Sentences with phrase «old skeleton»

I do so love the old skeleton keys too!
You crack me up with the old skeleton key.
Alejandro Alvarez and his friends stumbled upon a completely intact 12,000 - year - old skeleton of an adolescent girl.
Explosive sabotage and the startling unearthing of a hundred - year - old skeleton on a Nevada ranch thrillingly start off this debut novel in a tail - wagging new series from New York Times bestselling author Rita Mae Brown.
Skulduggery Pleasant is a 700 - year - old skeleton detective who befriends a 12 - year - old girl, Stephanie, to solve the mystery behind the death of Stephanie's uncle.
A 150,000 year old skeleton of a Neanderthal was not only found inside a cave... it was part of the cave!
«Lucy,» the 3.2 - million - year - old skeleton of the hominid Australopithecus afarensis (left) and «Neo,» a skeleton of Homo naledi (right) that was dated as being roughly 250,000 years old.
A DNA sample from a 10,000 - year - old skeleton discovered in Gough Cave near Cheddar Gorge, England, offers a remarkable revelation: the first modern British people had «dark brown to black skin.»
These heavy - jawed hominids, presumed to be human ancestors, arose in Africa about 4 million years ago and include the famous 3.5 - million - year - old skeleton named Lucy.
His face has been reconstructed from a 5500 - year - old skeleton found in the area.
Animals on Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour carried a different strain, similar to one previously found in a 730 - year - old skeleton buried just 70 kilometres away (Science,
WRITTEN IN BONE DNA from a 37,000 - year - old skeleton found at the Kostenki archaeological site in Russia supports recent findings and offers new ones about the history of human evolution.
Two weeks after the details of Ust» - Ishim man's genome were reported, other scientists revealed DNA from a more than 36,000 - year - old skeleton,
Kennewick Man, whose 8,500 - year - old skeleton sparked a controversy when it was found in Washington state, was a relative of present - day Native Americans, researchers reported this year.
After anthropologists excavated her 3 - million - year - old skeleton in Ethiopia in 1974 — and named her for a Beatles song playing at the site on the discovery day — they soon became convinced it was female.
Forty years ago today, a young American paleoanthropologist named Donald Johanson made the discovery of a lifetime in the arid badlands of Ethiopia's remote Afar region: a 3.2 - million - year - old skeleton of a small - brained creature that walked upright like we do.
Recent excavations of a 30 - meter ash altar on Mount Lykaion in Greece, once worshipped as the birthplace of Zeus, have revealed a 3000 - year - old skeleton of an adolescent boy thought to be a human sacrifice, The Boston Globe reports.
A 75 - million - year - old skeleton unearthed in Montana in 2014 reveals a tanklike dinosaur with a spiked club tail and a face that probably looked a lot like its cinematic namesake.
The fossil hunters unearthed about 55 percent of the 65 - million - year - old skeleton — encased in a mixture of mud and sand known in paleontological jargon as the matrix — and sold it to the British businessman Graham Lacey, reportedly for $ 5 million to $ 8 million.
DNA extracted from a man's 8,500 - year - old skeleton, which was found in Washington State in 1996, is more closely related to that of modern Native Americans than of populations elsewhere in the world.
The forensic imaging team, working with the Forensic Pathology Unit and the Department of Engineering at the University of Leicester, used whole body CT scans and micro-CT imaging of injured bones to analyse trauma to the 500 - year - old skeleton carefully, and to determine which of the King's wounds might have proved fatal.
The 3.2 - million - year - old skeleton was the most complete example of Australopithecus afarensis ever found.
But a new genetic study of a 1000 - year - old skeleton from the Bahamas shows that at least one modern Caribbean population is related to the region's precontact indigenous people, offering direct molecular evidence against the idea of Taino «extinction.»
In 2015, aDNA confirmed that Kennewick Man, an 8,000 - year - old skeleton found in Washington state in 1996, was genetically closest to Native Americans.
The genome of a 12,600 - year - old skeleton from Montana, called the Anzick Child, is the only other published ancient genome from the Americas that is older than 10,000 years.
Consider, for example, the decades - long custody battle over an 8,500 - year - old skeleton known as Kennewick Man, found in Washington state.
When scientists excavated a 40,000 - year - old skeleton in China in 2003, they thought they had discovered the offspring of a Neandertal and a modern human.
«We should have strong moral problems with that,» she says, as it's not clear how old each skeleton is and a visual inspection can't reveal much either.
As the idea of Theresa May entering the departure lounge gains some traction in Westminster, one ambitious Conservative MP has acted decisively to remove an old skeleton from his closet.
Says Fleming, «Yeah, Bull had an old skeleton head and all.»
But in the 1970s, 1000 - year - old skeletons were found in Peru with apparent signs of TB.
Its anatomy suggests it is one of the earliest members of our genus to evolve, but frustratingly, we don't yet know exactly how old the skeletons are.
This is the time when Americans do their civic duty and pull out all the stops: negative ads from Super PACs, dredging up old skeletons in closets, attending Wiccan rituals.

