Sentences with phrase «old structures in»

We offer a diverse portfolio of online courses, on - campus institutes, and blended programs that prepare educators to cultivate critical thinking and learning skills, practice new teaching approaches, and confront centuries - old structures in order to better design and deliver the kind of education and professional development required for today's educators and tomorrow's citizens.
They remodeled their pyramids at regular intervals, burying the old structures in reed bags full of rocks, tossing in sacrificial objects (clay figurines, human sacrifices), and covering everything with a new skin of cut stone and colored plaster.
Researchers at Oxford University recently proposed demolishing 80,000 inefficient homes a year — many of them century - old structures in town and city centers — to achieve the British goal of a 60 percent reduction in greenhouse - gas emissions by 2050.
In Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria tore down many trees and damaged the many old structures in the area on Sept. 20, 2017.
Plans to eliminated the federal historic tax credit as part the $ 1.5 trillion tax reform package being considered by Congress would end a key tool used to revitalize old structures in city's like Troy, officials warned.
(Once the quake had occurred, statistical forecasting based on the size of the main shock did anticipate the possibility of its largest aftershock: a magnitude - 6.3 quake in February that heavily damaged older structures in Christchurch.)
However, RBC decided to continue with the old structure in the US and international index funds that use currency hedging, because futures contracts provide an easy way to manage the foreign exchange risk.
Easily one of the oldest structures in London, this near millennium - old castle sits on the northern bank of the River Thames, and has had numerous uses over the centuries.
An unusual installation for a gallery, the setting for the exhibition is in the original, c 1700s section of the Garden's newly renovated and restored Center House, considered to be one of the oldest structures in Stockbridge.

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It was introduced to build on the existing Old Age Security, but structured in a very different way.
The town of Buckskin Joe in Colorado was built with structures from old mining towns, and became the setting for many Hollywood westerns.
When the zoo was remodeled and expanded in 1985, some of the older enclosements and structures were left outside its new perimeters.
The «Riverfront Era» gallery features a façade made with stones from the Old Rock House, a structure built as a warehouse in 1818 that was demolished to make way for the construction of the arch.
Freedom Fidelity's fee structure also violated a decades - old consumer protection statute in Washington state, where the company served hundreds of clients.
For instance, in one ad Benson talks about purchasing a goal post from the old Giants stadium and made an innuendo about «erecting» the 40 - foot structure in front of his dealership.
In polished glass - and - steel Calgary, where bulldozers stand ready to crush any structure older than your grandmother, Shantz has become a hound and hero to a growing cadre of designers, architects and home builders.
The report just released by the PBO shows that because of the cuts to direct program spending introduced in the 2010 and 2012 budgets and the changes to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) and the Old Age Security (OAS) system, the government now has a fiscal structure that is sustainable in the long term.
Perhaps the best historical quip relevant to the taxation of cryptocurrency comes from Thomas Kuhn's 1962 work «The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,» in which he states, «scientific revolutions are here taken to be those non-cumulative developmental episodes in which an older paradigm is replaced in whole or in part by an incompatible new one.»
It's a heart - breaking situation to be in, where you are approved for the business loan that can fund the next big growth opportunity for your business, only to have it delayed or denied due to the active existence of old or inefficiently structured UCC - 1 filings.
In virtually every industry around the world, blockchain is disintermediating traditional supply chains and, in turn, upending decades - old regulatory structures that have been built around a certain way of doing businesIn virtually every industry around the world, blockchain is disintermediating traditional supply chains and, in turn, upending decades - old regulatory structures that have been built around a certain way of doing businesin turn, upending decades - old regulatory structures that have been built around a certain way of doing business.
In addition to the financial benefits, many older workers find that a job can add valuable structure to their day and provide the mental stimulation that comes from interacting with co-workers, clients, and other work associates.
Highly - concentrated ownership has historically served to insulate major shareholders in Italian companies from minority actions, but the growing participation of foreign institutional investors is challenging the old structure.
Tagging content properly, using images to illustrate your ideas, linking old posts in your blog to build a strong internal link structure, or linking to other blogs to offer different views on a subject are all examples of how you can create beautiful content.
One of the top lawyers in the booming cryptocurrency industry says the legal structure he helped set up to raise funds for new virtual currencies is «old, inflexible and stupid» and may no longer be fit for purpose.
There are private blockchains, which is a 20 - year - old technology that somehow causes idiots to throw money at it, and then you have public blockchains, which is supposed to be a decentralized record - keeping structure but, in reality, is both centralized and horribly inefficient.
Apple is being pursued for $ 14.5 billion in back taxes after European regulators ruled that its old tax structure amounted to illegal state aid from the Irish government.
Few of the top ten participants in the new horizontal computer industry rose from the ranks of the old vertical computer industry, bearing testimony to the observation that it is truly difficult for a successful industry participant to adapt to a completely different industry structure.
Cons of investing in retirement accounts: Some 401k plans offer sub-par investment menus with high fee structures; most accounts prevent access until age 59.5 or older.
The company is being pursued for $ 14.5 billion in back taxes after European regulators ruled that its old tax structure amounted to illegal state aid from the Irish government.
Why then should we stay stuck in this rigid, old funnel structure?
This is simply the old tension between spirit and structure reasserted in a characteristically Lutheran way.
The solution they advocate, therefore, can be said to be «modernist»: it believes in essential structures, and proposes that we recover the old and proper integrity of the undergraduate curriculum by reaffirming the centrality, and hence the authority, of those essential structures of understanding that have been defined by the traditional educational canon.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
Because we are no longer bound by the Curse, but are compelled by the resurrection of Jesus Christ to build a kingdom in which the old power structures dividing Jew from Greek, male from female, and slave from free are dismantled and replaced by mutual love, submission, and grace.
