Sentences with phrase «old tradition in»

The people who review their resumes expect them to follow the decade's old tradition in terms of format, style, presentation and content much like a Shakespeare sonnet or a classic 18th to 19th century novel that has a certain period look and feel.
And so that's basically what we did is, you know, there's an 800, 600 year old tradition in Japan where they're using bow and arrow, and it's called Kyudo, where it is an activity that is designed that, you know, a stepwise activity, the process that you're following is actually the yoga container, that you're just hyper focusing on what you're doing right now, and you have memorized these steps, and that allows you to actually elicit, or create, this flow state.
Minister Ramesh rightly pointed out that India has a thousands year old tradition in sustainable craft and manufacturing that is alive and well.
Promising free water and electricity, without specifying a way to pay for it, is an old tradition in Indian state and local election campaigns.
Julian Schnabel's David and Goliath (2011) is a modern variation on an old tradition in which the artist portrays himself as a bloody corpse.
In the early 1900s, Klee radically broke with a millennia - old tradition in art: the faithful representation of objects and environments from the real world.
Copying is an age - old tradition in science fiction, but even though I enjoy some of those books, I just can't quite see my way to giving them links, yet.
A team of archaeological enthusiasts from Tirupur has discovered a. took power was an age - old tradition in the Tamil history dating back to.
This has become an age old tradition in my family.
An old tradition in Siberian villages was for the entire community to gather in the late autumn for a massive pel» meni - making fest, where the labor of mixing, rolling, and stuffing the pasta was divided among many hands.
South Korea is home to vast sites of nature where «extraordinary animals flourish and Koreans continue to practice age - old traditions in tandem with the seasons and with nature,» according to the BBC.
Where much talk of film culture necessarily targets the social conditions enabled (and disabled) by government, institutions, big business, etc, an older tradition in film criticism takes a step away from this «materialist» fray, to revel in the visions of special auteurs.
I suppose one could argue that the older tradition in publishing, when printing a book required a fairly hefty upfront investment, led to a type of gatekeeper who decided whether or not they would make that investment for a particular submitted book.
Modern developments meet with old traditions in a way that works beautifully and it all adds up to make the ideal holiday destination of Porto.
There was much deliberation on the part of the council before granting the resolution, because the tacit decision was to choose to maintain an older tradition in the face of pressure to become like al the rest of the cities who have frowned on «Tiny House» building.
Mary Rothbart is perhaps the foremost exponent of the oldest tradition in personality psychology, the study of temperament.

