Sentences with phrase «old nuclear plants»

Franklin L. Haney bought an unfinished, decades - old nuclear plant in northern Alabama at an auction last November for $ 111 million.
Because nuclear generation increases almost twice as much as coal generation in 2025, carbon emissions decrease slightly at first, but they increase in later years as older nuclear plants retire in spite of the subsidies based on the assumption that they can not renew their operating licenses beyond age 60.
«The relicensing of forty - year old nuclear plants for another twenty years of operation will face additional scrutiny, with outcomes depending on the degree to which plants can meet new requirements.
This is an extraordinarily important failure of a nuclear plant and the inadequate design — which utterly discounted tsunami risks, for instance — raises big questions about how best to manage the world's aging fleet of older nuclear plants — including the one here on the Hudson River — going forward.
Even mature economies like Japan and Germany must decide how to backfill their energy needs as old nuclear plants come offline.
The Greens have strongly opposed the Governor's $ 7.6 billion bailout of several upstate old nuclear plants; the bailout is greater that the state's funding for renewable energy.
Older nuclear plants require a particularly critical review to determine what «backfit» additions of safety measures are required, they say.
Unfortunately, the EIA also anticipates the gradual retirement of older nuclear plants, leading to an absolute decline in nuclear capacity after 2029.
«Now this isn't just any old nuclear plant,» Galef said.
Oswego County officials have beseeched Cuomo and other leaders to save the 40 - year - old nuclear plant, which sustains an estimated $ 500 million a year of economic activity.
«Now this isn't just any old nuclear plant,» said Galef.
Some older nuclear plants simply can't compete on cost with gas - fuelled rivals.
Closing the older nuclear plants is not an option for many EU countries, which are facing an energy capacity crunch as other types of plant are being closed or mothballed because they can't cover their operating costs, or to meet stricter environmental regulation.
But even this argument misses the key point: While it is certainly far better from a climate perspective to replace old fossil fuel plants rather than old nuclear plants, even old nuclear plants have to be replaced eventually.
But old nuclear plants have to be retired and replaced at some point, simply due to age, economics, and updated environmental challenges.
Diablo Canyon is aging, but is not the oldest nuclear plant in the fleet and PG&E could have chosen to push for a renewal of the license to continue operations for many more years.
But it's losing the battle to keep its older nuclear plants alive.
The reason, as noted above, is that although nuclear power has beneficial low - carbon attributes, it also has significant environmental, public safety, and national security risks — and that propping up old nuclear plants is expensive.
«Angela Merkel's nuclear deal is driving people into the streets because it is a stimulus program for political disaffection when the head of a government cuts a backroom deal with four energy bosses that's worth hundreds of billions of euros and safety issues for old nuclear plants are sorted out on the side,» Gabriel said.
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