Sentences with phrase «old server so»

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Stats: 14 years old, 47 employees, $ 3.6 million in revenues System: A LAN linking 15 networked PCs to one server; employees use 20 more unnetworked PCs in the field Strategy: Disasters are easier the second time around Estimated cost of Y2K remedy: $ 5,000 to $ 7,000 so far
Just like the old BlackBerry plans, traffic on the new BB10 plans are still routed through BlackBerry servers so for now, one is better off sticking with the old plans.
BBM on the Z10 is still secure, using the old Blackberry servers, so there are no worries there.
What happens when you upload a file to Amazon, that new file overwrites the old file so they will not admit any problem being their fault because they can't check it on their own servers once that new file is uploaded.
The blog post also reiterates that the main purpose for the beta is to stress test the servers and backend, and that the game on show is based over a month old code, so bugs are to be expected; «the code you are now playing is actually quite early and not representative of the final game.»
Our past game, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, had a large but predominantly hardcore PC audience, and just to get to the point where they could play online they had to download the demo, install it, connect to a server, realise they need a patch, get the patch, realise their graphics card isn't up to scratch, go out and get a new graphics card; then they finally get to play online with the right patch and on the right server and their broadband connection is choppy so they get a better broadband connection and they finally connect and everything's fine and suddenly some 13 - year - old racist tells them that their wife is 400 lbs and, you know, it just basically ruins their experience.
Yes there is even role - playing in Arma 3 this is listed as life mods because there is so many of them from Altis life to Arma 3 life you basically live like you would in real life but with guns and the ability to drive a car when you are 12 years old there are cops, emergency services and lawyers its loads of fun just don't get caught doing things against the law some servers have high jail times!
Better still, you won't just be retreading the same old ground every time you log in either, because every area is randomly generated across all serversso the dungeon you and your friends are battling through will be different every time you tackle it.
There is no sign of him there so he restores a previous backup onto a local server (in all likelihood there were probably several backups but my guess is they would all be very old because after 20 years it probably ran out of disk space so there wouldn't be any recent ones).
1.5 M animated gif, so pliz be kind, cache with attribution server is old and crotchety, and may fall over (like me)
FWIW, now that I have a copy, I'll be moving it over to my «always on» torrent server for old Linux releases... So while the machine I have it on now will be seeding most of the night, eventually I'll burn a copy to more durable media and put it on the industrial box... Usually a «torrent» has a big rush up front, but a few weeks later interest dies down and «seeds» thin out.
My old Physics department has several different servers running for different groups and web sites so this is quite common (however, I note RC is hosted).
They had engaged another person in the company but didn't share with them the materials and so without asking any questions, these «newbies» found a brochure on an old server and started using it.
But if you have an old Mac sitting around at home, you could leave it on to act as your server so that you could send iMessages when you're away from home.
You can also use your Shield TV as a Plex media server these days (both the new and old models) so using a USB 3.0 drive means you'll be able to stream your content around the home efficiently too.
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