Sentences with phrase «old tradition with»

There is decorum in the field of law, they say, a thousands - year old tradition with client service at its core.
Today, guests of our Maui resort spa can experience this centuries - old tradition with treatments based on native practices.
Hunting deer with dogs is a centuries - old tradition with deep Lowcountry roots.
Yoga, an age - old tradition with deep roots in spiritual practice; pizza, a revered disk of dough with tomatoes and toppings.
«I have not changed anything» therefore means more than anything: I am drawing upon an old tradition with the utmost respect.
Today, we often think of massage as a modern - day stress - reliever, but if we go back to the roots of massage, we can find many benefits to sharing this age - old tradition with our baby.
That's an old tradition with a long and cruel history.
It's a great name that blends old traditions with new and one that we are seeing more and more of these days.

Not exact matches

Breaking with tradition, Melania Trump and 10 - year - old son Barron plan to remain in New York City at least until the end of the school year.
«Chairman Grassley's decision do away with a 100 - year old Senate tradition just 10 months into the Trump administration couldn't be more troubling,» she said in a statement.
For a big union with many conservative, older members, that identity shift will likely mark a break with tradition.
Built on the strength and tradition of the 104 year old Financial Post, National Post provides readers with comprehensive reporting from across the country and around the world, all with a distinctly Canadian voice.
After a hearty meal and plenty of family time, the citizens of the biggest consumer culture on our planet will commence with the age old tradition...
And not go deeper in new ways of praying, but actually return to old historic practices that are rooted in our historic Christian contemplative tradition and my sense here, in the Sacred Enneagram is that as we come to terms with what our type is, that actually gives us a clue of what it looks like to nurture a deep, contemplative spirituality.
This gourmet store at the center of hip Brooklyn bills itself as being «based on old - world ideals with a loyalty to our family... dedicated to the time honored traditions of the culinary and agricultural world.»
It had to concede to an identification of Vasudeva with the old Vedic god Vishnu, thus granting the former a place in the orthodox Vedic tradition.
Even If the due - process provision calls on the court to protect rights recognized by tradition or widespread consensus, there is a problem with Roe: it involved neither Antiabortion laws were decades old, and although a few states had partly decriminalized abortion, Roe went much further and struck down laws in virtually every state.
Lutheran theology's antinomian tendency makes it perhaps more vulnerable than the other Reformation traditions in spite of the countervailing forces of its sociology and its doctrinal tradition, although here and there an older methodology, which understands that the Gospel does not negate the commandments, lives side by side with neo-Lutheranism and makes possible at least a tentative no to the likes of the task force.
Influential as the old sacrificial system continued to be in Christian thinking, it was the prophetic tradition with reference to personal prayer that more powerfully affected the New Testament.
In consequence, it is not alone to the prophetic tradition, with its distaste for priestcraft and animal offering, that we must look in the Old Testament to find personal prayer.
Noddings finds the Judeo - Christian tradition especially culpable in women's denigration: there is the Adam and Eve story, with Eve held responsible for accepting the serpent's temptation and leading man to sin; the Old Testament «uncleanness» references and practices; the long history of burning witches; even the veneration of the Virgin Mary.
Such a new vision is never unrelated to older visions — that is why tradition is so important; but neither is it identical with them — that is why ecstatic reason must also be involved.
For them the critical rhetoric may simply reinforce the narrow individualism and concern with self - interest that is the underside of the old American tradition, but now with few ethical restraints, because the older social justifications have lost their legitimacy.
It was in this spirit of mediating tradition with the challenges of the twentieth century that the forty - two - year - old Dubois, recognized as a gifted theologian and scholar of Thomas Aquinas, was tasked by his superiors with strengthening the Catholic presence in Israel.
Jesus came to do away with the old traditions of man.
The catholic faith is not the only faith aorund with its old traditions.
Take any traditional objection to accepting the old Platonic analogy of God as the World Soul and it can be shown that the objection stands or falls with aspects of a tradition which philosophy has been moving away from since the middle ages — for instance ideas of sheer infinity, sheer immutability, also what is usually meant by omnipotence.
