Sentences with phrase «old glove»

Get one of those good old gloves that costs five dollars and send it to me to rebuild,» Chilton says.
The restoration of old gloves, however, makes up only a small fraction of Chilton's business: Of the more than 500 gloves he and his five assistants rebuild every month, 90 % are less than a year or two old.
In 1965, shortly after his new glove was returned to the manufacturer, Chilton went to a thrift store in his neighborhood, bought an old glove for a nickel and tore it apart to see how it was built.
I suffered from some kind of bout of bad luck though, with the minivan nearly leaving without me and all the pads and gloves I chose were completely worn out: I was whipped in the face by a loose strap, my knuckles were in pain because of a lack of padding in an old glove and, the last pair, finally my size, had the least sticky Velcro ever.
«Here, look at these old gloves.
Here's what they found: A 25 - year - old glove - first shortstop who hit.226 with a.290 on - base percentage the year before.
It fit like an old glove and knew if I took it off it would be like throwing myself to the sharks.
Obviously, this is a showcase for Damon, who wears the character like an old glove by now.
Returning to Florence after nearly two years away felt a bit like slipping on an old glove, the feeling of familiarity warm and comforting.
It is business as usual with the battle system in Pokémon Sun and Moon, with you falling back into the combat like putting on an old glove, however Nintendo have spruced everything up for sure, with some flash special effects when your - or your rival's - Pokémon decide to kick things up a notch.
«What better use for lost, one off, old gloves
Any old gloves just won't do these days.
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