Sentences with phrase «old tradition for»

It's an old tradition for extended family members to buy toys for kids that are as noisy and complicated as possible.
The Brick Lane Beigel Bakery is an old tradition for brick lane.
After breaking the age - old tradition for months of campaigning with the press «on the bus,» so to speak, Clinton, aides, Secret Service agents and members of the news media all boarded the candidate's new campaign plane, bound for Ohio.

Not exact matches

Saturday night, I attended the annual Gridiron Dinner — a 132 - year - old, white - tie Washington tradition that is meant to be an opportunity for the President and the press corps to do some good - natured ribbing.
And on Monday, it involves hosting no fewer than 21,000 children and adults for the annual Easter Egg Roll, a 139 - year - old tradition and the Super Bowl of White House social events.
In the last couple years, the global sales for snack products has reached $ 374 billion, dethroning the time - old tradition of three square meals a day from its long - held spot.
As people's tastes widen for all things handmade and delicious, the old traditions of cheese making and aging have become big business.
The blue slip is a century - old Senate tradition in which senators can give or withhold their blessing for a judicial nominee from their state.
For a big union with many conservative, older members, that identity shift will likely mark a break with tradition.
And at least a few of the 22 players on the roster join fans in the parking lot for a little barbecue, in the good old midwestern tradition of tailgating.
It must be an old tradition though because allegedly Jesus made a comment about praying on street corners:» «And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.
The lesson many of them took from Of Grammatology was that the tradition didn't have the authority their older teachers claimed for it, and that «textuality» leveled culture to a single plane of production and interpretation.
But such waiting might prevent rending of the body of Christ and might finally allow a contemporary understanding that, like the biblical canon, retains a place for both tradition and renewal, the old and the new.
Thanks you Jeremy, for challenging old traditions to find the REAL GOD.
I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
A brand - new take on the age old Jesse Tree Advent tradition for adults — to give to adults, to give the greatest gift this Christmas.
Here again the old tradition, at one stage of its development, ran counter to his theory; for Jesus had accepted the shouts of acclamation at his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
It was this conviction, which lay at the heart of the oldest Christian tradition, that Mark took for granted when he advanced the further step of assuming, and endeavoring to demonstrate, that Jesus was already Messiah, already the «Son of Man,» during his earthly life, and before his death and resurrection.
It is at this point that Christians should feel profoundly grateful for the Old Testament and for the persistent effect of its great prophetic tradition.
In consequence, it is not alone to the prophetic tradition, with its distaste for priestcraft and animal offering, that we must look in the Old Testament to find personal prayer.
Noddings finds the Judeo - Christian tradition especially culpable in women's denigration: there is the Adam and Eve story, with Eve held responsible for accepting the serpent's temptation and leading man to sin; the Old Testament «uncleanness» references and practices; the long history of burning witches; even the veneration of the Virgin Mary.
Because the Church is universal she must often decide between many cultures, traditions, attitudes and tendencies, and in doing so may not please anyone completely, taking in too little that is new for one and retaining not enough of the old things for another.
For them the critical rhetoric may simply reinforce the narrow individualism and concern with self - interest that is the underside of the old American tradition, but now with few ethical restraints, because the older social justifications have lost their legitimacy.
But the concept of fulfillment also entails a «retrospective reinterpretation of Israel's traditions» that directs the reader back to the Old Testament; thus, the truth of the Gospels also becomes the basis for understanding Scripture.
The older conventional way of seeing Christianity, and the newer way of seeing the Christian tradition that has been coming into view for some time.
Unfettered by older Pentecostal history and traditions, these new sects attract experience - hungry charismatics who long for fresh spiritual encounters and who often mistrust institutional church ties.
These 1000 year old traditions do nothing for anyone except cause annoyance.
An interesting point to take is that Saturnalia, the god of the sun, was their god for Christmas celebration, and later turned «Worship the sun'to «worship the son», which would have occurred after they adopted Catholicism, and wanted to keep the traditions of their old religion by making parallels to the Bible (at least it sounds reasonable)
They worship tradition, dress up in gaudy expensive clothes and march around, making arbitrary rules and regulations about every little thing, thinking if they do these things and make magical gestures that this somehow «cleanses» the outside of the cup, yet Jesus already knew of their type of priest in the old days, speaking against Pharisees for doing the exact same things the Catholics have been doing for centuries.