On the other hand there is an interpretation which not only gives due weight to the old tradition underlying the presbyter's words, but also maintains full contact with historical probability: it is the interpretation made possible by what is called form criticism.
The writers of Scripture sought to be faithful to available tradition, with all the limitations of oral culture, and were not necessarily averse to adjusting narrative to Old Testament prophecy, iconic stories of their culture, and theological proclamation.
By the examples above taken from the Jewish reading of the Old Testament regarding ethical considerations towards peace and reconciliation, it is evident that there are learnings from the encounter with people of other religious traditions.
He was born in 1878 into one of Germany's old aristocratic families with a tradition of service in both Church and nation.
Some throw in a few other explanations (I just grew up with it... It's the oldest religion... We have a great tradition.)
Von Campenhausen himself affirms that «the disputes of the Christians with their opponents... show themselves as a factor at work on all sides, forming the old tradition and refraining it more and more.»
One solution might be that the J - E stories of Abraham represent a little - known tradition which only through the growing prestige of the proto - Pentateuch won general acceptance about the time of the Exile, but familiarity with the story of Jacob was somewhat old.
The oldest tradition of the Christian community, as Characterized on pp. 23 ff., begins with the appearance of John the Baptist.
Here too the oldest tradition is silent about the psychological circumstances; whether they already knew Jesus, whether he talked with them at length, is not stated.
For this we must ever be grateful; if Mark had edited his material more severely, he would only have cut away these old roots and presented us with a dry stock instead of a living tradition.
Although the old exclusivism dies hard, it is clear that many members of the Churches of Christ are diligent in the effort to bring the tradition into clear dialogue with current issues in theology and ethics.
On this wave of inspiration, Cædmon began to Christianize the Old English poetic tradition in keeping with the Icelandic view of poetry as the capacity to peer into the runes and find the meaning of the world.
Paul's own distinctive contributions to Christian thought are to be sharply distinguished from what he received by tradition; and it will be found, when these are segregated, that they point to several sources: (a) his own personal experience, that of an intense spiritual nature with a keen imagination and a desperately sensitive conscience; (b) a peculiar exegesis of the Old Testament, partly rabbinic, partly early Christian, but more probably derived from his own reading and pondering of the Greek version of the Jewish scriptures; (c).
but in the end they will be replaced with healthy behavior, regardless of what an old group of grumpy men might try to do to hold to obsolete traditions.
As I watched, I found myself thinking about how the Church, with the age - old sacrament of confession and the tradition of corporate lament, is equipped to speak powerfully and counter-culturally to this very issue.
Is the footnote commentary of the Scofield Reference Bible, with its peculiar interpretation of God's «unconditional promise,» in accord with the actual Old Testament read in light of Christian tradition?
In order to do justice to the idea of a divine Torah, it does not even suffice to say that the Hebrew Torah has a greater extension than what we call a moral commandment and that it is applied to the whole legislative system that the Old Testament tradition connected with Moses.
I think a major problem with many churches nowadays is that they are so stuck in their ways that they fail to even desire to start thinking about the Bible with as much objectivity as they can muster — such an approach might lead them down a path that doesn't follow age - old traditions.
Christianity, especially that which is associated with the Saint Thomas tradition, is as old as Christianity in its homeland.
Shall we say with certain scholars that we can never regain the actual words (the ipsissima verba) of Old Testament personalities, or that any hard and fast distinction between what comes from the prophet himself and what had its origin in subsequent tradition is no longer possible?
Hosea, he says, takes his stand on the old Israel - Covenant theology while Isaiah «appears not even once to be familiar with it and professes exclusively the Zion - David tradition» Theologie, I, 74.
The statement makes a strong case for evangelical empathy with the State of Israel, linking the Old and New Testament traditions, and reminding the public that the people of Israel have a very special place in Christian thought.
Many of the Protestant scholastics of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were animated by similar concerns as the authors of Christian Dogmatics were: to defend a distinctly Reformed confessional identity, and at the same time claim continuity with the age - old tradition of the Church.
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