Sentences with phrase «old error»

I don't know if these are newly generated error codes or old error codes.
There's also the equally as old error reporting service that phones home when your programs crash and things fall apart so Microsoft can, ostensibly, prevent such problems in the future.
I stress this mainly because one old error in explaining the evolution of «mind» seems quite persistent: the notion that «bodies» evolved first through purely physical means, and then later «minds» appeared, exhibiting mentality.
Plain old error - prone, inaccurate, inefficient human beings, with all their loose circuitry and worn gaskets, had to be used after all.
But same old errors — no defenders in our half & playing Flamini.
Basic «facts» like geological timescales are almost unrecognisable and old errors present.
• In the better - late - than - never category, a 164 - year - old error on the tombstone of Anne Brontë has finally been fixed.
Once you get the errors corrected, keep a copy of any correspondence and review your old report against a new one to make sure old errors have not resurfaced on your report.
He says that «even the scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries... were still caught in the mental fetters of thousand - year - old errors, because the way back would inevitably have called in question parts of the biblical story» (p. 50).
But where the homiletics offered was more of the same, unaware that preaching in a changed context demands something different, not just something more, the result has been the solidifying of old errors.
Johannes Weiss dismissed the Galilean tradition as an old error of Mark, but this solution is inadequate.
The board had repeatedly insisted that state law required it to use the old error - prone process, even though the State Board of Elections and other boards across the state insisted that wasn't the case.
• Earlier this week, a Tweet from Rebecca Skloot prompted the New York Times to issue a way - overdue correction to a 161 - year - old error.
If the old data said something like 10 + / - 2C and the new data is 10.1 + / - 1.5 C, it's within the old error bars and should represent an improvement.
The only acceptable, non-controversial shift would be a change in mean that is within the old error bars and new error bars that are smaller and also within the older range.
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