Sentences with phrase «old tradition of the church»

Many of the Protestant scholastics of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were animated by similar concerns as the authors of Christian Dogmatics were: to defend a distinctly Reformed confessional identity, and at the same time claim continuity with the age - old tradition of the Church.

Not exact matches

I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
The factors of chief importance in the development of this theology were: (a) the Old Testament — and Judaism --(b) the tradition of religious thought in the Hellenistic world, (c) the earliest Christian experience of Christ and conviction about his person, mission, and nature — this soon became the tradition of the faith or the «true doctrine» — and (d) the living, continuous, ongoing experience of Christ — only in theory to be distinguished from the preceding — in worship, in preaching, in teaching, in open proclamation and confession, as the manifestation of the present Spiritual Christ within his church.
Because the Church is universal she must often decide between many cultures, traditions, attitudes and tendencies, and in doing so may not please anyone completely, taking in too little that is new for one and retaining not enough of the old things for another.
Through these further human relations Christ leaves other principles which will endure in the Church: Petrine (Office and Sacraments), Pauline (missionary character and charisms), Johannine (unity, contemplative love and the evangelical counsels) and Jacobine (continuity of old and new covenant — Tradition, Canon Law).
The existence of an old local tradition and of families whose ancestry seems ancient and indigenous, rather than of foreign immigrant trading stock, are factors which suggest the possibility of an early evangelist in the country, but the dependence of all traditions on the Edessene Church prevents us considering those factors conclusive proof that this early evangelist was St. Thomas.
He was born in 1878 into one of Germany's old aristocratic families with a tradition of service in both Church and nation.
’24 E. Schweizer writes, «that the exaltation really dominated the thought of the early church is also shown by the fact that the oldest tradition barely distinguished between Easter and Ascension... It may well be asked if the reports of the first appearances (I Cor.
He has since given many signs of his support for the present pope; when many of his episcopal brethren were doing everything they could to undermine the motu proprio establishing the right to celebrate the «old Mass», he made clear his belief that the rite of John XXIII «is not a relic, not a reverting to the past, but part of the living tradition of the Church».»
In order to make concrete that preaching situation let us assume further that I am a preacher in a church which owns and honors the liturgical tradition, and as a major obedience to that tradition does not deliver over to me — for exploitation according to my ambulatory penchants or enthusiasms — a merely religious occasion, but has from of old designated this Sunday as the second Sunday in Advent.
Some of them still carry old denominational convictions; for instance, about continuity in the Anglican Church, the rejection of a set - aside ministry in parts of the Society of Friends, the parity of the ministry in the Reformed tradition, and no ordination without a call from a local church as in much of LutherChurch, the rejection of a set - aside ministry in parts of the Society of Friends, the parity of the ministry in the Reformed tradition, and no ordination without a call from a local church as in much of Lutherchurch as in much of Lutheranism.
Although the old exclusivism dies hard, it is clear that many members of the Churches of Christ are diligent in the effort to bring the tradition into clear dialogue with current issues in theology and ethics.
Now one might expect that this pattern of interpretation would have been retained by Paul, if historical — that is, if set forth by Jesus himself or found in the earliest tradition of his sayings or expounded in the early church — or one might even think it possible that Mark derived from Paul some hint of this system of exegesis of the Old Testament and of interpretation of the career of Jesus as a heavenly being appearing upon earth prior to his exaltation and his dying (as a heavenly being) upon the cross, though unrecognized in his true nature until the Resurrection.
As I watched, I found myself thinking about how the Church, with the age - old sacrament of confession and the tradition of corporate lament, is equipped to speak powerfully and counter-culturally to this very issue.
Favorably quoting a theologian who refers to the Pope as a «liturgical pluralist,» Rocca goes on to say that Benedict is «leading his church forward in the spirit of its oldest traditions
In 1982, the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, following a long and arduous journey, published the document entitled «Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry,» following a meeting in Lima, Peru, where representatives of «virtually all major church traditions,» including «Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Reformed, Methodist, United, Disciples, Baptist, Adventist and Pentecostal,» [7] reached theological convergence on various issues regarding baptism, eucharist and ministry.
We find it in the prophetic tradition in the Old Testament, in the teaching of Jesus and elsewhere in the New Testament and in the writings of the church fathers.
For others, however, fidelity to the Church and to its traditions is not attained by faith in formulae, or even by the exigency of reconciling new ideas with old formulae.
That's as true for Catholicism's tradition of metaphysical reflection and age - old stewardship of perennial philosophy as it is for the Christocentric core of the Church's proclamation.
After reading more about my (prior) faith, I've come to the conclusion that for the so called Old Churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Calvinist, and Lutheran) the central part of their existence is really tradition and not doctrine.
I do not like this pope... to modern the church lost a lots of people after Vatican ii... he's the leader of the church but I don't think he understands how the church worked in the last 2000 years... that's why we need a European pope again they understand how dress when they read mess he's to plain... people want to see a pope in the old liturgical clothing the old Latin mass was great with the great pomp... the church can modernize but just don't give up the old I think traditions I think pope benedict understood that... he came from Bavaria where they still celebrating mass in the old baroque style he's the pope not just a simple priest... the queen of England understands that people want to see pomp pretty soon he will wear street cloth..
But whether one prefers the Old or the New Mass, Father Langlois, as a church historian, made it a point to underscore that «liturgical reform — including major liturgical reform — has always been part of Catholic tradition.
I understand and respect the fact that Mormons consider themselves to be Christians, but as they do not believe in the same triune definition of God that has been traditionally held by the older Churches (The Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches, Protestant Churches, etc.) then they are not Christians by my faith tradition's view.
In what are known for brevity as Life and Work and Faith and Order, and in the World Council of Churches, not only those in the Protestant tradition but also Eastern and Old Catholic churches are iChurches, not only those in the Protestant tradition but also Eastern and Old Catholic churches are ichurches are included.
To find a class I had to do it the 5,000 year old Vedic Tradition way: I found a friend who had a friend, who knew a guy who told me there was a class offered every Tuesday night at 7:30 in the rectory of a church a few towns away.
A Christmas tradition I cherish is going with a group of women to a concert in a beautiful old church and then out for a cozy winter dinner.
My two sons have a tradition of taking me out to The Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch after church on Mother's Day.
The Catholic Church is the real deal — the oldest Church, the original social workers, the molder of liturgy, tradition, and our modern day religious celebrations.
Clockwise from top: Palolem Beach in South Goa, a church part of the state's only World Heritage Site in Old Goa, the Fontainhas quarter of the capital Goa holidays in February allow tourists to be a part of the four day celebration of Goa Carnival, a tradition dating from the time of Portuguese rule in
The white deacons of Good Hope's Victory Baptist Church, trying to protect the centuries - old traditions of their cemetery, have the body exhumed.
Popular attractions in the city include a number of churches and the Shrine of Virgen de las Nieves and is where a centuries old tradition takes place: the descent of the island's patron saint.
It's a method that actively engages an audience, and although this universal device is as old as human speech in every corner of the world, in the American psyche it is particularly tied to black churches and the gospel tradition.
De Maria continued to transcend the confines of the canvas by imbuing the exhibition space with the art of color in the tradition of the old masters of Italian churches.
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