Not exact matches

The older textbooks on evolution make much of the idea of ho - m - ology, pointing out the obvious resemblances between the skeletons of the limbs of different animals.
Apr. 23, 2013 — Ancient DNA recovered from a series of skeletons in central Germany up to 7,500 years old has been used to reconstruct the first detailed genetic history of modern Europe.
They have to deny & cover up because if they don't a 500 + year old Catholic secret skeleton will come tumbling out of the closet!
He was strongly opposed to the teaching of some of his Christian contemporaries who wished to interpret the idiom of resurrection as an allegorical description of that Christian experience by which «a man, having come to the truth, has been reanimated and revivified to God, and, the death of ignorance being dispelled, has as it were burst forth from the tomb of the old man».35 Tertullian was adamant that the resurrection was in the future and to be understood in physical, fleshly terms («I pronounce that the flesh will certainly rise again»).36 In order to forestall those who could contend the impossibility of such a hope on the grounds that the decayed corpse would have long since wasted away to nothing, he pointed out that quite recently, in his city, skeletons some five hundred years old had been unearthed in a remarkable state of preservation.
OSV Collectors» Forum speakers will include Colleen Callahan, Independent Historian: Put the Manly Breeches On: Boys» Clothing as Symbols of Manhood in the 19th Century; Laura E. Johnson, PhD., Associate Curator at Historic New England: From Stays to Skeleton Suits: Dressing Children in Early America; Chris Bates, Old Sturbridge Village Costume Coordinator: Making A Portrait Come Alive: Creating Reproduction Clothing at Old Sturbridge Village, presented with Rebecca Beall, Old Sturbridge Village Collections Manager, and Jean Contino, Old Sturbridge Village Coordinator of Households and Women's Crafts.
Wonder if the «old friends» are sticking by Charlie Rangel because Old Charlie has some skeletons in the closet regarding his «old friends&raquold friends» are sticking by Charlie Rangel because Old Charlie has some skeletons in the closet regarding his «old friends&raquOld Charlie has some skeletons in the closet regarding his «old friends&raquold friends».
The study, led by Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen, compared the genomes of three ancient skeletons — a 24,000 - year - old child found in central Siberia, a 12,600 - year - old Montana child known as Anzick - 1 and a 4,000 - year - old Saqqaq Eskimo from Greenland — to the genomes of 31 indigenous people currently living in Asia, North and South America, and the Pacific islands.
55 million - year - old Archicebus is the oldest primate skeleton found, the closest we've come to discovering our origins, and suggests we evolved in Asia
Since then, the Ashkelon team has been exhuming and analyzing the skeletons of Philistine men and women, from infancy to old age.
The skeleton is approximately 40 years old, so its DNA is modern and still relatively intact.
The Spirit Cave Mummy is one of a handful of skeletons from the Americas that are more than 10,000 years old.
Virtually all other evidence for human warfare — skeletons with projectile points embedded in them, weapons designed for combat (rather than hunting), paintings and rock drawings of skirmishes, fortifications — is 10,000 years old or less.
The oldest previously discovered hominin remains in comparable condition were the famous Turkana Boy skeleton, which is 1.5 million years old
In fact, the skeleton is constantly being remodelled: old bone fragments are broken down and new bone matrix is deposited, overall leading to a completely renewed skeleton every ten years.
In 2008, he discovered the most complete skeleton yet published of an ancient African hominin, 2 - million - year - old Australopithecus sediba.
Unearthed in March during London's multibillion - dollar Crossrail project, a skeleton from the centuries - old Bedlam burial grounds waits to be cataloged for further study.
But in April Berger announced that they all belonged to the same skeleton, that of a 12 - year - old boy who lived 1.9 million years ago.
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