Sentences with phrase «old days when»

Remember the good old days when toys didn't require hundreds of batteries or make abhorrent noises?
I miss the good old days when decorating was why you tuned in... and your show would have been a winner, for sure.
I remember the good old days when you would have maybe 700 - 800 comments on a contest post.
I'm not sure real estate will ever go back to the good old days when brokers were paid a % of each transaction — often 50 % or more.
Unlike the old days when «siting» meant paying some consultant to hazard an educated guess at where to find store locations and branch offices, technology has helped the process evolve into a...
Remember the good old days when people used to slather their bodies with suntan lotion and sit out in the sun?
Emotional Support Animals are a whole «nother thing from the old days when support animals meant trained service animals for tasks, such as aiding the blind.
Remember the good old days when the one thing almost everyone interested in child welfare could agree on was «home visiting»?
Back in the old days when you decided to look for a new job, you sat down at a typewriter with some 80 - pound paper and began click - clacking away.
Your need for professional help still exists; and as a matter of fact it is greater today with your being unemployed than it was in the good old days when you were happily employed.
Remember the good old days when we would put education before work experience on our resumes?
Go back to the old days when you wrote your first cover letter and think I can not write this anymore.
Whatever happened to the good old days when a great resume could be typed up and mailed to a select number of prospective employers?The rise of the Digital Age transformed that bit of nostalgia into a fossilized artifact, a relic of job search history.
Remember the old days when looking for a job meant heating up your morning oatmeal, pouring yourself a cup of coffee and getting your fingers stained with newsprint while you flipped through the classifieds of your local paper?
They invoke nostalgia and make us think of the old days when graphics didn't matter as much as they do now.
Over the recent past, smartphone buyers have started missing the good old days when they would charge their phones once a week.
You can even go have a #throwback into the old days when we didn't have color displays by turning down the saturation completely.
The iconic physical keypad reminded us of the good old days when everyone wanted a BlackBerry mainly for the physical QWERTY keyboard.
Higbie likens it to the old days when «radio preset buttons were the easiest way to access content ever.»
In a refreshing throwback to the good old days when Steve Jobs would delight the world with «one more thing,» Tim Cook showed off Apple's latest product: a smart speaker called the HomePod.
The good old days when you could buy life insurance and then buy it for less 10 years later are gone.
It is a far cry from the old days when quotes were obtained for a certain price, not to mention having to go from one office to another could be very tedious and uneconomical.
As independent life insurance agents there is a kind of longing for the good old days when US Financial offered non smoking rates to social smokers and when CNA would issue a policy to a smoker at non smoking rates, with the caveat that they had to quit smoking within four years.
If you've ever heard your grandmother reminisce about the good old days when milk cost 10 - cents a gallon, you have some understanding of inflation.
Unlike the old days when people would flip through a phone book to look for a law firm, attorneys are beginning to see the enormous benefit the web and social media can have in promoting their services.
So, gone are the old days when the previous chief executive, Janet Paraskeva, rolled up its human rights section.
Remember the good old days when blogging opened the door to a writing career for lawyers like Melissa Lafsky of Opinonistas, or Jeremy Blachman, the Harvard law student who created the Anonymous Lawyer blog, which lead to a book deal?
According to that article, some Tea Party candidates are pushing to return to the good old days when Senators were appointed by state legislatures.
We'd love to go back to the good old days when we all honored our favorite presidents in our own solemn way with our families.
Remember the good old days when your law firm's reputation was defined solely by the quality of its work?
As the political situation gets worse year by year, it is hard to remember the good old days when we though it worthwhile to discuss sensitivity.
Speaking of diapers, there are the most adorable cotton diapers around now, unlike the old days when they came in white, only.
To the extent that Kondratyev knew what he was doing, he probably thought he was having ties with Western scientists like in the old days when he worked on CAENEX.
In the good old days when we actually sorta trusted our fearless leaders, non-binding hand shake type agreements were the norm.
Zinke's confusion of weather with climate brings us back to the old days when skeptics couldn't tell the difference.
First, it sounded like the old days when Lenin had to be cited in every paper, be it on mathematics or physical education.
It's a real bummer, and it makes you yearn for the good old days when all we had to worry about was the quaint threat of nuclear holocaust.
Bob Schieffer, recently retired reporter aging back to the Good Old days when we had fully functional, rational and non-shattered Adult Conversations in these United States, via what reporter D. Halberstam called the «three nightly séances» — ABC's, NBC's & CBS's, W / the latter featuring the Master of the Broadcast News, Walter Kronkite, Schieffer recently revealed his all time Fave DC coutisan: President Ford's 1974 campaign chair; Presiden Reagan's WH Chief of Staff, & later Secretary of the Treasury, + + subsequently the Secretary of State for President Bush the Elder — James baker III.
It takes the prize back to the bad old days when it was nothing more than a distinguished service medal and when everyone who had been around for long enough would eventually win it.
Why it was chosen: Contra 4 takes me back to the good old days when a game was allowed to be hard as fuck and simply getting to level 3 felt like a massive accomplishment.
What happened to the old days when secret characters and extra content was actually offered as a reward for doing well in game rather than as expensive add ons sold to whoever would fork over a bit of cash?
If you're a Zelda fan wishing for something a bit more classic and similar to the good old days when the franchise was still 2D, don't even think twice: Blossom Tales might have a couple of issues, but it's still extremely entertaining and worth the purchase.
Remember to good old days when 3D games where mostly just an experiment and an 800x600 resolution was state of the art technology?
I miss the good old days when buddies gathered in a room, killing, getting killed, but still remaining.
If all this adventuring into the great outdoors has given you a rush of nostalgia, making you pine for the good old days when it was just you and your Game Boy, you're in luck.
This makes me happy, good old days when men where men and games where games!
Remember the good old days when we still had those mythical places called Arcades?
What happened to the good old days when you bought a game and got the game in full with no further outlay.?
God, I miss those good old days when side - scroller beat»em ups were everywhere.
Developer: Arc System Works Publisher: Konami Cost: 1,200 MSP Do you remember the good old days when games would rip you a new one, spit down your throat, insult your mum and then slap you in the face?
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