Sentences with phrase «old pagan religions»

Atheism is not new or «evolved»... it is simply a re-hashing of old pagan religions that taught that «we are god» or that «we are all one and therefore we are all god».
It has its roots in other, older pagan religions that were common in the Mediterranean region before the supposed life of Jesus.

Not exact matches

Just because I am capable of imagining a pagan world and find the culture emotionally innate to me does not imply I believe in the old religion.
Benedict notes that, when Julian the Apostate (d. 363) tried to abolish the Church and reestablish the pagan cults, the one thing he wanted his old - new religion to emulate was the Church's ministry of charity.
I believe that Pagan holidays and pagan rituals and pagan beliefs, and all the old stories and tales and myths from pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was Pagan holidays and pagan rituals and pagan beliefs, and all the old stories and tales and myths from pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was pagan rituals and pagan beliefs, and all the old stories and tales and myths from pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was pagan beliefs, and all the old stories and tales and myths from pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was lost.
i was raised «pagan» [in the current specific sense of «religion based upon an older religion that pre-dates Christianity and was replaced by Roman / Christian practices»] i LIKE Christianity.
Again the act of Baptism comes from other religions and like the Church that decided to build on past pagan ground and to hijack the old pagan festival dates like Christmas and Easter, God draws us to Himself in a gentle way as He turns our old attitudes and ways upside down.
There were pagan priestesses of old — every religion in the area around the Middle East had priestesses, God's own chosen people, the Jews, were unique in not having them.
Even in their own parish church, with sermons in German, for many people religion had the sense of the frightening «unknown» of the old pagan myths.
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