Sentences with phrase «old religion»

A little bit of this, a little bit of that... There are dozens of older religions that deal with the same central - casting characters.
Good old religion, the biggest scam that ever existed.
While downstairs contemporary artists take on how the modern world interacts with centuries old religion and culture.
Besides there are plenty of records showing Genesis «borrowed» ideas from other older religions in that region.
Sikhism is a 500 year old religion with over 20 million followers worldwide.
If He had, they would have had to go without branches or booths, since other, older religions used tree branches in their idolatrous rituals, as the prophet Ezekiel noted (see Ezekiel 8:17).
We really can not be surprised that as old religions are shattered Communism moves in and meets men's apparent needs.
Maybe not as much as other old religions, but definitely bigoted.
Just think, wouldn't it irk you if a Hinduist, having come from a very, very old religion, made the post, Oh, Jesus is just a man... he came well after we have found God for fact through Hinduism...» You see, it's not nice.
The world has soo many old religions and the core of them is the same..
Question: When the so - called Reformation happened all it did was reform the same old religion and not the church.
Lori, hate to break it to babe but your God was stolen from another and much older religion before Adam.
Christianity is the «new kid on the block» as far as belief systems go, so almost anything we use to remember Christ has probably been used by older religions first, including the days of the week.
If you took the time to do the research on your religious books, you would also know that it's plagiarized off of other, older religions combined with the principles for religious rule written down by Plato 400 years prior to the «New God» and the New Testament.
«Much of modern paganism looks to older religions like Shinto, Hinduism and indigenous religions, which see spirit in everything,» says Jenny Blain, senior lecturer in sociology at Sheffield Hallam University in England and author of several books on paganism.
you spew out words that have no facts or meaning to them do you belive in paganism the worlds oldest religion
They are timeless tales of rivalrous co-wives, patriarchal society, and old religions challenged by Islamic and Christian incursions; they are modern stories of European - owned mining companies, the repressive influence of mission schools, corrupt elections, and the postcolonial African elite.
«Virtual desecration» is what happens when new media and old religion collide in legal theory.
as you explore human history you find bits and pieces of old religions / mythologies still alive and well in whatever «new» religion has taken hold of a culture.
Christianity DID indeed steal nearly EVERYTHING they believe from older religions..
«Cult» — The word followers of larger, older religions use to label beliefs or non-beliefs they do not approve of.
Here are some common misconceptions about one of the oldest religions in the world.
Please, are the gods so stupid that just because an alive person claims a dead one is now a different religion said god would have to throw them out of their old religion heaven and send them to the other heaven??? Really, some of you are more obsessed with dead people than the ones living.
People are just coming up with new / old religions: transhumanism, hedonism, materialism, nihilism, existentialism, pagan / Eastern syncreticism, New Age, UFO / science cults, etc and on and on.
Just because I am capable of imagining a pagan world and find the culture emotionally innate to me does not imply I believe in the old religion.
Pastmorm: You won't make fun of Islam's holy garments or polygamy because it's an older religion?
The old religion was more human, more tolerant of shifts from one god to another, and less likely to breed fiercely embattled heresies.
Its an old religion but not a bibilcally founded one.
Krein and Pappin seem to be trying on new ideas, searching out unmapped terrain — more doubters of the old religion than founders of a new sect.
Also many religions are rehashed versions of each other and older religions.
---- If a group stole stories from an already established and OLDER religion, how can such plagiarism have any integrity or truth??????
There was a a great deal of cultural exchange, and it is EXTREMELY likely that the eastern philosophies, started weakening the old religions in the region, and the NT was written in responce to this, so it is very likely that what Jesus allegedly taugh WAS from the Buddha and other sources, just as the rest of the bible took from many other cultures.
It is Christian life at risk, the old religion which will always be new.
A placid world without religion would be prone to stagnation or else would simple reinvent religion in other ways to create the conflict that leads to growth (look at the global warming debate to see two warring religions of belief without any ties to the old religions).
An interesting point to take is that Saturnalia, the god of the sun, was their god for Christmas celebration, and later turned «Worship the sun'to «worship the son», which would have occurred after they adopted Catholicism, and wanted to keep the traditions of their old religion by making parallels to the Bible (at least it sounds reasonable)
After November, he will revert to his old religion with reverend «I hate whites» toss a few bones in a bowl, and try to predict his next career.
Once I noticed that people were claiming to believe in God just in case there is hell (cowardice in my opinion) is when I started questioning my old religion and eventually not believing in it.
1) Creationism is not the oldest theory of origins.You do understand that there are older religions than Christianity, right?
The Hindus, possibly the oldest religion, know this.
But the old religions, Sanneh notes, «had only a limited ethical range: the family, the clan, the village, the tribe.
i was raised «pagan» [in the current specific sense of «religion based upon an older religion that pre-dates Christianity and was replaced by Roman / Christian practices»] i LIKE Christianity.
I'm assuming the law suit would include bi people who want to have a multi-partner marriage, as this would be the only way to truly get the old religion - inspired traditional bigotry off the books while giving the bis full access to their right to the pursuit of happiness.
It does not instill fear in me, it actually makes me sad that so many people follow a religion that was founded by stealing their entire theology and their entire story from other, much older religions.

Phrases with «old religion»

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