old and emits large quantities of smoke, carbon dioxide and sulfur, making China the world's single largest emitter of greenhouse gases globally.
Most gas - fired capacity is less than 10 years old, while 73 % of all coal - fired capacity was 30 years or older at the end of 2010.
New gas - fired plants are starting up almost as fast as older coal plants are shutting down.
Thus, retiring the 62 year old Meramec Coal Plant would go along ways toward cleaning up our local air and reducing local greenhouse gas emissions.
You've called for installing nuclear power plants worldwide instead of coal - fired or gas - fired plants for all new or decommissioned old plants.
Newer vintage natural gas - fired units operate at higher efficiency than older, fossil - fired units, which increases the competitiveness of natural gas relative to coal.
Some older coal - fired generators were retrofitted with various environmental controls (see chart for data on installations of one type of control, the flue gas desulfurization unit, also called FGD or scrubber).
Cheaper natural gas has pushed out older, less - efficient coal and oil generation; however, the region's increasing overreliance on natural gas will provide few additional emissions benefits and increases risks of price volatility or supply disruption.
That meant coal burned in newer supercritical plants, natural gas, nuclear, tire burning, and existing 50 - year - old hydroelectric plants all counted — and they already made up more than two - thirds of supply.
As the owners of older coal plants consider whether to retire them or upgrade them to meet new and emerging environmental standards, the threat of greenhouse gas regulation will be an overlay of uncertainty and possible large expense, on top of the burdens imposed by other new and proposed environmental regulations and the competition from natural gas.
Not only that, older coal and natural gas plants are being shuttered.
«Big oil, gas, and coal have huge influence on politicians and governments and they get that influence the old fashioned way — they buy it,» said Kretzmann.
BNEF expects the nation's coal - power capacity in 2040 will be about half of what it is now after older plants come offline and are replaced by cheaper and less - polluting sources such as gas and renewables.
The reason: Since 2012, carbon pollution from the states» traditionally coal - heavy power sectors has dropped significantly, as new gas power plants have replaced older, less efficient coal plants.
Scores of old, inefficient coal - fired power plants were already expected to close as a result of other air pollution regulations — with gas fired plants popping up in their place.
He managed to find a note of optimism in the more efficient coal power fleet that will remain after 68,000 MW of old capacity retires by 2020, under pressure from various regulations and competition from natural gas.
We are going to need, for example, as we move away from old coal - based systems to a fully renewable systems we will need, in many locations, to have natural gas come in to provide backup or provide peaking power for occasions when variable electricity and power from renewables isn't available.
Natural gas combined - cycle units operate at higher efficiency than do older, coal - fired units, which increases the competitiveness of natural gas relative to coal.
The UK has lots of coal, gas and nuclear plants that are getting old.
■ Some 14,000 MW of new — mostly gas combined cycle — generation has replaced older coal - and oil - fired generating capacity, a private investment of about $ 14 billion.
Hydro serves most of the «old load» from our buildings and industry, but any new load is served by coal and gas - fired generation, so it's fair to place new construction in Oregon up there with North Dakota.
The study found that the EPA rules, combined with a recent drop in the price of natural gas, could over the next four to five years cause the utility industry to accelerate retirement of old coal - fired power plants rather than spend to upgrade the plants» emissions controls.
The Government is keen to see new gas plants built as a cleaner replacement for old coal plants, which it wants to shut by 2025.
Goals like these are especially notable to the extent that they would supplant even natural gas, which is abundant, cheap, flexible and widely used to replace old coal plants as they become uneconomic and shut down.
Think of this energy storage tank of potential solar power as akin to the pile of coal outside an old coal plant, or to the underground cavern full of natural gas waiting to be burned up above ground in the nearby power plant.
The rise of cheap and plentiful shale natural gas is hastening the fall of older, coal - fired power plants.
This has coincided with the unplanned withdrawal of older coal and gas - fired generators.»
Older coal plants will continue to be hamstrung by the cost of complying with non-climate pollution rules (such as the ozone air quality standards), plus the perhaps even lower price of natural gas.
Alabama Power, taking advantage of a drop in the price for natural gas, already has announced that it plans to convert older coal - fired units at the Shelby County plant to gas, which burns far cleaner than coal.
The sharp drop from 2012/13 was caused by the EU's Large Combustion Plant Directive forcing older coal (and a few gas) plants to close or limit their hours.
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