Sentences with phrase «old foundations»

Every business, no matter how fresh it seems, is built on old foundations.
It's currently getting a gut renovation down to the 113 - year old foundation.
They're a nice blend of old foundation lines that can do it all.
The 13 - year - old foundation helps more than 30,000 women and children each year with funds raised through agent commission contributions and other fund - raising activities.
It would be easy to misclassify an artist's use of digital - processing as part of a conceptual practice, but putting aside dated art - historical constructs, let's incorporate the twenty - year - old foundation of Relational Aesthetics as a jumping - off point instead.
IRVINE, Calif. — Taco Bell ® today announced plans to raise and rehabilitate the world's first Taco Bell restaurant from its 53 - year - old foundation in Downey, CA and relocate it to the Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine, CA — saving it from impending demolition.
The four - year - old foundation also offers a $ 1.48 million (1 million euro) Champalimaud Vision Award annually to researchers who have provided «major breakthroughs in the understanding of vision or in the alleviation of visual impairment and blindness,» says foundation executive committee member João Botelho.
Sarianidi uses bulldozers to expose old foundations, largely ignores botanical finds, and publishes few details on layers, ceramics, and other mainstays of modern archaeology.
I don't have any particular affection for the original, but Space Invaders Extreme on DS proves the potential of those creaking old foundations.
And the nature of electricity supply is undergoing a major transition, from a century - old foundation of dispatchable fossil fuels to ever cheaper variable renewables, with related market reforms underway.
That chance to revisit and retouch such a pivotal point was, therefore, understandably irresistible, but MercurySteam has been given enough leeway to modernise the somewhat aged 26 - year old foundation.
While the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is set up as an LLC, which will reportedly give it more flexibility in its giving, it's unknown if it will become hobbled by restraints similar to those of older foundations.
We need look no further than the normative stance adopted by William Daniel Cobb in the initial article in this series («Morality - in - the - Making: A New Look at Some Old Foundations,» January 1 - 8 Century, p. 11).
Religiously the old foundations were being broken up and men were more open - minded and receptive than they had been for many generations — perhaps ever.
I must refrain from saying more about it until we arrive again at a proper understanding of what the Mass is and what it is for... I am not speaking of the old foundations which were established for the children of the nobility... I am speaking of the new foundations...» There were too many, and as things were at these smaller places their incumbents all got reduced to «anthem singers, organ wheezers and reciters of decadent, indifferent Masses».
While using any old foundation works well in your twenties, when your skin gets older it needs good quality products.
«Oh any old thing will do,» is what I thought to myself as I picked up my old foundation brush to wipe the bronzer all over my face.
Apart from the Venetian military, the problem was, as he wrote, «first from the numbers of modern houses built within the walls of the palace and even upon its old foundations; secondly from the inhabitants having pulled to pieces and utterly destroyed some parts of the antique work; and lastly from their having so blended the ancient and modern work together by repairs and alterations that it was not without great difficulty they could be distinguished.»
«Between New York and Marfa, we have 16 permanently installed buildings,» said Barbara Hunt McLanahan, director of the 10 - year - old foundation, formed after the 1994 death of Mr. Judd to preserve his living and working spaces in New York and Marfa, Tex. «This was not a decision taken lightly.
Thick strokes of color work as layers that Roberts either reveals or conceals, depicting new constructions being built over the old foundations of Roberts's home city, Chicago.
As detailed in the Bay Area section, the methods of this 18 - month - old foundation and its chief executive, Hal Harvey, are being underwritten by tens of millions of dollars in contributions from Bay Area nonprofits like the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation and the Schmidt Family Foundation.
Connecting modern apps to old foundations is a chump's game.
Old foundations are not supposed to be patched like this.
Your old foundation does look cool!
the old foundation that was on cement pillars and we had the sloooooping floors to prove it.
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