I am 60 years old, grew up in a very legalistic cultic church, been part of several church leaderships, served as pastor of a start up church, read and went to many, many, many church growth conferences, wanted to reach the lost, always trying to find the best structures, the best form of church, and what type of bells and whistles will attract people to church.
Once in New York City, when an old church building was being demolished to make way for a new one, a man riding past the ruined structure on a bus said to a friend, «This is the first time in years that I have seen the inside of a church.»
Unfortunately most American protestants ignore the Gospels in favor of the prosperity teaching in the old books (it aligns with capitalism) Jesus's teachings align more closely with Socialism than any other form of modern government structure.
Ibn «Arabi's style of intermixing radical elements with traditional language, models and theological structure could perhaps be explained in this background as an echo of freethinking controlled by a rigorous interpenetration of the old and the new.
Our bias would tell us that the world no older than perhaps the oldest living human being, or perhaps some structure in which we can be sure when it was built.
He calls attention to (1) the degeneration in syncretism of the old Yahweh faith prior to the appearance of the eighth - century prophets; (2) a kind of «emancipation» from Yahweh in increasing dependence upon the maturing structure of the political state; and (3) the dissolution of the old tribal social order with the shift of economic power to the cities, the increasing inability of the farmer, because of the burdens of heavy taxation, to maintain himself as a free man, and the growing concentration of land in the hands of a few wealthy urbanites (cf. Isa.
A few years ago the American Institute of Architecture began to give one award each year to a 25 - year - old structure, and in 1976 the choice for this award was Christ Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, the last...
The new structure arises by the increase or heightening of some element or elements in the old structure.
While undertaking to combat the results of Israel's long development away from the nomadic social structure, they actually contributed the final element in making a return to the old thinking forever impossible.
Although sanctification in the life of communities and social institutions is not so clearly defined an experience as it is in the individual, Niebuhr said that old forms and structures of life may be renewed rather than destroyed by the vicissitudes of history.
It is not simply the recombination of the old, but depends upon novel structuring possibilities hitherto unrealized in the temporal world.
Modern chauvinism has assumed that all recent modes of knowing the truth are vastly superior to all older ways, a view that has recently presided over the precipitous deterioration of social structures and processes in the third quarter of the twentieth century.
We do not miss the loyalty of David's mercenary troops (15: 19 - 21); the narrator's conviction of the mature quality of David's faith (15:25 f.; 16:12); the essential gentleness of David in these most wretched hours (16:5 - 14); the brilliant, carnal symbol of Absalom's irrevocable usurpation (16:20 - 22) and its portentous recall of the David - Nathan encounter (II 12:11 - 12); the arch Old Testament realist, the remarkable pragmatist Ahitophel (17: 1 - 23); Joab, who always acts like Joab (18:10 - 15; 19:1 - 7; 20A - 13); David's pathetic concern, implicit throughout, for the defiant son (18:1 - 5); the moving grief of a father's utter brokenness in the loss of his son (18:33); the reassertion in this critical time of the old and always fundamental north - south cleavage (19:11,41 - 43); David's profound and probably chronic annoyance with the crude, brash, «muscular» ways of Joab and his brothers, the sons of Zeruiah (16:10; 19:22; see also 3:34 b; 3:38 f.); and finally, in a kind of pausal summary before the last scene of David's reign in I Kings 1 - 2, the statement of David's very modest bureaucracy (20:23 - 26; cf. the extensive elaboration of this structure under Solomon, I Kings 4:1 ffOld Testament realist, the remarkable pragmatist Ahitophel (17: 1 - 23); Joab, who always acts like Joab (18:10 - 15; 19:1 - 7; 20A - 13); David's pathetic concern, implicit throughout, for the defiant son (18:1 - 5); the moving grief of a father's utter brokenness in the loss of his son (18:33); the reassertion in this critical time of the old and always fundamental north - south cleavage (19:11,41 - 43); David's profound and probably chronic annoyance with the crude, brash, «muscular» ways of Joab and his brothers, the sons of Zeruiah (16:10; 19:22; see also 3:34 b; 3:38 f.); and finally, in a kind of pausal summary before the last scene of David's reign in I Kings 1 - 2, the statement of David's very modest bureaucracy (20:23 - 26; cf. the extensive elaboration of this structure under Solomon, I Kings 4:1 ffold and always fundamental north - south cleavage (19:11,41 - 43); David's profound and probably chronic annoyance with the crude, brash, «muscular» ways of Joab and his brothers, the sons of Zeruiah (16:10; 19:22; see also 3:34 b; 3:38 f.); and finally, in a kind of pausal summary before the last scene of David's reign in I Kings 1 - 2, the statement of David's very modest bureaucracy (20:23 - 26; cf. the extensive elaboration of this structure under Solomon, I Kings 4:1 ff.).
For example, the synods still carry with them the structures and legalisms of old, and the formal introductions and speeches are done in Latin.
In a brilliant analysis of Peter's Pentecost speech in Acts 2, Lindars shows that its present structure reveals a combination of two different Old Testament passages, each accompanied by the Christian pesher on it: Joel 2.28 — 32 (Acts 2.14 — In a brilliant analysis of Peter's Pentecost speech in Acts 2, Lindars shows that its present structure reveals a combination of two different Old Testament passages, each accompanied by the Christian pesher on it: Joel 2.28 — 32 (Acts 2.14 — in Acts 2, Lindars shows that its present structure reveals a combination of two different Old Testament passages, each accompanied by the Christian pesher on it: Joel 2.28 — 32 (Acts 2.14 — 2!
Old structures of existence must give way in creative synthesis to new ones, because, as alive, we experience novelty in the actual world.
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