Sentences with phrase «old fogies»

The phrase "old fogies" is used to describe people who are old-fashioned, set in their ways, or resistant to change. Full definition
At the risk of sounding like old fogies, we feel that a great part of sport — every sport — is tradition.
Focused on forward thinking ideas, Phileas only wants to have his work recognized by the grizzled old fogies who run the Royal Academy of Science.
Phileas Fogg (Steve Coogan) is an inventor who only wants to have his work recognized by the grizzled old fogies who run the Royal Academy of Science.
It would raise revenues the government will badly need to pay for Social Security and Medicare as old fogies like me begin to retire, as well as create incentives for energy conservation, emissions reductions, and clean technology innovation.
So when all the conservative old fogies finally die off, this country will be a much happier, freer, more liberal one.
Sin bothers us less than it did our fathers, not because we sin less, but because we have become wary of guilt complexes and scornful of old fogy scruples.
But if the recent economic uncertainty has taught us anything, it's that everyone, kids and old fogies alike, should have at least a portion of their investments in fairly safe investments.
Ernest Lawson, a member of the - once revolutionary American group known as the Eight, said to Robert Henri, another group member, «We are now old fogies, my dear man.»
They were old fogies anyway, who wore wigs, and don't understand the challenges of modern times.
Virtual money represents «the new Internet counterculture,» he said, and the movement stands in contrast to today's Silicon Valley establishment: old fogies like Alphabet, Facebook, et al. (I have yet to debrief with the evening's moderator, Fortune's Adam Lashinsky, who was not hot on Bitcoin last I checked.)
But, please excuse us old fogies who think this paradigm change is wrong - headed and oppose it.
Sure, our kids are far more intelligent than us old farts but can't we old fogies just take a back seat and let our more intellectualized children make their own rules as o what they themselves want to learn about?
This old fogy is ruining this club and he's so thick - skinned to continue, stay on and even considering signing a new contract at the end of this season.
Maybe this is why the filmmakers have jettisoned most of the old fogy Gene Roddenberry tropes and pitched their cybertent with the under - 25 set — the Twitter Trekkies.
And at the risk of sounding like an old fogy, I have to admit that I'm nonplussed by the one - speed transmission.
But Thailand (NYSE: THD) gives the old fogies a run for their money.
The Stuckists, the old fogies of the art world, had their day in the sun protesting most of what was on show wasn't «real» art.
Uptown with the old fogies, it might have Jackson Pollock for his black swirls, Rauschenberg for his erasures of de Kooning, Jasper Johns for his white flags, Frank Stella for his black stripes, Robert Ryman for his white oil against canvas and metal bolts, and even Judy Chicago for her white china.
«They were embarrassed that I was going out and just painting like an old fogy from the 1800s.
«Old fogies» don't have LinkedIn Profiles and don't understand how important a LinkedIn Profile is for the success of their job search (which is really too bad!).
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