Sentences with phrase «old page turn buttons»

I prefer the old page turn buttons, and the new navigation just will take getting used to.

Not exact matches

People who have older models are used to hitting the physical page turn keys and clicking on buttons to call up various setting options.
Dedicated page turning buttons on both sides (older kindle style).
There are a few reasons why people love their manual page turn buttons and continue to use older models.
In some ways my 6 year old Sony PRS - T1 is a bit better than the basic Amazon Kindle, for example physical page turn buttons, but I really like both devices, and you can't beat the $ 50 I paid for the basic Kindle this past holiday shopping season.
For example, new page turn buttons are wider for easier thumb - stabbing, and where the old Oasis needed an additional battery case to get decent life, the new model's chassis is plenty large for all the battery you should need.
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