Sentences with phrase «old ship logs»

A very good article in USA Today, «old ship logs fill in weather history of past 250 years.»
I am a cadet in the Old Weather Navy, a joint U.S.-U.K. web - based project that recruits citizen scientists to decipher the climate data recorded in old ship logs.

Not exact matches

Until now, Old Weather has mined logbooks from historic federal ships» logs, scanned in recent years at the National Archives in Washington, D.C..
Including the new logbooks, the Old Weather effort has scanned more than 500,000 handwritten pages from historic ship logs, and Old Weather volunteers have so far transcribed almost 3 million historical weather records for use in climate and environmental research.
They drew data from government agencies, news reports and, in the older cases, from ships» logs.
So, last spring, as I chored upon the hill watching old ships in the fjord raised up and repaired and fresh logs hewn to build new knarrs, I began with some excitement - and much unexpected dread - to realize we would truly leave this Iceland.
Phuket has a very rich history, because it is in the middle of a historic trading route from India to China it was used as a stop off point for trading vessels for centuries and as such appears in ship logs and journals of many old school traders.
The more data from old radiosondes, ships» logs and small meteorological stations is included, the better our picture of how things were 80 or more years ago will be.
They provide a new human record of climate, joining old ship's logs and World War II air force reports as one of the few sources for detailed information on historical weather.
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