Sentences with phrase «old doctrine»

At the heart of the uncertainty lies the seven century old doctrines of maintenance and champerty, which prohibits third party funding for litigation.
At the heart of the uncertainty lies the seven century old doctrines of maintenance and...
Furthermore we need a ecu - menical council of the Christian Churches in order to restore the good old doctrine and the good old church.
It has given me confidence to speak forthrightly for what Emerson termed with a sneer «the dear old doctrines of the church.»
Ratzinger charged Boff with distorting old doctrines by reinterpreting them in new contexts.
I think the trouble in this field is that many younger folks simply forgot how shakey their whole foundation is, and take old doctrines at their face (numerical) value, which was canonized through years and years of repetitions by popular science articles.
«Tis the age - old doctrine of changing the status quo without the establishment realizing what's going on.
3 / If you come up with an old doctrine expressed in a new way, they may say that «it's old wine in new bottles».
It is difficult to imagine a more emphatic statement of thoroughgoing individualism or a more explicit denial of the old doctrine that Yahweh visits «the iniquity of the fathers upon the children.»
For the present, my aim has been to explore new foundations for the old doctrine of original sin, allowing us once again to name its power.
Unlike West, she relates her insights to the old doctrine of original sin, stating that «feminism can rediscover the meaning of the fall in a radically new way» (SGT 37).
They, no more than Niebuhr, had any use for the insights hidden within the old doctrine of original sin.
Actually, even Niebuhr sought to protect God from the full implications of the old doctrine of original sin.
The problem is that they look for it in the wrong place and hold faith captive to historical science, as the old doctrine of creation once held it captive to natural science.
As he points out, the old doctrine of «Outside the Church there is no salvation» was in Vatican II completed by the correlative idea, «Wherever there is salvation, there is the Church.»
He prefers to meet the skepticism of his day about the second coming with a sturdy insistence on the old doctrine.
The old doctrine of vocation is unrealistic, especially for people who work in the industrial plants of our nation.
1944: Partner Theodore Kiendl successfully represents Erie Railroad in the well - publicized Supreme Court case Erie v. Tompkins, in which Justice Louis D. Brandeis formally ends the 90 - year - old doctrine of a federal common law.
Old doctrines of buyer - beware and solicitors» warrantees of identity, are not substitutes for compliance with strict requirements of anti-money laundering regulations and the duty to actively protect the transaction from fraud.»
It is now clear that the centuries - old doctrines of maintenance and champerty, which still prohibit third party funding for litigation, do not apply to funding of arbitration and mediation.
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