Sentences with phrase «old ladies across the street»

He's the guy who gets the cat out of the tree and helps old ladies across the street.
If I dress like a thug with my pants hung low, a bandana a grill smokin a cigar that reeks and I head out to help little old ladies across the street, what is the likelihood that as I approach, that the little old ladies will percieve me as good intent?
Dr Mann may be kind to his dog and help old ladies across the street, but he is a serial liar.
When I help an old lady across the street, or when the good samaritan helps the guy on the side of the road, its not because we are religious, its because we know what's right.
Next he will have to shake hands in a nursing home, visit a hospital for crippled children, take some of his wife's Welsh cakes to some firemen and policemen and helping an old lady across the street.
An old lady across the street from my Grandma's introduced it to David and I. I was never really a fan of it raw, but I've never had it cooked like this!
With that, a recidivist rapist could feel entitled to a woman's body, but simultaneously have the capacity to be kind to a disabled person or walk an old lady across the street.
Whether it's helping an old lady across the street, letting someone pass in front of you, or something as simple as giving a compliment or a smile.
«Every time you walk an old lady across the street or you touch someone on the shoulder... you're making a deposit in the bank of trust.»
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