Not exact matches

Breaking with tradition, Melania Trump and 10 - year - old son Barron plan to remain in New York City at least until the end of the school year.
Rob Burgess, an old Canadian friend and board member at Adobe Systems, remembers having Price and his family over during one Canadian Thanksgiving — a tradition they upheld despite living in California.
In the last couple years, the global sales for snack products has reached $ 374 billion, dethroning the time - old tradition of three square meals a day from its long - held spot.
«Chairman Grassley's decision do away with a 100 - year old Senate tradition just 10 months into the Trump administration couldn't be more troubling,» she said in a statement.
The blue slip is a century - old Senate tradition in which senators can give or withhold their blessing for a judicial nominee from their state.
And at least a few of the 22 players on the roster join fans in the parking lot for a little barbecue, in the good old midwestern tradition of tailgating.
And young Mexicans, exhibiting renewed pride in local traditions in this huge, rapidly changing city, are flocking to pulquerias new and old — including La Risa, which dates back to 1905.
But this is just the next step in a long tradition of new technologies replacing the old.
But by helping to revive UA as an artist - led studio, Cruise will be the latest entrant in an old - school Hollywood tradition.
The fields of academia and education are one of the most conservative fields — there are centuries - old traditions and conventional that has remained in use to the detriment of new technology.
«Many of us,» he writes — that would be many of the «social - justice» Catholics who belong to that «older American tradition» — «see gay marriage» in a positive light.
And not go deeper in new ways of praying, but actually return to old historic practices that are rooted in our historic Christian contemplative tradition and my sense here, in the
It must be an old tradition though because allegedly Jesus made a comment about praying on street corners:» «And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.
And not go deeper in new ways of praying, but actually return to old historic practices that are rooted in our historic Christian contemplative tradition and my sense here, in the Sacred Enneagram is that as we come to terms with what our type is, that actually gives us a clue of what it looks like to nurture a deep, contemplative spirituality.
It turns out that the oldest codes in the Near Eastern legal tradition, Sumerian laws from the 21st century BCE, also have payment in place of retaliation.
It had to concede to an identification of Vasudeva with the old Vedic god Vishnu, thus granting the former a place in the orthodox Vedic tradition.
Even If the due - process provision calls on the court to protect rights recognized by tradition or widespread consensus, there is a problem with Roe: it involved neither Antiabortion laws were decades old, and although a few states had partly decriminalized abortion, Roe went much further and struck down laws in virtually every state.
I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
Lutheran theology's antinomian tendency makes it perhaps more vulnerable than the other Reformation traditions in spite of the countervailing forces of its sociology and its doctrinal tradition, although here and there an older methodology, which understands that the Gospel does not negate the commandments, lives side by side with neo-Lutheranism and makes possible at least a tentative no to the likes of the task force.
You will observe that not one of the books of the Old Testament (in its finished form) is of earlier date than the eighth century BC Before that time there existed traditions handed down by word of mouth, and various documentary records and compositions, which were used by later writers.
They said (this is the New York Times» summary) «in some cases they [the Roma] were simply following age - old Roma traditions and generally operate outside the norms of society in «the style of the Middle Ages.
In the first place, we may become better attuned to the ways that older, seemingly irrelevant or even harmful bits of the Christian tradition may be worth preserving, even if their strengths aren't immediately obvious in late modernitIn the first place, we may become better attuned to the ways that older, seemingly irrelevant or even harmful bits of the Christian tradition may be worth preserving, even if their strengths aren't immediately obvious in late modernitin late modernity.
It is a Western writing, Hellenistic, probably Roman; obviously written in Greek, and not, I believe, the translation of a completed work in a Semitic tongue; and yet resting back upon traditions that were certainly far older than its own date, undoubtedly Palestinian in origin, and circulating originally in the Aramaic language spoken by the common people of Galilee and Judea in the days of our Lord.
Old cultural traditions have been obliterated by communism; Christianity provides a compelling and compassionate alternative to the hollowness of the regime's materialism; and unlike Europe, which has largely rejected its Christian heritage in a decades - long spasm of anti-clericalism, «Christianity» in China rings up «modern» and «humane,» rather than «pre-modern» and «inhumane.»
And there are other suggestions of earthly, that is, nationalistic Jewish, Messiahship to be found in the old tradition — more fully elaborated in the other Gospels, especially, as we have seen, in Luke.
When one passes from the Old Testament into the New, one finds Christian thinking, in this regard as in every other, rooted in the prophetic tradition.
The factors of chief importance in the development of this theology were: (a) the Old Testament — and Judaism --(b) the tradition of religious thought in the Hellenistic world, (c) the earliest Christian experience of Christ and conviction about his person, mission, and nature — this soon became the tradition of the faith or the «true doctrine» — and (d) the living, continuous, ongoing experience of Christ — only in theory to be distinguished from the preceding — in worship, in preaching, in teaching, in open proclamation and confession, as the manifestation of the present Spiritual Christ within his church.
Yet we must not overlook the old tradition here too: «Now brethren, I know that you did it in ignorance, and so did your rulers.»
The tradition in question here was a matter of the distinction between clean and unclean, which is prominent both in the Old Testament and in the oral law.
The old Testament affirms the goodness of life and sexuality, and sexual language is freely used to describe the relationship between God and his people, but the prophetic tradition is consistently and radically opposed to the kind of sexual worship found in Baalism.
Influential as the old sacrificial system continued to be in Christian thinking, it was the prophetic tradition with reference to personal prayer that more powerfully affected the New Testament.
In consequence, it is not alone to the prophetic tradition, with its distaste for priestcraft and animal offering, that we must look in the Old Testament to find personal prayeIn consequence, it is not alone to the prophetic tradition, with its distaste for priestcraft and animal offering, that we must look in the Old Testament to find personal prayein the Old Testament to find personal prayer.
In any case the statement that in contrast to John the ascetic he was called a glutton and wine - drinker belongs to old traditioIn any case the statement that in contrast to John the ascetic he was called a glutton and wine - drinker belongs to old traditioin contrast to John the ascetic he was called a glutton and wine - drinker belongs to old tradition.
«In time we will rediscover prayer as the invisible centre and foundation of culture... and from that centre will be born a new civilization... a Christendom, but distinguished from the old Christendom not least by the fact that it will be shaped by many religious traditions
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