Sentences with phrase «old universe»

Scientists haven't got a clue how old the universe is... not a clue.
And of course they all believe in absolute inerrant perfection in the scripture and a 6000 year old universe created in 6 literal 24 hour days.
When it comes to the evidence for a 4.5 - billion - year - old universe offered by astronomy and physics, they fall silent, because few of the have the mental equipment necessary to deal with that evidence.
They don't understand that many religious people, including the Pope, have no problem whatsoever with a 14 billion year old universe full of life evolved on a million planets.
This is the name for the newest and most distant cluster galaxy estimated at 9.6 billion light years away and closest yet observed to the 13.7 billion year old universe edge.
«Scientists haven't got a clue how old the universe is.»
One day I thought they can tell me how old the universe is, the mass of, chemical makeup, temperature at various depths, rate of energy emission, life span and manner of death of the sun.
It matters when they get legislation passed at the state level to mandate illegitimate «science» be taught in schools, such that refutes big bang cosmology, evolutionary biology and an 11 billion year old universe / multiverse and 4.6 billion year old solar system.
You can only deny God because you want to live your life as you please without regard to the Creator of this 6000 year old universe.
Like I said, the mental gymnastics are the kind undergone to say the universe has only existed since last tuesday, the whole «everything was exactly as it would be in an old universe, even our memories, but is actually less than a week old».
Of course you can believe in an old universe and be a creationist.
All our memories are entirely fake, the world is less than a week old, it just seems like it's 4 billion years old in a 13.7 billion year old universe».
If you believe in the «long day» reading of Gen. 1, there is no problem with a 13.7 billion year old universe.
However, if one tries to argue a 7,000 - year - old universe, dinosaurs on the ark and so on, it will be a happy hunting ground for the likes of Dawkins.
Why doesn't the Bible say exactly how old the universe is if these people had access to God's knowledge?
@Bilbo, «Scientists haven't got a clue how old the universe is... not a clue.»
And your point about how old the universe is would be relevant if one was a literalist with the Bible.
Considering most Christians belong to churches that are quite accepting of both evolution and an old universe, you are either full of it, or just ignorant of facts.
We are too primitive of a species — our existence is too recent in such an old universe — to say that perhaps some incredibly advanced species isn't looking after humans in a «god - like» such a way.
What happens to the new universe when the person who created the new universe leaves to return to his old universe?
In the years since, satellites such as Planck and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe have mapped these photons and provided a fantastic view of the 380,000 - year - old universe.
Weird consciousnesses called Boltzmann brains arise in many cosmological theories — but we now have reason to rule them out unless we live in an old universe
«The HSC weak lensing map should contain signals from more distant galaxies in the 8 billion - year - old universe.
The older the universe is when these mechanisms take hold, the larger the black holes can be.
That discrepancy means that if we truly are Boltzmann brains in an old universe, then our perceptions are befuddled, too.
In such an old universe, then, the odds are that we are such brains, too.
«Because of its extremely low oxygen level, this galaxy serves as an accessible proxy for star - forming galaxies that came together within one to two billion years after the Big Bang, the early period of our nearly 14 billion - year - old universe
The Planck findings, so far, indicate the 13.8 billion - year - old universe is made up of 4.9 percent atomic matter, 26.6 percent nonatomic dark matter and 68.5 percent of the broadly defined and even less understood dark energy, according to the New York Times, which was first to report on the Planck 2014 results.
Light from the young galaxy captured by the orbiting observatories was emitted when our 13.7 - billion - year - old universe was just 500 million years old.
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