The meaning of all of this is not yet clear, but the older Holiness traditions may indicate what lies ahead for both traditions.
Take any traditional objection to accepting the old Platonic analogy of God as the World Soul and it can be shown that the objection stands or falls with aspects of a tradition which philosophy has been moving away from since the middle ages — for instance ideas of sheer infinity, sheer immutability, also what is usually meant by omnipotence.
Luke looked to the Old Testament tradition for images that he could heighten in his attempt to describe the divine life and power he perceived in Jesus of Nazareth.
«Instead of defending the texts on the old complex grounds of the oratorical tradition, they are for the most part preaching the classics today in the name of the Socratic or scientific ideal of the free - swinging intellect» (xi)
For the older tradition, to be free is to be unimpeded from choosing the good, and all created goods are participations in God's goodness.
For the older tradition, knowing is participating receptively in the intelligibility of things, an intelligibility that issues from the divine intellect that ordered them and gave them their being and natures.
Also I was a little disappointed at the Michaelmas entry, where Joanna said «the old tradition was to eat a roasted goose», advising one to «invite your family round for a harvest supper — roast chicken.»
Not in the form of some «how to» guide or some «five step» program, but, first and foremost, by way of metaphor: «If the state of contemporary Catholic literary culture can best be conveyed by the image of a crumbling, old, immigrant neighborhood, then let me suggest that it is time for Catholic writers and intellectuals to leave the homogeneous, characterless suburbs of the imagination, and move back to the big city — where we can renovate these remarkable districts which have such grace and personality, such strength and tradition
Washington (CNN)-- Employing faith, whether calling for nationwide prayer or healing the nation by quoting scripture, is a presidential tradition as old as the office itself.
In the old tradition of shalom for Israel only, the apostles asked him, «Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?»
Nearly all of the Old Testament is written in the light of this tradition, but our only evidence for this migration is now embedded in traditions which were not committed to writing until some three hundred years later.
We must now turn our attention to the New Testament witness concerning the appearances of the exalted Christ, for most scholars agree that they constitute the oldest element in the New Testament tradition of the rise of the Easter faith.
For this we must ever be grateful; if Mark had edited his material more severely, he would only have cut away these old roots and presented us with a dry stock instead of a living tradition.
He has since given many signs of his support for the present pope; when many of his episcopal brethren were doing everything they could to undermine the motu proprio establishing the right to celebrate the «old Mass», he made clear his belief that the rite of John XXIII «is not a relic, not a reverting to the past, but part of the living tradition of the Church».»
In order to make concrete that preaching situation let us assume further that I am a preacher in a church which owns and honors the liturgical tradition, and as a major obedience to that tradition does not deliver over to me — for exploitation according to my ambulatory penchants or enthusiasms — a merely religious occasion, but has from of old designated this Sunday as the second Sunday in Advent.
In the Old Testament we see a tradition where the Jews would repeat at certain times or festivals all that God had done for them.
Some of them still carry old denominational convictions; for instance, about continuity in the Anglican Church, the rejection of a set - aside ministry in parts of the Society of Friends, the parity of the ministry in the Reformed tradition, and no ordination without a call from a local church as in much of Lutheranism.
tradition hard to break.the tradition of marriage is older and more meaningful than any other we know it crosses all religions and non religions, and races and won't change easy.calling it something else for some people may make it easier to change.but what about those people who want that time tested tradition for themselves for their own self is a civil right give it to them today.this issues has divided my community as much as any other, but as we have fought to gain right after right, we have lost sight that all deserve the right of freedom of happiness.No gayness here, just can't fight the battle to keep someone down after being held down
Before the New Testament was put together, from the oral traditions about Jesus and the letters and other material known in the primitive Christian community, appeal was made to the Old Testament, that is the Jewish Scriptures, for predictions of and a way for interpreting the significance of Jesus.
Hard to break our tradition that's what it is the second oldest tradition reserved for a man and woman.some people want to change that.
(II Samuel 12:23) When to such influences from ancient racial tradition and from the controlling patterns of contemporary thought was added the fact that prophetic orthodoxy in Israel had held out no hope of a future life for the individual, it is not strange that even in the Old Testament's later writings we have explicit and convinced denials of such hope.
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