Sentences with phrase «old society»

In older societies this mode of response characterized almost the entire community; therefore, such communities were relatively stable.
The 1900s were the last steps of old society and the first steps of the new life that awaited people.
A 2,000 - year - old society springs to life in The Emperor and the Assassin, director Chen Kaige's epic drama about the reign of China's first emperor, Ying Zheng (246 - 210 b.c.), whose ferocious military skills and relentless campaigns of terror united seven warring kingdoms under a central government.
Survivors hold on to the remnants of technology left behind by the fading old society, searching for clues to reunite what was lost.
Founded in 1768, the Royal Academy of Arts is the country's oldest society concerned solely with the fine arts.
While there are all sorts of reminiscence of old society and the America as we know it, foliage is growing everywhere as if nature is striving to retake the planet.
Lukács asks himself «which are the cultural values which, in accordance with the nature of this context, can be taken over from the old society by the new and further developed.»
Fascists and communists have definite and striking ritual systems, which differ sharply from those of the older societies that they displaced.
Among those who shared this general analysis there was a division between those who placed emphasis on overthrowing the present system as a necessary precondition for the realization of a more human society and those who emphasized the present embodiment of a new style of life «in the pores,» so to speak, of the old society.
Not surprisingly, without many of the traditional encumbrances the emerging American society was freer than old societies to manifest religious pluralism and its consequences.
«Now we just have to do things in the old society method, which is what a lot of Christians have always done,» he said.
Established in 2010, the club takes its name from an old society within the lacrosse club, and aims to provide a network for CULC alumni as well as to support the lacrosse club.
Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one.
The Chautauqua County Historical Society was founded in 1883, making it one of the oldest societies in Western New York State and is housed in the McClurg Museum.
Brooks Brothers makes a great button down — not at all older society lady as most of their clothes read.
This decade centered a lot around social events and the old society of the previous centuries.
Social skills for women had for long been considered as one of the most important quality a woman could possess, this partly remained during the early years of the 1900s as the old society still ruled.
From 1831 he moved into the The Astronomical Society of South Australia was founded in 1892 and is the oldest society of its kind in Australia.
The Astronomical Society of South Australia was founded in 1892 and is the oldest society of its kind in Australia.
Now in its seventh year, the civil war that has turned Syria into the site of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises has also corseted one of the oldest societies on earth into a kind of perpetual infancy.
After finishing University, I made that terribly scary step into real life and began the slow but steady descent into mundanity... But when the old society gang texted me to pop back out, it would have been nothing but rude to say no.
He's not only free physically, but mentally — no longer bound to his old society's way of thinking, free to bear witness to the damage people have done to the world.
Japan is one of the oldest societies on earth - over 25 percent of its citizens are over 65 - and most project that it will continue to age rapidly in the coming decades.
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